urban evil

Chapter 881 A Man Has Five Limbs

Girls all have shopping instincts. Before, Xiao Yu was still worried about the malicious slander in the tabloids, but just after visiting two stores, that little worry disappeared without a trace.

Luo Lei was even thinking that when he was not busy, he might as well let New Era Mall act as an agent for a few big international brands, not to mention how big the sales would be and how much money he could make. There must be hundreds of pieces of new clothes.

Although Xiao Yu bears the name of the little queen, she is not like other celebrities who are not well-known and have a bad temper, and only choose the expensive ones and not the right ones.

There are many clothes of not very famous brands, and she can buy them anyway.

At noon, the two randomly found a fast food restaurant, filled their stomachs and continued shopping for a while, then went to the supermarket, and then went home to prepare dinner.

After dinner, after chatting for a while, the three girls went back to their rooms to practice. Luo Lei picked up the newspaper and found the editorial department from the middle.

Then, he went out.

Without much effort, he parked his car next to a building built in the 90s and [-]s. The exterior of the building looked mottled, and the signboards in all directions indicated that there were many companies in this dilapidated building.

On the top floor, there was a piece of spray-painted cloth full of holes, which was seriously faded, but the words on it could be vaguely seen: Beijing xx Evening News.

Under the name of the Evening News, it is actually a newspaper that mainly focuses on entertainment and gossip. Due to the shortage of funds in recent years, many so-called "revealing news" in their newspapers are simply made up, and the rest are all made up. obtained from the web.

These days, there are no pictures and no truth. Many of the pictures on the "revealing news" are also synthesized by PS. Even if the parties sue them to court, they can find an excuse to say that they got it from other places. Besides, many stars are eager to pass this How about increasing one's popularity in this way? The so-called retention of the reputation of pursuing legal responsibility is simply nonsense.

To paraphrase an old saying, when Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.

So sometimes, those artists who suffer from being unable to be famous will even pay these tabloids to write some non-existent things to attract the attention of all parties.

Spending money to buy articles has become a common thing.

These days, good things don't go out and bad things spread for thousands of miles. The more scandalous articles are, the more they can attract the attention of the public.These entertainers who have been looking forward to being famous all day long are simply doing everything they can.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that most of the so-called pornographic photos and indecent videos were leaked intentionally by the protagonist himself. How could such a private matter be revealed by such a coincidence, and after being exposed, they did not take any action. rescue measures.

Before coming here, Luo Lei had a thorough understanding of these situations.

His gaze was behind the faded spray-painted signboards. The dozen or so offices were brightly lit, in stark contrast to the black lights on the floors below.

"It's best not to let me find out that you have a new article published, otherwise, your newspaper will disappear completely in the capital!" Luo Lei said to himself, and then went upstairs.

The dilapidated elevator, Luo Lei always doubted whether it could still be used, not to mention the slow speed, every floor would shake rhythmically.

Reaching the top floor, in addition to the tabloids, there is a company with lights on.

On the bronze door sign at the door, it was written - Jingcheng xx Newspaper Company, he walked in calmly, and the inside was full of excitement.

In the open office area, more than a dozen computers have a clear division of labor, including typesetting, plate making, art, etc., and there are several offices on the side.

The door of an office opened from the inside, revealing a bald head with a round face underneath, shouting outside: "The article about Leiyu Company is finished, Xiao Wang, please read it carefully, there are no typos or grammatical errors If so, start typesetting!"

"Editor-in-chief, should it still be on the front page?" the person called Xiao Wang asked.

The round-faced editor-in-chief nodded and said, "That's right, it's still the front page! They paid a lot of money, so how can we not put it on the front page! In addition, send the electronic version to our website, the most prominent position, and ask The most eye-catching color!"

"Understood!" Xiao Wang agreed in a relaxed tone, and it could be seen that they usually did such things and were familiar with the road.

Luo Lei walked in for so long, but no one noticed that all the guys were busy with their work.

Xiao Wang opened the email sent by the editor-in-chief and began to read it carefully. After a while, he said to himself: "This article is really poisonous. It described Thunderstorm as a cancer in the entertainment industry! It also involved the little queen Xiao Yu, no, Xiao Yu is such a pure star, how could she get involved in this matter?"

It seems that this Xiao Wang is also Xiao Yu's fan, and he complains for her.

However, Xiao Wang did not modify the article because of this, but carefully corrected several mistakes, and then sent it to the colleague in charge of typesetting.

Luo Lei has super-sighted eyes, even though he was standing more than ten meters away, he could still see clearly. The article not only scolded Leiyu Company, but also said that Xiaoyu didn't care about himself and signed a contract with such a company.

