urban evil

Chapter 970 Intimidation?

The transport plane and the four escorting fighter jets issued a red alarm at the same time, which is a message that will only be issued after being locked by the missile.

"Escort No. [-], I am a transport plane, and my plane shows that it is locked by a missile..."

"Transporter, I am Escort No. [-], and we are also locked! It should be the fire control radar of a certain country below. Don't worry about the transporter. Before departure, we have notified the countries that need to pass through. I believe they will not launch missiles. !"

When the transport plane communicates with the escort plane, it is transmitted to the cabin through the broadcast.

"Damn it, you dare to use radar to lock us! It's too much. I will come back to take revenge if I find a chance!" Chen Yunfei is a pilot who knows this well. Locking means that the plane has been shot down!"

"It's too much!" Liu Chenggang shook the sniper laser gun in his hand.

"This shows that people don't welcome us!" The fat man said worriedly: "I hope there will be no accidents. If we are really shot down by the missiles below, we will die unjustly!"

Luo Lei frowned slightly. It was not impossible. After all, Huaxia had no friendship with the country they were passing through, and he had made many enemies in Europe, so it was inevitable that he would not be retaliated against.

At the radar station below, a cold light flashed from the corner of the commander's mouth, no one noticed a fang growing in his mouth.

That's right, this person is a low-level vampire. He was placed in the army a few years ago. After he got the news that the blood race was extinct, he has been holding the idea of ​​revenge against the Chinese people. Now is the best opportunity.

"Aim at their transport plane, fire a volley, count down to five seconds, start!" the commander ordered.


The alarm on the transport plane became more urgent, and Escort No. [-] reported: "The enemy is about to launch missiles. It seems that our estimation was wrong. The formation immediately climbed up and released decoy bombs!"

The five planes began to climb at the same time, and the performance indicators of the fighter jets were several times higher than those of the transport plane, and they left the transport plane behind as soon as they accelerated.

While increasing its horsepower to climb, the transport plane fired infrared chaff bombs outward to attract enemy missiles.

Three surface-to-air missiles flew away from the launch pad with tongues of flame, and shot towards the sky at high speed.

"Escort No. [-], the missile is heading for the transport plane!" Although Escort No. [-] and the others were still locked by the radar, they showed no sign of being attacked.

"Damn it!" The transport plane pilot scolded: "Why are you targeting us? Hurry up and launch a counterattack on the escort plane. If we are knocked out, you have to help us avenge!"

Escort No. [-] said helplessly: "We only have air-to-air missiles, and we don't have air-to-ground attack capabilities! Even if there are, the headquarters probably won't give us attack authority. We will return immediately to help you attract missiles. In terms of evasion capabilities, we Your plane is much better than yours!"

The faces of the four people in the cabin all changed. The evasion ability of the transport plane is the worst among all kinds of aircraft. Once attacked, it can only launch decoy bombs. It is really hard to say how many missiles can mislead the enemy.

Especially when faced with this kind of three-shot salvo, chaff decoy bombs are useless in most cases!

"Damn it, I want to fuck!" Chen Yunfei said with a yummy expression: "I died before I was born... I'll be his uncle, I will be a groom in two months, and I will die here for no reason. My beautiful daughter-in-law, Xiaolin, must not be a widow!"

The fat man answered: "It's impossible to be a widow, but I don't know which bastard is cheaper! Your wife is indeed pretty enough, I don't know how many green ribbons will be worn on your grave!"

"I'll fuck you, uncle!" Chen Yunfei stared like a cow's egg.

Luo Lei said: "Don't worry, you three, I won't let you die here! The bastards below must pay for their actions. You stay here honestly, and I'll go out for a while!"

"Get out, how do you get out?" The three of them were taken aback at the same time, did they go out with a parachute on their backs?At such a high speed, skydiving is a dead end!

Even if you jumped out, so what? We admit that you are very powerful, but you can't be so powerful that you can become an invincible fighter jet and shoot down missiles, right?

Luo Lei's figure disappeared in a flash, and the three men looked at each other with their mouths opened wide.

"Brothers, I'm not mistaken, did the wolf pot just disappear out of thin air?" said the fat man.

"I also think it's a hallucination, whoever pinches me will prove that I'm not dreaming!" Chen Yunfei said.

"How could the three of us hallucinate at the same time? What we saw was real!" Liu Chenggang was the oldest and relatively the most stable, he said: "Xiao Lei just disappeared in front of the three of us. It is estimated that we will never know that Wolf Pot has such a terrifying ability until we die!"

