
Chapter 272 Gambling Poetry Club

Chapter 272 Gambling Poetry Club (6)

"Oh, brother Li Shu? You want to come too, okay... let's come together. [] Don't need this sentence, you can still deal with it..."

These words naturally aroused the righteous indignation of everyone in the West Building. For a moment, dozens of people crowded over the railing, pointing at Su San to ask questions.All of a sudden, the voice of asking questions is endless!

Su San never refused anyone who came, and opened and closed his fan from time to time, pointing at this person and that person from time to time, following everyone's questions one by one.As long as there was a question, he would open his mouth to answer it... So, only Su San was dealing with it quietly in the west building, while in the east building it was quiet.

Su San pointed to the left: "The moonlight is bright in front of the bed, and the shadows form three people."

The one on the right pointed: "With the Qianqiu snow in Xiling, a branch of red apricot came out of the wall."

He pointed to Li Shu's title again and said: "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, there is no way you can't lose your soul."

There is no longer a line of serious matching poems, and everyone on the first floor laughed and couldn't talk, and some of them couldn't straighten up while clutching their stomachs... "You...you..." Li Shu was so shocked by Su San. Afterwards, he also got angry and cursed: "Where is Lou Zhuzi safe now? Pity the half-dead Pulsatilla."

Su San didn't even think about it, she just went back to the past: "Sit up in shock, half-deadly sick, come back past the female wall late at night!"

Another very ambiguous question!

Li Shu also covered his head in anger, and gritted his teeth.He didn't have the patience of Xu Wei, so he said bitterly: "Zhuzi is annoying. Your elder brother is still in prison, and you are so complacent. I will pooh your face and tell the world to know that you are a ruthless villain... "

After hearing what Li Shu said, Su San closed her fan in horror, her eyes flashed coldly, and she stared straight at Li Shu... Li Shu also realized that what he said was a bit too much, but how can he take back what he said?Being squeezed to this point, he couldn't get off, and he could only stare at Su San straightly... When everyone heard this, they all fell silent... It could be said that it was a joke before.Everyone compares poems according to the rules, even if there is some teasing meaning, it is all in the poems, which can only be understood, not expressed in words.There is no such thing as exposing people's face in person!Besides, in Jinling City, no one knows, no one knows, this kind of thing is definitely not a scholar, who can save it by saying that there is love and righteousness... Zhao Pu's heart was moved when he heard it, and he saw it Su San, I want to hear his answer... Su San's face is as cold as frost, but his heart is full of joy... Just as he was going to sleep, someone stuffed his pillow... Originally, he wanted to provoke Xu Wei to say this, but he didn't Thinking of Li Shu coming out with this trick!No matter who is in charge, anyway, he will have the opportunity to analyze his heart in front of the emperor... I really want to thank Li Shu, if he doesn't have to finish the matter, maybe he will hug Li Shu I gnawed on Li Shu's head, this is too good, everything went smoothly tonight... Sweeping the fan coldly, slashed across Li Shu's chest, stared at Li Shu quietly and said: "You You are also the queen of the censor? The integrity of the censor lord for the first time, how did you come out like you? You have no character at all, just follow others!"

Zhao Pu was a little surprised when he heard Su San's words. He didn't know what Su San meant when he said that... Li Shu saw that Su San didn't say what he meant, so he didn't know where to refute it.He also stared at Su San blankly, unwilling to lose his spirit a little bit.

Su San went on to say: "Don't say that the trial of this case has not yet started, it has already started, and the result is still unknown! If my brother really committed this retrograde, let alone Ning Yuan's injustice, even if he killed his relatives righteously, he wouldn't be here." Excuse me. But you see, Ning Yuan is drinking and having fun here, which is more right than poetry. Why? Because Ning Yuan knows that elder brother is an upright person, and he will never do such a disloyal thing!"

"Since you are the son of the censor, you must know something about the officials of this dynasty. Let me ask you? Do you know who Hu Shichen was the first to sue your brother? No? Ning Yuan told you that Hu Shichen is a shameful little man who abandoned his wife and children. People. When he became an official, the first thing he did was to divorce his wretched wife. Such an unrighteous villain, unless those who intend to use this to persecute his brother are willing to pretend to believe what he said, that is, You only believe it when you hear that the wind is the rain. It is ridiculous to want to use this matter to humiliate me."

Li Shu sneered and said, "Huh, I don't know who Hu Shichen is! But I do know that since the emperor has arrested Su Yi and put him in the sky prison, it is impossible to have no real evidence! Do you dare to say that the emperor is wrong?"

"Haha... the real evidence? It's ridiculous. There is no real evidence. You use the emperor's name to suppress Ning Yuan. You think you have a plan. Let Ning Yuan tell you that although the emperor did this, it is not what you said on the surface. What happened above was to punish my brother, but to protect my brother. If the emperor had real evidence, the Su mansion would have been raided long ago, instead of being protected by officers and soldiers now... The emperor is a wise king in the world. If Hu Shichen is such a dirty official, how could the emperor Credulity. The reason why the emperor sent his brother to prison must be to draw out the clown behind the whole incident. You are also a scholar, don't you know the truth of not forgetting the past? How could the emperor know that once Seal the seal and lock up the courtiers? If this is the case, tomorrow, Ning Yuan will write a report saying that Li Yushi is plotting to assassinate the emperor. Wouldn’t the emperor want to imprison your father? Who will sue Prime Minister Wu for killing him the day after tomorrow? Empress Dowager, why don't the emperor immediately copy Wu Xiang's house? Some people did it before, and others learned it later. If a seven-year-old child knows the truth, wouldn't the emperor not have the consequences?"

"You are also called a wit? Have you read the emperor's poems? Have you read the emperor's chapters? The emperor's talent is so elegant, how can it be taken advantage of by the younger generation? Hmph, use the emperor to suppress Ning Yuan, say you know, it must be cheap For you, if you are the emperor, your actions in the past few days will be superficial...Although you insult me, I want to persuade you with a poem. Listen carefully."

"If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level! You have to think about what to say in the future, and then speak after you understand the situation. If you don't say it, it is wrong, and you will lose your own face..."

After saying this, Su San didn't pay attention to Li Shu any more, but cupped his hands at Xu Wei and said, "How offending..."

Seeing that Su San made a mistake first, Xu Wei also recalled it when he thought about the past.It's just a battle of spirits. I first had the heart of competition in my heart, and then I lost the indifference of the past.If you really comment on it, it's your fault.Although he was still dissatisfied in his heart, facing Su San's soft words, he didn't respond, so he bowed his hands, but didn't know what to say... Fortunately, Su San didn't listen to what he said, so he backed away after bowing his hands On the table at the back, he didn't come forward anymore... The poetry competition has progressed to this point, and there is no way to continue the competition... However, this level of excitement, the scene of Su San alone fighting against the heroes, did not let the competition go. Those present were disappointed...


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