urban evil

Chapter 882

There were hog-killing screams in the newspaper office. Luo Lei had already set up a sound barrier, and the people on other floors who were still working overtime could not hear them at all.

In order to make the editor-in-chief tell the truth, he raised his foot, aimed at the crotch of the guy, and said viciously: "You have to seize the third chance, otherwise, there will be one more eunuch in this world!"

The editor-in-chief was terrified. China is a society ruled by law. He never thought that one day he would suffer such abuse. If he disagreed with him, his hands and feet would be trampled off by the other party, and he would soon become a eunuch!

If I knew this was the case, it would be nice to tell the truth from the beginning!

The editor-in-chief regretted it. Seeing that Luo Lei was about to step on his little brother, he hurriedly said, "It's Mr. Lin from Wenshang Media. He gave me money to arrange for Thunderstorm Entertainment and Xiaoyu!"

Luo Lei slowly put his foot down, and snorted, "If I hadn't said it earlier, I'd be fine! Let me ask you again, how much did he give you?"

"No... not much money..." the editor-in-chief said tremblingly.

"Answer me!" Luo Lei raised his foot again.

"A total of 8 yuan, buy three front-page articles!" The editor-in-chief confessed: "I withheld [-] of it privately, and the remaining [-] went to the newspaper's account. I'm telling the truth!"

nnd, for 8 yuan, you can maliciously slander others, these bastards!

"Are you familiar with Wen Shang whose surname is Lin?" Luo Lei asked the third question.

"It's okay, we are classmates in high school!" The editor-in-chief no longer dared to hide anything, and said: "But I have never cooperated before, this is the first time he has approached me! It is for this reason that I only accept him 8 yuan, after all, there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future!"

I don't think you will have any chance to continue working together in the future, and even if you do, it will be on the side of Lord Yan.

It turned out to be exactly as Luo Lei thought, indeed Wen Shang's people were doing the tricks, why is it someone named Lin, does it have any connection with that Mr. Lin?

Luo Lei thought for a few seconds before looking down at the editor-in-chief who was suffering from pain with cold sweat on his face.

"Hero, please forgive me. I also use money to do things. I will never dare to speak ill of Lei Yu and Xiao Yu again. I swear!" , I have a camera installed here, the police will not let you go!

Luo Lei didn't bother to figure out what the editor-in-chief was thinking, because he had no intention of letting this guy go.

"You guys who are used to turning right and wrong, I can't believe it!" Luo Lei said with a sneer: "There is only one way to make people shut up forever. You are a smart person, and you should be able to figure out what I mean. The next time you reincarnate During this time, please remember to be a kind person, or I will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Lei raised his leg and stepped heavily on the editor-in-chief's crotch. This kind of person should have no descendants.

The editor-in-chief opened his mouth wide, unable to scream under the severe pain, only the sound of a wild beast was left in his mouth.

With the fourth kick, Luo Lei broke his neck, and the editor-in-chief died.

As for the others, it doesn't matter if they didn't do anything just now, Xiao Wang and those guys who are eager to fight are absolutely impossible to let go, who asked you to help the tyrant!

With a thought in Luo Lei's mind, those who didn't do anything stood up with blank expressions, walked towards the door, and took the elevator downstairs.

Then, several other people stood up and went to the corridor outside to wait for the elevator.

Only the dead editor-in-chief, Xiao Wang, and two or three others were left in the huge newspaper office, and Luo Lei started to set fire to it.

Although it wasn't a shamisen fire, it burned very quickly. Thick smoke billowed out of the windows. After the people outside got on the elevator, the steel cable suddenly burst, and the elevator fell straight down from the seventh floor. Survived.

At this time, the first batch of people who came down suddenly woke up, and they shouted: "Firefighter, it's on fire, call the police!"

Luo Lei modified the memories of these people with the power of magic repair. They didn't remember that there was such a person as Luo Lei. The only memory was the fire in the office. They hurried downstairs, and some colleagues were trapped inside.

Beijing xx Evening News will become history from today.

Luo Lei hovered in mid-air, watching the two-meter-high flames rushing out of the window and the panicked people below, and said to himself, "It is true that unkind people are hateful, but they dare to provoke me if they are unkind." People, there is only one dead end!"

After speaking, Yu Jian flew away.

A few minutes later, the fire engine arrived. Thanks to the efforts of the fire police, the fire was finally brought under control. Except for the rooms on the seventh floor, it did not spread to other floors.

Then, they found several charred corpses from the fire site where the open flames were extinguished. No one thought much about why one of them had two fractures. Things are very common.

The next day, the news that the Beijing XX Evening News was destroyed by a fire became the headlines of the entertainment sections of the major media. Many people expressed their emotions, but not many people cared about the content published in the XX Evening News the day before.

