
Chapter 271 Gambling Poetry Club

Chapter 271 Gambling Poetry Club (5)

Zuo Zhishi naturally had no way to say what Su San didn't answer well, so he could only ask again: "Brother Ning Yuan might as well read out both of Mr. Ming's poems as proof. 【】If everyone thinks this poem Well, brother Ning Yuan's answering the question is considered a pass..."

"Okay!" Su San chuckled, put away the fan, and said while thinking about it: "This first sentence is a sentence in the poem 'Pipa Xing'. All students, please listen to..." Wujiang Jiangtouye Seeing off the guests, the maple leaves and the flowers are rustling in autumn, the owner dismounts from the horse and the guest is on the boat, holding wine and wanting to drink the orchestra. If you can’t be drunk, you will bid farewell, and the farewell will be soaked in the moon in the vast river..." After reading this, Su San stopped lightly, signaling to everyone After listening carefully, he said: "Suddenly heard the sound of the pipa on the water, the master forgot to return and the guest didn't send it..." Because he wanted to sing the poem completely, Su San just kept chant: "...the ice spring is cold and bitter. The string is condensed, and the condensate will never stop for a while. Don't have sorrow and hatred, at this time, the sound is louder than the sound..."

Su San took it easy and recited slowly, such a long poem shocked everyone... "I don't know if this poem is a good one? Is Ning Yuan using it right?"

When Zuo Zhishi heard that Su San not only broke Xu Wei's title, but Xu Wei reversed such a long poem.Can't help but smile wryly, everyone miscalculated before coming here, I'm afraid this Su Ningyuan, today is intentional, and wants to clean up Jinling's gang... Regardless of who the name is!Just talking about this poem, it is also a wonderful poem.It's catchy without saying anything, but it's sentimental and there are so many famous lines, it's really rare... And such a good poem, no one in the audience knows the source, which shows Su Ningyuan's brilliance place.

Zuo Zhishi couldn't help asking a question while smiling wryly, is this poem really Mingshi's poem?Or is it Ning Yuan's old work?

I don't know...Wuling saw Su Sanyi come up and made such a big splash, everyone cheered, and a group of scholars from other places also shouted together: "Okay, such a good poem, even if it is New works, that can also be used... But, this poem counts..."

Xu Wei blushed a little, but said to Zuo Zhishi, "I haven't said the source of the words yet?"

Zuo Zhishi said to Su San: "Brother Ning Yuan, why don't you drink your saliva first, and then tell me the source of that poem?"

He smiled at Zuo Zhishi, but instead of going to drink water, he tapped Xu Wei with his fan, but he also went tit for tat.Smiling and chant: "Yan Du goes to the west building!"

This 'West Building' is somewhat similar to Xu Wei's 'City West Building'.It seemed that Su San was heading for the "West Tower of the City"... Su San smiled at Xu Wei, then slapped his palm lightly with a fan, and every time he slapped, he would say: " The moon is like a hook, and the lonely phoenix tree is locked in the deep courtyard. The cut is constant, and the reason is still chaotic. It's the sorrow of parting..." He paused here, and said to everyone: "Don't feel bad..."

Well... Wuling's side kept applauding... Zhao Pu listened to the crowd downstairs, and couldn't help laughing: "The last one is Su San's style of writing, I'm afraid he just wrote it!"

Eunuch Qin hurriedly followed Zhao Pu's tone and said, "Impossible... With so many people and such a situation, can he compose poems so leisurely?"

"Haha, you don't know, Zhen... I heard that this talented man from Su wrote three excellent poems in one go. If the first poem wasn't too long today, I would have thought it was He's making it now...but even if it's not, it's not too far off, maybe it's his old work..."

"My lord means that that name is fake..."

"Ho ho... Listening to his nonsense, how could it be true? Mingshi? Obviously, he wanted to hide his head and show his tail, so he said it on purpose. There is such a famous family, and he has written seven or eight thousand poems! They are all poems like this You can figure it out with your toes, but the famous family will not be famous? Su San, I have no choice but to deceive these scholars... My lie, but these scholars don't believe it either..."

