urban evil

Chapter 971 Hua Xiawei

A small country in Central Europe. This country was once a member of the Warsaw Pact. After the disintegration of the behemoth Soviet Union, it declared independence, and later joined NATO.

This country is small in size, only slightly larger than a city in China, but it cannot be underestimated in terms of military science and technology. Many R&D projects of the people of country M require their experts to assist.

It is precisely because of this that the commander of the air defense base trusts his surface-to-air missiles so much.

But now, all the computers and TV frequencies in this country have been hacked, and all the screens that can display images and texts are all the same words-your country opened fire on our Chinese military plane, and the Chinese people swear to destroy your country , and then a 10-minute countdown.

They were already suffering unspeakably when they were invaded by foreign races, and now they have to face the rebellion of the Chinese people. People in the whole country feel that victory is hopeless.

The high-level military immediately ordered to investigate the matter, and the commander was soon found out.

"Who do you think you are, God?" The commander-in-chief's roar rang out in the command room. He didn't deal with the aliens properly, and even planned to attack Huaxia Aircraft!You have been dismissed, and the rest of you, arrest him immediately!I want to personally hand him over to the Huaxia people, and let the Huaxia people handle it!

Several soldiers came up and arrested the commander.

Luo Lei flew back and forth over the country a few times, dropping hundreds of mini-nuclear bombs.

Although a TNT explosive equivalent of only a few thousand tons is enough to deal with such a small country.

Just when he was about to detonate, the communicator on his ear rang: "You must be Major General Luo Lei of Huaxia Kingdom. I am General Cole, Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies of Country xx. The previous incident was a misunderstanding. We have already The person who modified the order without permission was arrested..."

"It's late!" Roy interrupted General Cole very rudely, and said, "According to your logic, you just need to hand over the culprit to me, right? It's not that simple. If our plane is shot down If it comes down, that’s dozens of lives. Can one culprit offset it? Don’t tell me that you are lax in order to warn you. If you want to survive, start praying for your underground bunker from now on. Strong enough!"

After speaking, Luo Lei pressed the button, and dozens of small nuclear bombs in the north exploded together, then in the south, east and west, and finally the anti-aircraft missile positions.

Fatty Fatty, Chen Yunfei and Liu Chenggang watched the cloud of mushrooms rising, feeling deeply moved in their hearts. This is the wolf pot, and such flaws must be reported!

The violent explosion turned this small European country into a hell on earth. Except for a few people who hid in nuclear-proof bunkers, all the rest died in the explosion.

The faces of the president and the commander-in-chief were ashen. They wanted to pluck the skin of that mischievous commander. Who are you to provoke, but you want to provoke the Chinese. Are we the ones who provoked the Chinese?

In the past, it was no big deal to stroke the tiger's beard with the support of the people of country M, but now?

The people of Country M have long been overwhelmed by themselves. Now the only country in the world that can fight against other races is Huaxia Country. Why are you provoking them?

"You guys had better hide from me for the rest of your life. Once I find people from your country, I'll blow you up again!" Luo Lei's voice echoed in the underground bunker: "This is what happens when you sneak up on the Chinese people. Enough for me to remember clearly!"

In the next second, Luo Lei caught up with the plane and appeared in the cabin out of thin air. The pilots of the five planes had no idea what happened.

He is especially familiar with transport aircraft pilots, thinking that his superb technology defeated the enemy's advanced missiles.

The next few countries to pass through were terrified. The commander-in-chief personally ordered not to shoot missiles into the sky, even if it was to hit alien spaceships, so as not to anger the Chinese people and cause death.

So, the following flight was very smooth.

"Wolf Pot, what is your identity?" The fat man grabbed Luo Lei's arm and asked, "Could it be a fairy in the legend, or if it disappears, it will disappear, and if it appears, it will appear! No, I have to study it." How are you different from me!"

"Go away, I don't care about the base, don't touch me!" Luo Lei kicked the fat man aside, and said: "Since I let you know, I won't hide it, but you must swear Don't tell anyone what I say next!"

Chen Yunfei was the first to raise his hand and swore, "I won't tell anyone, even Xiaolin!"

"If I say it, I will not be promoted for the rest of my life!" Liu Chenggang said vowedly.

"It's the same for me, if I add another one, I won't be able to get a girl for a lifetime!" said the fat man.

"Hehe, I believe you won't tell the truth. First of all, no one will believe you if you tell it. In addition, if you tell it today, the military police will come to you for tea tomorrow! Be careful, you will drink it for a lifetime!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

The three of them swallowed at the same time. As military officers, they were very clear about Huaxia's secrecy regulations and the punishment they would receive if they violated them.

