
Chapter 103 As if in a dream

Chapter 103 As if in a dream

The word was sent outside, and immediately caused a sensation, everyone was guessing who wrote the word... Su San didn't sign it, and didn't let Mr. Ji tell the story of himself in it... Therefore, among all the talented people, you With one word, I guessed it, and the word hit Tianxiang's head... Tianxiang was overjoyed: "It's all right... Tianxiang can also be a talented woman..."

"You should go and clarify it earlier. Which talent will come to praise you later and ask you to write lyrics, but it will be exposed..." Mrs. Yu poured a ladle of cold water... "I didn't admit that this word is I made it myself, but they guessed it themselves... What does Yu Tianxiang have to do with it, besides, who has the face to make Tianxiang write poetry... If there is no 1000 taels, don't even think about opening that mouth..."

"You're crazy about money..." Yu said with a smile... Anyway, these are jokes. 【】The number of people admiring chrysanthemums outside gradually increased.Tianxiang finally couldn't bear the pleas of the talented scholars, so she went outside the house under the eaves and played a song.

Su San also took Yu'er and left through the side door...Since it was Chongyang Festival, climbing the heights was the most important point. The chrysanthemum was passed, the rewards were passed, and the poems were finished, so it would be meaningless to stay any longer... ...Ren Yingying wanted to accompany Su San to go climbing together, but it was a bit unreasonable for her to leave just because she had newly recognized her godfather. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to stay with her grandfather.

Su San didn't care about these things. Even if he made a promise to Ren Yingying, he didn't think that the relationship between the two of them could really reach the point where they could get married... It's just that he didn't hate Ren Yingying in his heart, and he also wanted to help her Becoming Ji Lao's granddaughter... For him, he just did one thing: let a woman he admired live a better life... Of course, it's not a joke when he promises a marriage.The major premise is that I am a good man; the minor premise is that I have a broad heart; the result is: it is not enough to support a few more women... In fact, in this world, a woman who can really make you like is really Where does a woman who can make her fall in love, a woman who can really comfort her heart that has traveled through the millennium without wavering in the ancient well exist?

Li Yueer?Ren Yingying?Yu?

Maybe we need to know more before we can feel the real concern...Emotions are a long journey...He is still not ready to get married...That's why he delays the time.He also understands that since he is already in this era, he must integrate into this era, but it is not so easy to really devote himself to this era... It is not something that can be fully integrated as a child of his own. time.

The things of the previous life should be gradually forgotten.Even when I think about it occasionally, I still think that the things in that life are just a book, a book written a long time ago.

There are some fantasies in the book, and some bizarre stories are recorded.But those are just fantasies, not reality... To reach this state, he needs time... Maybe that's why he doesn't care about everything and is tired of everything... The old is slowly going away, the new is coming.Some things should come, but they still have to come... Li Yueer's affairs can be postponed; Ren Yingying's affairs can also be postponed...even many other things can be postponed... But, dealing with the Lin family's affairs cannot be delayed.

Lying on the same bed with a poisonous snake, if you don't pinch it to death, it will make your death very difficult...Since I have come to Feng Dynasty and lived in Wuling City, I don't allow it, someone is staring at me... It's one thing if you can't do it without the ability; it's another thing if you want to do it if you have the ability... Li Yue'er, Ren Yingying, the Su family, the Li family, and even the Yu family... All of these, What's the point of discussing whether you want to do or not to do the things that you have just connected with yourself when they are likely to be cut off one by one by the Lin family?

Since he didn't want to really become a monk, he could only control the Lin family so that he wouldn't hurt himself... Walking on the mountain climbing road, Su San was thinking about these things.

There are many ways to deal with the Lin family.

You can collect a little evidence, submit a complaint to the Overwatch Council in Jinling, and ask someone from the capital to trouble Mr. Lin. Although this method will take longer and have little effect, but this Mr. Lin is disgusting, let him He was busy with his business, so it was also a way to worry about himself.

It is also possible to take some drastic measures directly, and the businessmen who ran to Wuling unanimously opposed Lin Hailu.This method is very direct and very contradictory. If there is a lot of momentum, it is very easy to succeed.During this period of time, Lin Hailu scraped off a lot of money in Wuling, and everyone may not be willing in their hearts. If someone takes the lead and everyone makes a fuss together, Lin Hailu may also have a headache... The most fundamental way is to settle it once and for all. Lin Hailu was killed... This is a very risky thing to do, but if he is allowed to plan this kind of thing, with Feng Chao's unscientific criminal investigation methods, as long as no one deliberately finds old debts after the fact, this matter will be difficult. It won't be very difficult to succeed...Of course, there is a more secure shortcut.That was the information revealed by Ji Lao and Sheng Lao before...Someone in the capital wants to touch Lin Hailu.