In this way, while people questioned Leiyu Media, they also questioned Xiaoyu.

It must be said that it is not poisonous, this is killing two birds with one stone!

Luo Lei suppressed the anger in his chest, he wanted to see what kind of nasty things these self-proclaimed noble newspapermen could do!

When the article came to the typesetting and artist side, the artist immediately picked a photo of Xiao Yu from the gallery. The photo was a bust. Xiao Yu had a surprised expression on her face, as if she was terrified after knowing that she had been exposed.

With the accompanying pictures, the layout was quickly arranged, and a sample came out from the printer. Xiao Wang picked up the sample and nodded in satisfaction, and went to the editor-in-chief's office.

At this time, Xiao Wang saw Luo Lei standing in the aisle with a face full of anger, and asked in surprise, "What do you do?"

With these words, the others also raised their heads, only to realize that there was an unexpected visitor in the company.

Everyone looked at Luo Lei with questioning eyes. There were very few strangers here, so they counted, and they also talked to the people they should find. What's the matter standing in the corridor.

"The people who came to smash your company!" Luo Lei said lightly.

"What? What did you say?" Xiao Wang didn't hear clearly what Luo Lei said.

"The person who smashed your company, this time is clear enough!" Luo Lei repeated.

Xiao Wang laughed, and everyone else laughed too. Who do you think you are when you smash our company?Just relying on a person with empty hands, do you think that all of us are vegetarians?

Several burly employees stood up, and the rest also stood up one after another, surrounding Luo Lei.

"Then I want to ask you, why did you smash our company?" Xiao Wang asked, although these people are very clear about what they are doing, and they are often a little messy, but in line with the good tradition of doing what they do and loving what they do, Coupled with the considerable salary, they are still very willing to do this job.

Some people are gearing up, some are rolling up their sleeves, ready to fight if they disagree.

There were also people who came to make trouble before, but they were easily cleaned up, and then let the police take them away, which can be regarded as familiar.

"Do you think there is a need for the behavior of not telling the truth and sparing no effort to tell others lies?" Luo Lei thinks that these are cultural people, and they should know the minimum shame.

"What are you, what right do you have to accuse us! Don't be idle, everyone, he's just here to find trouble, so let's get it done quickly so we can continue working!" Xiao Wang waved his hand, meaning to drive him away.

Luo Lei saw that these people had no shame at all, so there was no need to be polite.

He made the first move before the other party did it.

I saw fist shadows, followed by the sound of thud, thud, and Xiao Wang, who had turned around, turned around and said, "It's almost done, don't hit too hard, or the police will not be able to explain..."

When he saw the situation clearly, he couldn't utter a word. More than a dozen colleagues fell to the ground, and several female colleagues screamed in fright.

Xiao Wang subconsciously took out his mobile phone to call the police, but just as he took it out of his pocket, it exploded together with his female colleague's mobile phone, causing pain in his palm.

"This is the way you are looking for your own death, don't blame me!" With a thought in his mind, Luo Lei's avatar released a trace of black energy, which invaded the heads of these people, and they all fainted.

At this time, the door of the editor-in-chief's office opened.

The editor-in-chief shouted at the top of his voice, "What's the matter with you, why are you arguing? Ah, who are you and what are you going to do?"

Luo Lei came to the editor-in-chief in a flash, put his hand around his neck, and shouted: "If you don't want to die, just answer my question honestly, otherwise, I will throw you down from here!"

The editor-in-chief left his feet off the ground, terrified in his heart, and said in a pitch-shifted voice: "Don't kill me, what do you want to know, as long as I know, I will tell you!"

Just kidding, a bunch of employees fell to the ground, can he not be afraid?

"Okay, then let me ask you, who is responsible for arranging the matter between Leiyu Company and Xiao Yu?" Luo Lei asked.

"Ah? I don't know about this!" The editor-in-chief replied quickly, and with erratic eyes, it was obvious that he was lying.

Luo Lei slammed him to the ground, and the editor-in-chief screamed, feeling as if all the bones in his body were falling apart, and there was no place that didn't hurt.

This was not over yet, Luo Lei stepped on his left arm, and with a click, the arm broke.

"A man has five limbs, so you have five chances, and now you have four more!" Luo Lei said coldly, "I'll ask you again, who is it?"

"I really don't know, the other party sent the money by transfer, and I acted through the request in the e-mail..."

"Sorry, wrong answer!" Luo Lei stepped on and broke the editor's left leg this time!

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