"I'm a cultivator, you should have heard of this name!" Luo Lei turned his gaze to the fat man, and said, "You come from a family of ancient warriors, so you should know what a cultivator is, right?"

"I know, I know!" The fat man nodded like pounding garlic, and said, "Cultivators will eventually ascend to become immortals. Before becoming immortals, they can fly with a sword and use various spells!"

"That's right!" Luo Lei patted himself on the chest and said, "Brother is such a person! To be more specific... Forget it, it's better not to say it, so that you don't know, it will become a psychological burden! You just You need to know that whether this mission is successful or not, you will come back alive!"

The dead fat man suddenly knelt in front of Luo Lei, hugged his thigh and said, "****guo, what you gave us just now must be an elixir, right? Give me a few more, I'll go back and study it carefully, if possible Let's mass produce, and I'll share half of the money you earn, how about it?"

Luo Lei kicked him away again, and said angrily: "You think Liuwei Dihuang Wan is produced, so go back and study it! Even if you study it all your life, you can't research it! It's made by practitioners, not by using several kinds of pills. Simple herbs can handle it, so give up on it!"

The fat man's face was full of disappointment, he didn't pay attention to the two kicks he suffered.

The transport plane soon arrived at the scheduled airspace, and after lowering the altitude, four people parachuted.

The five planes didn't make any stops, turned around and returned at full speed. They didn't want to be attacked by missiles again, or be chased by alien spaceships.

After the four of them landed, they packed their umbrella bags as quickly as possible, checked their weapons, and then headed towards the place where the battle between the Minotaur and the local army took place.

From this moment on, Luo Lei regarded himself as an ordinary special soldier, and the other three guys, after learning that he was a cultivator, had no scruples in their hearts, and their morale was so high that it was so high!

Along the bumpy road, they quickly arrived at the designated place.

There have been several conflicts in this area. The local army suffered heavy losses and lost a lot of property before they were able to deal with the two Minotaurs.

At this time, the Minotaur and the Kuruks have changed their original strategy of marching in large groups and looking for decisive battle opportunities, and changed to the way of encircling and suppressing small groups of troops. A small team can be composed of two or three Minotaurs, and there are many Man acts alone.

There are two main reasons for making such a change: First, the Minotaur and the Kuruks have extraordinary fighting power, which is several times greater than the number of people on Earth. One or two people can easily deal with dozens of people and hundreds of people, and they will not suffer any losses. !

Since this is the case, there is no need to concentrate dozens of Minotaurs to deal with the same number of enemies, division of troops is inevitable.

The second reason is that from the Earth people, no matter how large the army is, they are not opponents of foreign races, and they are easy to be eaten by one bite. Guerrilla warfare has become the best choice.

The earthlings have divided their forces, and the Minotaur will naturally have to divide their forces accordingly, with multiple units against multiple units.

This is a good opportunity for Luo Lei and the others. At least they don't have to worry about encountering a large number of enemies. One or two Minotaurs are nothing to worry about.

Although he didn't call the old guy for help, Luo Lei himself had a sensory ability that surpassed that of ordinary people, and soon he discovered the camp of two Minotaurs.

Two guys sat around a campfire with a skinned cow on top of it, the smell of roasting meat in the air.

"Damn it, they are actually grilling their own kind! They really are uncivilized races, they must not know the meaning of the phrase "a tiger's poison does not eat its children!" Chen Yunfei said.

"Your uncle, if you have a bull's head, do you have a relationship with a cow?" Liu Chenggang scolded with a smile: "It's not easy for these guys to directly roast the dead on the fire!"

Fatty also wanted to express his opinion.

"Don't say a few words!" Luo Lei said in a deep voice: "Now we have two options. The first is to start fighting! The second is to go around and find the enemy who is alone. After all, these are two Minotaurs. We don't have to It can be dealt with! But once you start fighting, if you can't fight, you have no chance to run!"

The fat man said: "I suggest to fight, the guy in our hand is not an ordinary weapon!"

"I also recommend fighting. As long as we cooperate well, even if we fail to fight, we won't lose too badly!" Liu Chenggang said.

Chen Yunfei's opinion was similar to the two of them, and he also advocated fighting.

"Okay, since you all want to fight, then beat them!" Luo Lei began to assign tasks: "c1 steel pot, you go to the high ground in the front right and set up a gathering position; c3 dead fat man, go to the left rear and set up a fire support team position, form a crossfire with the steel pot! C2 gray pot, you go to the position in the middle left and take on the task of covering me. Seek merit but seek no fault, understand?"

"Understood!" The three roared at the same time.

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