
Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Lin Hailu's eyes stared at gold stars in the hut. 【】Blood rushed to the forehead in bursts.

"It's the opposite, it's the opposite. These bastards dare to commit murder in the street. Come, come, send all the guards in the mansion and the defenders in the city to the mansion, and take them all down. All of them Take it down."

Gao Dafu's eyes were red from killing, and he lost his mind long ago. When he regained consciousness, there were only four or five people around him, struggling to support him.However, the other party did not ask for favors, and four or fifty people stood on the ground.

As more and more people surrounded him, Gao Dafu knew he was no match, and he couldn't get away.He simply threw the servant's knife in his hand, and shouted loudly, "You thieves, even dare to slaughter the family members of the Wu Palace, you are looking for death."

Lin Hailu rode a tall horse and had already come to the sidelines. When Gao Dafu and others tied their hands, they were about to order them to be taken down so that they could find out Lin Zixiang's whereabouts. chills.

While hesitating, he got a report, "This person is indeed from Prince Wu's residence, and it is Gao Dafu who was arrested by us a few days ago."

Lin Hailu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and slapped him, "Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier."

The man sat down on the ground in aggrieved manner. There were swords and swords here, and he couldn't get through it.

Lin Hailu looked at the corpses around him, and couldn't help but feel angry, and the evil turned to the guts, pointing at Gao Dafu and the others, "Shameful villains, our government is here to bow down to the robbers, and we have been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, hack me to death with knives."

The people below have been killed for a long time, seeing that the master gave such an order, they all rushed forward, one by one, and chopped Gao Dafu and others into meat.

Du Ruhui anxiously walked up and down the yard.

This time Gao Dafu took away almost all his hands, as long as he can protect 'Lin Zixiang' to the imperial envoy's camp, then this trip to Wuling City will not be in vain.Although relying on these, I am afraid that Lin Hailu cannot be brought down, but as long as Li Daoming is willing to put his heart into discrediting Lin Hailu, it will definitely be possible.

He expected that Lin Hailu would not do anything special even if he followed Gao Dafu without knowing it.Besides, he notified the imperial envoy Xingyuan again, saying that he had important witnesses and needed a soft envoy to respond.Thinking about it, the imperial envoy took down Governor Qian as soon as he entered the city, and responded with a little gesture, so that Lin Hailu did not dare to act rashly. Such a thing, he would still do it.

Shouldn't there be any big accidents?

But Du Ruhui couldn't sit down quietly. He didn't know what happened today. Could it be that the information came too easily, which made him feel uneasy?

"Mr. Du, Ah Niu Dumb and the others are back."

"Quick, bring them in."

Ah Niu and Ah Dui walked in covered in blood.

Du Ruhui's complexion changed drastically.

"what happened?"

A Niu said, "We don't know what happened. Director Gao suddenly clashed with someone on the street, as if he was someone from the government. The two of us wanted to help, but remembering that there was still a task ahead, we endured it." Stay here. This is the box Mr. asked for."

Du Ruhui took the box, glanced at it, and handed it to the guards nearby.The guard drew out his knife and cut open the lock with one knife, and a few sheets of paper fell out from the box, one of which had words written on it.When Du Ruhui picked it up, he saw it said, "The person you want is in the big box in the Renzi Room on the second floor of Tongsheng Building."

Du Ruhui cursed secretly, and immediately understood in her heart that the arrangement for Gao Dafu to drive a carriage to pick him up was a trap.

It was a big pit that provoked him and Lin Hailu to fight each other.

"How are Gao Dafu and the others?"

Duan said with a bitter face, "They were surrounded by hundreds of people, and there were casualties everywhere. Seeing that we couldn't get in, we rushed to send this box back."

Du Ruhui turned pale, raised his hand, and called two of his subordinates, "You two, go to Mr. He's residence separately, and ask him to send someone to carry the box from the Renzi room in the Tongsheng building to the imperial envoy's office. Hold on, let the person who goes there be careful, is the person in the box Lin Zixiang?"

The two agreed and went out.

Du Ruhui raised his hand again and said, "Wait a minute. After you go to the He Mansion, don't come back, just stay in the He Mansion."

The two looked at each other, then walked quickly to the door.

Du Ruhui said to Ah Niu, "Change your clothes, we have to leave too. We can't stay in this place anymore, let's go out of the city and avoid the limelight first, then we will talk."

After tidying up briefly, Du Ruhui took the last few guards and rode towards the nearest east gate on horseback.

Pedestrians scattered and fled in shock along the way, cursing endlessly.

Du Ruhui was not good at riding, but at this time he was running for his life, so he didn't care too much.After waiting until he got out of the east gate, Du Ruhui let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the stalking people had already been thrown away.

It could be considered that Du Ruhui saw the opportunity early, Du Ruhui had just left the east gate, and Lin Hailu's men surrounded the small courtyard where Du Ruhui lived.

Almost at the moment Du Ruhui escaped from birth, in the backyard of the Zhou Mansion.The Tang brothers and sisters, Li Yueer, Ren Yingying, Mr. Li, Li Ji and others were sitting around together, chirping and chatting.