Xu Wei's face is not one point or two points... He is not a fool, from the first sentence of Su San's words, he can hear Su San's deep-rooted provocation.He used "Go to the West Tower alone", Su San turned around and said: "Go to the West Tower alone!"This is not only provocation, but also contempt... Feeling sulking, but he didn't want to explode on such an occasion, so he turned his head away and refused to go to Su San who was smiling... Even if Su San answered the question, it's over. In the next second round, He Caichen still wrote the questions as usual... Wuling still followed the five-character and seven-character ruled poems, and Jinling's question was not as strange as Xu Wei... Comparing all the way, although Everyone was more or less controversial, but they all managed to pass the test, and it was Xu Wei's turn again, and Xu Wei came up with a long and short sentence... "We have seen each other for a long time, and we have changed our name to Zheliu since then;"

Su San directly turned back: "The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and a pear tree is crushing crabapples."

Everyone is romantic and talented, the meaning of the pear tree pressing the begonia, being picked up by such a nonsense, naturally gave a different meaning... Everyone laughed... Xu Wei was angry just now, and now he is even more angry.Hold it down desperately... Zuo Zhishi heard two new sentences over there, so he couldn't help but ask the source... Su San smiled and said: "They are all from famous families. The first sentence is: Chilechuan, under the Yin Mountain .The sky is like a hut, covering the four fields. The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low."

As soon as the word is read out, the artistic conception of that word will come to the fore, which cannot be described with the word "good".

"The second sentence. It is: eighty-year-old bride of eighteen, with pale hair and red makeup. The mandarin ducks are twined in the night, and a pear tree presses the begonia..."

Everyone laughed out loud, Zuo Zhishi also burst into laughter.But there was a loud noise, and a teacup of Xu Wei fell to the floor.Seeing Xu Wei looking at Su San with a livid face, his palms were slapped on the railing, his knuckles were trembling.

The scene was silent, and everyone recalled Su San's answer again, and couldn't help but suddenly realized.

The origin of a pear tree pressing a crabapple is so ambiguous.The wind blows grass and cattle and sheep appear, and it turns into a tree of pear blossoms and crabapples.This question, followed by Xu Wei's question, turned into a scene where lovers want to meet, but the meeting turns into a scene of pear blossoms crushing begonias... This kind of disability, this kind of obsession, if it is not intentional. Xu Wei went, who could be so hurt... Everyone was glad that it wasn't him standing on top, but at the same time asked Xu Wei to take Su San madly, how would he react... But Xu Wei's face was so blue that it turned black , His lips trembled with anger: "Okay, okay, today, Huanzhi will come alone to ask Mr. Su's talents..."

He looked at Su San viciously.Su San shrugged and said with a smile, "Please..."

Xu Wei didn't care about his poetry skills, and said directly to Su San: "Stop talking about your life's brocade mobile phone, singing loudly and getting drunk with Jinling wine."

Su San also said forcefully to Xu Wei: "Poor eighth night of the twelfth lunar month, a pear tree crushes crabapples!"

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that Su San was here to take revenge, otherwise they would never have mentioned the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month... and it was still Lihua who wanted to crush Haitang, if it wasn't for revenge, it would be a ghost.

Yep, this time it's a real deal... "The great river flows westward to the Qinhuai River, surrounded by lonely stones and barren hills... Hmph, how many crabapple trees do you have..."

"Near the water, the moon is the first, and a pear tree presses the crabapple... Ha, just try it and you will know..."

"Whip rong, water-cooled swallows and swallows, the same dream of prosperity through the ages."

"In a dream, life and death are boundless, a pear tree crushes a crabapple..."

Xu Wei's eyes turned green... "Fei Shaomi fell into the wind, and the old man is tired of being a passerby."

"This old man is talking about youth madness, a pear tree crushes crabapples..."

"The old army, my general, sighed, wishing to display it among the arsenals."

"Grand Mo laughs drunk on the battlefield, a pear tree crushes a crabapple."

Everyone saw that this situation became more and more wrong.The faces of the people in the west building turned pale.In the east building, everyone was elated.The group of people downstairs couldn't be persuaded, they could only watch the excitement, the Jinling people naturally hoped that Xu Weineng could make it back, but with Su San's fluent attitude, it was impossible to make it back .

Seeing that Xu Wei was distracted, Li Shu couldn't care less, stepped forward and said, "Is this the only sentence you have?"


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