Wenshang Entertainment, Lin Qiang looked at the computer screen, and said to himself in surprise: "Fire? What a coincidence, they still owe me two front-page articles! Damn, the editor-in-chief is burned to death, who do I ask to quit?" Money?"

"Coincidentally, I think it's normal?" A voice sounded from Lin Qiang's side.

"What a coincidence, I think it's a coincidence..." Lin Qiang answered subconsciously, while turning his head, when he saw a person he didn't know, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you, and which department are you from?"

The person who came was Luo Lei. After finding trouble with the newspaper office yesterday, he naturally wanted to trouble Wen Shang today.

Lin Qiang regarded him as an employee of Wenshang. After all, he had just come to work here not long ago, and many people in other departments didn't know him.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that your 8 yuan is really worth it. If you buy a front page article, you'll get a few lives!" Luo Lei said in a cold tone: "Among them It also includes the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, as expected of the newly-appointed art director, the money spent is really admirable!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Qiang asked. He heard some clues from Luo Lei's words. Could it be that the accident at the newspaper was not an accident at all?

Luo Lei pointed to the brand-new floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, and said, "Your ex jumped out from here. If you don't want to follow in the footsteps of your ex, then obediently tell me what you want to know. Otherwise, you will be able to talk to your high school classmates immediately." We met underground!"

Lin Qiang's complexion changed drastically. Not many people knew that he and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper were high school classmates, and they also recognized each other by accident.

And there is also the case of Editor-in-Chief Ma committing suicide by jumping off a building. Outsiders only know that he jumped from a building, but not that he smashed a glass window and jumped off.

"You... who are you?" Lin Qiang's tone was trembling, and he was afraid.

"I repeat, tell me what I want to know!" Luo Lei stepped in front of Lin Qiang, put his hand on his neck, and said, "You have to remember one more thing, a very important point, that is, you can only answer questions right, not the right to ask questions, understand?"

Lin Qiang clearly saw Luo Lei rushing towards him, but he had no chance to dodge. After being stuck in the neck, his feet were already off the ground, and he felt a sense of suffocation immediately.

"Tell me, why did you bribe the editor-in-chief of the newspaper to attack Leiyu Company and Xiaoyu?" Luo Lei asked, and at the same time he said: "Like your high school classmates, you have five chances, if you can't tell If I am satisfied with the answer, I will break one of your limbs!"

"Xiao Yu was picked up by our Wen Shang. She became popular but refused to renew her contract with the company. I wanted to use this method to suppress the company she signed with!" Lin Qiang replied.

"What's the purpose?" Roy's second question.

"Break down that company and sign Xiao Yu back!" Lin Qiang answered quickly, he was terrified in his heart, and he dared not tell half a lie.

"This trick is quite poisonous!" Luo Lei stared at him and asked, "The last question, who told you to do this?"

"It's mine, I belong to this company... Ah... Kacha..."

Before Lin Qiang finished speaking, Luo Lei broke one arm, and it was broken into three pieces, and his hands were even more comminuted.

Lin Qiang screamed in pain, Luo Lei pointed at his neck and shoulder points, and that arm immediately lost consciousness.

"Tell me to break your neck again!" Roy shouted.

The pain disappeared as soon as he lost consciousness, but Lin Qiang was still in a cold sweat. Seeing one of his arms become like that, who can calm down?

"I say it's true!" Of course Lin Qiang would not betray his master.

"The answer is wrong!" Luo Lei twisted both of his arms, and said, "You are a wage earner, why are you so concerned about the company's affairs? Let me tell you the truth, I know you are a son of Lin, so don't tell the truth To be honest, you have to go down to find Director Ma and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, that’s not bad, just get three people together, and you can fight the landlord!”

Hearing Luo Lei say the words "surnamed Lin", Lin Qiang's complexion became even uglier, and his body hanging in the air began to tremble like chaff.

Although Lin Qiang has no skills, he is a loyal and loyal person. He knows that once he loses the protection of Mr. Lin, he will only be able to drink the northwest wind, so no matter what happens, he will not betray his master .

But people already know their details, so what's the point of keeping tight-lipped?

In fact, this is just a step he has found for himself.

"Say it, you still have three chances!" Luo Lei's tone was unhurried, but to Lin Qiang, it was tantamount to an ultimatum.

"I... I said..." Lin Qiang's last line of defense was gone, and he told what Mr. Lin had explained.

Luo Lei's face sank like water, and he thought to himself that that nasty Mr. Lin still couldn't forget Xiao Yu. The last time Director Ma proposed a drug-intoxicating plan, that guy remembered it even more. The person surnamed Ma died. The matter also fell on Lin Qiang.

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