Fatty nodded and said: "The analysis of the steel pot is right, it is indeed the oldest among us!"

Liu Chenggang thought to himself that if you don't mention that brother is the oldest, he will die. Older age is useful, but the oldest rank is the lowest. You three bastards, one day brother will catch up!

Cough, catch up with Luo Lei, that's fine, that guy is already a major general, if he wants to catch up with him, he has to be promoted to lieutenant general, I guess he won't be able to sit in such a high position if he dies in the army.

"It's saved!" Chen Yunfei grabbed the dead fat man by the collar, and said angrily, "Who said that Xiaolin would wear a green ribbon on my grave just now, I'll never end with him!"

The fat man quickly smiled and said: "I was just joking! You and Xiaolin are so in love, how is it possible? Even if you are looking for a bunch of mistresses outside, Xiaolin will not give you a cuckold, hehe! "

"That's about the same!" Chen Yunfei let go, stood up and climbed to the window of the cabin, and said, "I have to see how Xiaolei handles those missiles!"

Liu Chenggang and Fatty also followed, three heads squeezed next to a small window.

Outside, Luo Lei stepped on the flying sword, holding a large-caliber Desert Eagle in his hand, and pulled the trigger on an oncoming missile.

Shooting missiles with a pistol is something he can think of and do.

In front of the missile is a radar seeker. I have to say that this surface-to-air missile is still very advanced. It integrates the three guidance methods of TV guidance, infrared tracking and radar guidance. Those decoy bombs are in front of it. Hide away.

The bullet accurately hit the seeker, destroying all these precise components.

Without the seeker, even the advanced missile becomes a useless fire stick, flying straight in another direction, with the momentum of not stopping until the propellant is exhausted.

The second missile was split in two by Luo Lei's flying sword and fell headlong.

At the air defense station below, the missile soldiers reported: "Two missiles are out of control!"

"How is it possible? We are launching the most advanced surface-to-air missiles, and what we have to deal with is just a military transport plane!" The commander said in disbelief.

"We don't know what's going on. The missile was fine, but it fell headfirst. It's really strange!" said the missile soldier.

The strange thing is still behind, the third missile they had hoped for also lost contact, and the radar screen next to it showed that something with a small radar wave reflection area was falling from the sky.

Could it be the missiles we fired?

The commander did not believe this fact at all. Their missiles have been tested in actual combat. The hit rate of a single shot is above 80.00%, and the hit rate of a double salvo can reach 90.00%. The fighter jets were also doomed.

But now facing a transport plane, the most advanced surface-to-air missile failed.

The commander said coldly: "Prepare the second launching unit, listen to my password, three-way salvo!"

"Commander, didn't you say to test the strength of the Chinese people? Our goal has been achieved, why do we still need to launch? Is it really going to kill them? You have to think about it!" The missile soldier turned around and said, in case They really shot down the plane of Huaxia Kingdom, and all of them couldn't eat and walked around.

"I'll be responsible if something goes wrong, just follow the order!" The commander sternly said, the only thing left in his mind was to shoot down the Huaxia plane and avenge the dead clansmen.

Ever since the surviving vampires declared their allegiance to Nivena, they had completely cut off contact with the low-level vampires outside, so he didn't know that the vampires hadn't been wiped out.

"Damn Chinese people, you will pay the blood price for your previous actions!" Luo Lei's thick voice sounded in the command room, and a group of communication soldiers had no idea how the other party cracked their communication frequency.

Everyone was taken aback, which meant that their base had been exposed.

"Spray a volley, and then shoot out all the missiles, and shoot down all the Chinese planes!" The commander shouted hysterically.


With a loud bang, the command post under the bunker began to shake, and hair-length electric arcs appeared on the radar, computer and other equipment, and these arcs short-circuited all electrical components.

"It's an anti-radiation missile!" The missile soldier shouted: "Commander, all our equipment has failed, except for the communication equipment, which can still be used!"

The commander's face was livid, and at this moment, Luo Lei's voice came again: "No matter what your purpose is, what I want to tell you is that you have pissed me off! I have always had the character of blood for blood and tooth for tooth. I will destroy your country in the next 10 minutes, take this opportunity to call your family quickly, I will save your place until the end!"

Everyone's faces changed, and the commander yelled: "Who does he think he is! There are no powerful lethal weapons on their planes. This is a threat, don't believe it!"

Whether it's a threat or not, you'll know right away!

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