Li Ji took out a note and another 10 taels of silver notes, and said, "I have gained the most today. Return this note to Ms. Ren; the 10 taels, the third master said to let Ms. Li take it first." on."

Li Yue'er gave Ren Yingying a slight look before putting away the bank note.

Ren Yingying didn't know if she didn't care, or she cared a little bit, so she pretended not to care, and said to Li Ji with a smile, "How did you lose the 10 taels?"

Li Ji smiled and said, "Well, Ms. Ren should ask the third master. The third master said that this is called 'magic'. It is a secret that cannot be revealed."

Tang Li hummed on the side, and said, "I can't say anything, I'm mysterious, and I'm nothing special."

After finishing speaking, he took out a 6000 tael bank note from his pocket and said, "This is Du Ruhui's 6000 tael. Did your third master tell you, who is this 6000 tael for?" Li Yueer glanced at each other.

Ren Yingying pretended not to hear, while Li Yueer turned her face away to talk to Mr. Li.They did come out of this little girl, and they had some taste for them.Women's minds are very sensitive, I'm afraid this Tang Li is jealous.There is no reason.

Li Ji smiled wryly, thinking in his heart that having too many women is not a good thing, but said, "This third master didn't say anything, and when the third master comes later, Miss Tang can ask the third master directly."

He was talking about Su San.Su San walked in.

"What do you want to ask me?"

Seeing Su San walk in, Tang Chao moved his eyes coldly, "Where's that kid?" Of course that kid was referring to Lin Rong!

Su Sandao said, "I was knocked out, tied it up firmly, put it in a sack, locked it in a box, and moved it into the courtyard of Su's residence."

Li Ji pointed to the silver ticket on the table and said, "Miss Tang asked what to do with the 6000 taels?"

Tang Libai glanced at Li Ji, blaming him for talking too much, but not seeing Su San.

Su San took out a 3000 tael silver note from the bank note and handed it to Li Jidao, "Although you belong to the elder brother, we cannot let the elder brother know what we are doing in Wuling. He is still the second prince's man. Today we design If the person who killed the second prince is found out by the second prince, it will be a great disaster. He doesn't know, it's for his own good. If you don't keep secrets, you will lose your identity. It's best for everyone to talk about today's incident Rotten in the stomach."

"Brother Li is not a greedy person. The 3 taels and 3000 taels are just meaningless. The 10 taels of silver will be of great use to Ning Yuan, and the 3000 taels of money will be accepted by Brother Li."

Li Ji hurriedly said, "It's Li Ji's honor to work with the third master, and the money is unnecessary."

Su San shook his head, stuffed 3000 taels into Li Ji's hand and said, "There is no reason to do things for nothing. Everyone here has their reasons for doing things for nothing, but you have no reason to do things for nothing, and you can accept it without worrying about it. .”

He put 3000 taels of silver bills in front of Tang Li and said, "Since Luer is going with you, these 3000 taels are just enough for expenses."

Tang Li raised her eyes, met Su San's eyes, and collected the money without saying a word, but seemed sullen.

Tang Chao didn't know if it was because of the killing ring just now, and he couldn't adjust his mood.He usually has a cheerful personality, but now he is chilled all over his body, which seems to be a shadow swordsman.Seeing that there was a gap in the conversation among the people, he asked Su Sandao, "Mr. Su, what is your plan next?"

As far as Tang Chao was concerned, he was waiting to avenge the murder of his father and the ransacking of his family.Seeing Su San's methods today, the hatred that was suppressed in his heart suddenly turned upside down. For so many years, he has never felt so close to what he wants like today. He wished he could kill him the next moment. Old Dog Lin.

Although everyone didn't feel like Tang Chao, they all turned to Su San when they heard Tang Chao's question.

According to Li Ji's thinking, things are almost done at this point, and there is no need to arrange anything.

When Du Ruhui got Lin Zixiang in Tongshenglou, he would naturally send him to the imperial envoy; if the imperial envoy got Lin Zixiang, he could use his status as an imperial envoy to hold Lin Hailu accountable. This was an inevitable reaction.

As long as this matter is announced to the public, the momentum of the wind will immediately be extremely unfavorable to Lin Hailu. At that time, new enemies and old grievances, in this Wuling City, Lin Hailu's enemies will show up one by one. I'm afraid it will peel off a layer of skin.

Mr. Li said, "As long as Lin Zixiang comes to the imperial envoy, I will fight the old man. I will report a letter to the imperial envoy, vowing to sue Lin Hailu."

Li Yue'er also said bitterly, "As soon as the imperial envoy entered the city, he took down the governor Qian who appeased the siya, which means that the imperial envoy was looking for Lin Hailu's fault. Today's incident has reached this point, and there is no Lin Hai. There is no chance to stand up again, father, we will file a complaint before the imperial envoy tomorrow."

The father and daughter were discussing, but Su San was sitting on the side, sinking like water, without saying a word.


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