
Chapter 169

Chapter 169

The Li family was seeing Su San, and felt that Su San had to agree to this matter. 【】

Right now, Su San is presiding over all of this, regardless of Su San's kindness for saving his life, every move must be approved by Su San, otherwise, if he messes up his position and disrupts Su San's layout, it will be a heinous crime.

Therefore, seeing that Su San didn't speak, Mr. Li asked, "What does Ning Yuan think?"

Only then did Su San take a sip of tea, and slowly smiled, "Ning Yuan thought that if Mr. Li really went to sue, he would be close to death."

Mr. Li was startled, and looked at Su San in great perplexity.

Su San ignored Mr. Li, but said to Tang Chao, "What is supposed to come will come anyway. Don't worry, what Ning Yuan promised you should not be today. Don't worry, just wait patiently."

Turning to Li Yueer again, he said, "I was serious about talking to you before. I'm going to do it. The 10 taels of silver is the capital. I wrote a book there, recording some practical things. Let Yu'er give it to you. If there is anything, you can talk to me in private, you just need to remember one thing, keep everything secret, don't make those useless limelights, and make the most money as soon as possible, that's all. gone."

Li Yue'er nodded and said, "Yue'er understands."

Only then did Su San turn her head and said to Old Man Li, "You don't need to think about it so much, you will understand after a while."

After putting down these words, Su San stopped talking, leaned on the couch and fell asleep quietly.

Ren Yingying brought the quilt and covered Su San, and the others sat in the room talking without leaving. After a while, a girl came back and said, "The imperial envoy is here, and the master asked Miss Sun to come and see her."

Ren Yingying turned to Su San.

Su San closed her eyes, pulled out her fingers, motioned for Ren Yingying to go first, and then lay down quietly again.

Everyone didn't bother him, they all discussed what happened today in low voices, and guessed what would happen next.Thinking that all these things were provoked by them alone, I couldn't help being a little excited and a little scared.

After a while, Xiaoan walked in quickly.

Xiaoan saw that everyone in the room was talking, and only the third master was lying on the side resting, but he didn't know whether to wake up the third master to talk about something.

Unexpectedly, when Su San heard Xiao An coming in, she woke up and opened her eyes to Xiao An.

Xiao An hurriedly bowed and said, "Third Lord."

"Tell me."

Xiao An glanced at the crowd first, then bowed his head and said, "Xiao An saw with his own eyes that they carried people into the palace of imperial envoys."

"Oh." Su San sat up slowly and said, "This Du Ruhui is quite capable."

Xiaoan said again, "I heard that the killings on the street were very fierce, and nearly a hundred people died."

Everyone in the room changed their expressions. They never expected that there would be so many casualties.

Su San lay back slowly again, and said to Xiao An, "You write a letter to Lin Hailu in this room, and the letter says that Lin Zixiang is in the palace of the imperial envoy."

Everyone's complexion changed again, everyone was busy for a long time, the ultimate goal was to send Lin Zixiang to the imperial envoy, and this was notified to Lin Hailu, didn't that make Lin Hailu take precautions?

But everyone didn't support it, but asked Xiao An to finish writing the letter.

Su San took the letter written by Xiao An, glanced at it, nodded and said, "Using the old method, give the child some money, and ask the child to deliver the letter. When the letter is delivered, you will come back."

Xiao An responded and went out.

After a while, Su San said to Tang Chao again, "You have to go out."

Tang Chao got up quickly, stood in front of Su San, and said, "Young master Su just give orders."

"Go to the posthouse and stand outside the gate of the imperial envoy. No matter what happens, don't ask. If you get news, come back and report to me."

Tang Chao answered 'yes' and walked out like a gust of wind.

Li Ji has seen some of the world, and he also knows the dangers of the officialdom. If he makes a wrong move, it will be a disaster. Seeing Su San's order, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "What does the third master think of Lin Hailu?" Dare to forcibly break into the palace of the imperial envoy?"

"Why don't you dare? Others' knives are on his neck, and this is his territory. Why doesn't he dare?"

"But the imperial envoy will take a copy, can he afford it?"

"Hehe. Participation? The imperial envoy can participate, and he can naturally distinguish himself. The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right. One is the imperial envoy put down by the censor; the other is the official who opened the government. Who is right and wrong, the inner court of the palace How can you tell the difference between the emperor?"

Li Ji wanted to say something else, but he couldn't find any reason. He thought in his heart that he would offend the imperial envoy. No matter what happened, he would be guilty first. Even if Lin Hailu was daring, he didn't dare to do such a thing blatantly.

But Li Ji was wrong after all.Not a quarter of an hour after Xiaoan came back, Tang Chao hurried in.

"Lin Hailu was so bold that he led hundreds of officers and soldiers to surround the imperial envoy's camp, rushed straight into the camp, and chopped Lin Zixiang into a pulp on the spot."

Everyone thought that there would be such a possibility, but they still couldn't believe it when they really heard this.

Su San sighed and said, "If a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall. Besides, this is Lin Hailu's world, if he is really forced to his head, Li Daoming, an imperial envoy, might be killed by bandits. Mr. Li, where are you going to sue him? Du Ruhui is now a bereaved dog. Even if he managed to escape at this time, he would have escaped from Wuling City long ago; Be careful about your own wealth and life? If you are the first to sue, you and your Li family will be like lambs surrounded by wolves, and you will be wiped out in an instant. You said that the Lin family sent people to kidnap you, but the Lin family only said that it was your Li family who colluded with the bandits and wanted to frame him. Where do you go to fight this kind of lawsuit?"

Mr. Li broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it. He was excited just now, but now he feels cold.Originally thought that Lin Hailu was a dead dog waiting to die, but unexpectedly, there was a murderous intention hidden in every step of the way. According to Su San's words, even the imperial envoy couldn't do anything to Lin Hailu, it was not dark.

"Since Lin Hailu is so powerful, why did Ning Yuan still tell Lin Hailu the news that Lin Zixiang is in the imperial envoy? Isn't this ruining a great opportunity for nothing?" Mr. Li wondered.

Su San chuckled, glanced at everyone, shook his head and said, "Lin Zixiang must die, he knows our people, and before Lin Hailu falls, he must shut up, this is one; second, Lin Zixiang must die in the The imperial envoy Xingyuan, because Li Daoming is not a good stubble, I want Li Daoming to deal with Lin Hailu wholeheartedly. Before, it can be said that Li Daoming was on the sidelines. Now that Lin Zixiang was killed by Lin Hailu in Xingyuan, then this is beating Li Daoming No matter how calm Li Daoming could be, he wanted to take Lin Hailu's skin off. It seemed that Lin Zixiang died, but he got Li Daoming who was determined to bring Lin Hailu down. Third, Lin Zixiang had to be killed by Lin Hailu himself. In this way, Lin Hailu will feel relieved, will be proud, and will be able to show his feet. Come on, Lin Hailu is so strong, but he is actually a grasshopper after autumn, and he will not live long."

The people in the room were all silent, they were all tasting the meaning of Su San's words.


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