Although I don't know what it is, someone in Jinling wants to move Lin Hailu.However, Su Sanlai still has a lot to do with this matter... Unknowingly borrowing someone else's hand to pull Mr. Lin down from the position of sheriff, it would be best if he didn't have to get too involved It's over... the matter is over, what should I do?Well, it's better to use this method...it saves trouble and effort, and it's also safe... However, with this method, you'd better collect some information yourself, so that it can come in handy at critical times.These materials must have a final effect, otherwise, even if someone above made up their minds to punish Lin Hailu, I am afraid it will not be so easy... If Lin Hailu is prepared in advance, the key evidence should be covered up first. , that means someone is coming from above, and I'm afraid I won't be able to exert all my strength if I want to catch him... I have to make a fuss about it

If you don't hold Lin Hailu's seven inches, I'm afraid there is still a problem... But, what kind of thing is Lin Hailu's seven inches?How did I find those things myself?

If you think about it, of course you can't think of it.I have to collect some information and come over... Well, this time I really have something to do... Thinking about this, I climbed to the top of the mountain without knowing it.

In his last life, he had no lack of experience of climbing high places. At that time, he always felt a feeling of being overwhelmed by the heights; but now, standing on the top of the mountain, he looked at the blurred city outline in the distance and the bright East Lake. , the feeling of being overwhelmed by the heights has disappeared... Does this mean that I am slowly forgetting the past life... maybe, the old ones don't go away, and the new ones don't come.

Sighing softly, I read silently in my heart: gently I left (previous life), just as I gently came (present day), I gently waved, causing countless clouds... "Master why Sigh, are you tired?" Yu'er tilted her head, looking at Su San... Are you tired?Maybe.He smiled and pointed to the Wuling City Road in the distance, "Does it look like you are in a dream?"

"Dream?" Yu'er stared at the distant, blurred city.She doesn't understand the meaning of the young master's words... Naturally, Yu'er can't understand the meaning of his words. Who in this world can understand the meaning of his words?

"I don't want to...today's task is to have fun. Yu'er, let's go to that temple..." Su San pointed to a temple on the mountain top.

There is a temple on Minshan Mountain, but this temple is not big.

The name of the temple is Minshan Temple, and there are only three buildings in total.A very small main hall, and the second row of wing rooms occupying a very small area.

If you want to go to the temple to practice Zen Buddhism, the main hall is actually a bit dilapidated.Although someone cleans it from time to time, it has indeed reached the point where it needs to be repaired.With such a precious appearance, the people who come in don't have the mind to practice Zen... If they want to go to some scenery in the temple, it's actually worthless.There are no exotic flowers and herbs, and it is difficult to find a good scripture... Really, there are only a few lonely pagodas behind the wing room.

This pagoda is supposed to be the burial place of the pastors of the Minshan Temple. There are some handwriting engraved on the body of the small pagoda, which can kill some time.

In addition, it doesn't take half a stick of incense to visit the whole temple. It is really pitifully small... Su San guessed that if it wasn't for Minshan Mountain, people would come to climb the mountain every year and bring some income to the temple. It should be dilapidated... But it's almost the same now, except for the three old monks who are unwilling to go to other temples to place orders, there are no other people in the temple.

I believe that in a few years, after these old monks have passed away, the temple will almost come to an end. Unless someone shows great kindness and rebuilds this Minshan Temple, otherwise, it will only be ruined sooner or later... "How about Yu'er? Don't go, let's go to the tower forest at the back..." Su San saw Yu'er sitting on the grass in the hall, and she didn't want to get up anymore, so she couldn't help laughing..."Young master, go by yourself, Yu'er And waiting for the young master here, it is really too fast to go up the mountain, I can't move..." Yu'er had a bitter face.The young master went up the mountain, walking like flying, she barely kept up with the young master, and now she has to wander around, she doesn't have that much strength... Su San saw that there were still many climbers who hadn't descended the mountain walking in front of the temple, so she wasn't worried If something happens to Yu'er, let her only rest here, and then enter the tower from the back of the hall, through the wing room...


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