
Chapter 104 The Power of Taijiquan

Chapter 104 The Power of Tai Chi

In fact, it is not called Tallinn, and there are only seven or eight stone towers. 【】

A stone pagoda is the ultimate destination of a monk's life.And the stone pagoda, the ultimate destination of this life, a temple like this, I am afraid that a monk must start alms from a very young age to save the money to build this stone pagoda.

When he thought of the previous life, there were many people who couldn't afford to die, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed... People live their whole lives, and even if they seek an ideal way to die, they can't get it. Sometimes, it's really sad.

His mind fluttered, he was sad, he sighed softly, and then went up to the stone pagoda...Suddenly, a black shadow was reflected on the stone pagoda.

Even though his mind was calm, he couldn't help being taken aback. Why did a figure suddenly appear behind him?

Before he had any room to think, he felt an air current blowing fiercely behind him, and someone was approaching quickly... All of a sudden, various thoughts flooded his mind, and all kinds of possibilities flashed in his mind.It's just that he understands that now is not the time to think about these things, no matter what is behind it, it is not the time for him to think wildly... He decisively cut off all distracting thoughts, turned his body to the side in a hurry, and fell to the ground, ignoring his image, donkey The same thing rolled out... Pull the space away, first reverse the momentum of being extremely passive, otherwise everything will be useless... Sure enough, there is someone behind him, and there is actually a long sword in his hand... Su San The cold sweat oozes out, there is no time to think about it, after one roll, roll again.Barely dodged, a fierce stabbing sword...Rolling to the back of the stone tower, with the help of the stone tower, he finally got the chance to stand up and meet the swordsman behind him face to face..."Who are you?" He asked The face of this swordsman...is a young man with a murderous look between his brows.Without a mask, it seems to show the determination of the swordsman to kill himself... Su San put on a Taiji boxing air... The swordsman seems to have not expected that Su San can avoid his sudden sword. As if about to fight, he couldn't help being stunned... Maybe he didn't expect that Su San would have kung fu... But then, the swordsman made an unexpected movement... This movement gave Su San a headache.

The swordsman didn't answer Su San's words, but pointed to Su San's nose lightly with the tip of his sword, and then inserted the sword into the scabbard, and threw the sword and the scabbard on the ground nearby... People, I am afraid that they will feel angry or happy because of the actions of the swordsman... But Su San is not happy at all... For him, if a swordsman can even throw away his own sword, it means that in In this case, he didn't pay attention to his opponent at all... The further meaning is that you are not my opponent at all... Maybe the opponent is a little arrogant, and he can take advantage of the opportunity... But when such a situation really occurs, objectively In any case, the one who threw the sword won't lose... After the swordsman threw away the sword, he rubbed his wrist flawlessly, and then put on a fighting posture...Su San forcibly calmed down, this time Only when he has completely calmed down... At this point, there is nothing to think about.Escaping is impossible... Once the posture is broken, I am afraid that I will die very hard. For now, I can only use the advantages of Taijiquan. Is there a chance to defeat the enemy with one blow... He is a little nervous ... Although in the previous life, he and his bodyguards had also fought, but those bodyguards did not dare to deal with him ruthlessly.So this is the first time that I have encountered a life-and-death struggle... Fortunately, I have the foresight to re-learn Tai Chi, and I have made great progress.

Otherwise, today is just waiting to die... He deliberately made a cowardly look, took half a step back, and said forcefully, "You, who are you..."

"Guess!" The young swordsman smiled strangely... I guess you are a big-headed ghost... You have an angry face on your face, but you try to keep calm in your heart... "You'd better put your hands down and catch them... Otherwise, the consequences It's very serious..." The swordsman took a big step forward... Su San was so frightened that he took another half step back... The swordsman lost his airs and folded his arms and said, "You are not mine..." The swordsman said, Taking another step forward... Su San didn't wait for the swordsman to finish the last word 'opponent'.Taking advantage of the time when the swordsman stepped forward, his whole body, like an arrow off the string, rushed over and punched the swordsman in the face... Taijiquan pays attention to braking with stillness, using defense instead of attack, But if you only stick to this passive defense, you have not realized the true meaning of Tai Chi...Yin can be transformed into Yang, and Yang can be transformed into Yin...It can transform the enemy's attack, of course it can also attack the enemy's defense...especially when the opponent is very difficult Being lazy and not prepared at all...opportunities are even rarer!

Sure enough, the swordsman was taken aback. He thought that if he took another step forward, Su San would still retreat.But he didn't expect that Su San not only didn't retreat, but also made a sudden attack, and rushed forward at a very fast speed... The distance was not far away, and Su San's speed was so fast, how could he not be surprised.At this time, the swordsman discovered that Su San's previous expressions were probably intended for him... But the swordsman is so arrogant, and his skills are naturally extraordinary. The swordsman reacted very quickly. He didn't lose his ability to resist because of this... With his hands crossed in front of his chest, he pushed up suddenly, and at the same time he leaned his body back slightly, ready to block the oncoming punch... Unfortunately, Su San This head-on punch was a false move... Don't let Su San's body come fast, but his hands didn't bring strength.The right fist was resolutely withdrawn, and the left hand hit the swordsman's waist... The swordsman was leaning back, and Su San felt very uncomfortable when he was hit on the waist, but there was no time to move his hands, so he had to let him He fell to the ground and kicked towards Su San's left hand with his foot...Taijiquan uses curved force, so the movement rules of the hand are not straight. Going around sideways, grabbing the swordsman's heel instead...Su San is delighted, this advantage is not easy to come by.Hastily made a hand, followed the momentum of the swordsman's kick, and pulled it into his arms, and then turned sideways very naturally, pulling the swordsman to his side for a distance of nearly one meter... This pull, used It was not his own strength, but the strength transformed from the swordsman's kick, so it was very easy to do it... The swordsman's body was pulled horizontally by Su San, and the original plan of hitting the ground fell through... In the air, the other foot was blocked by this foot again, and suddenly there was a gap... Of course, Su San would not let go of this excellent opportunity. With his right fist firmly held, the body of the swordsman was right beside him. When going forward and falling to the ground, he threw an extremely fierce punch from top to bottom... Although this punch didn't have the power to smash the stone table that day, Su San didn't practice it for nothing during this time.The force of a punch is naturally not small, and the time to exert force is particularly sufficient this time, and the space for muscle stretching is large, so, of course, it is very scary... "Poof..." A punch hit the swordsman's belly... "Ah..." With a very short cry, the swordsman's body bent into a shrimp, and his face suddenly turned red... Su San didn't give the swordsman a chance to breathe, and immediately went to the swordsman's throat with his left hand, strangling it... ...If this grip is firm, the swordsman will have to wait for death..."Stop..." A voice came rushing...


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