
Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Wang Yu held back his drink all night, hoping that he would have two more rounds in the poetry competition. Who knew that things would turn out like this. 【】Obviously it's not easy to compare, so I had to say to everyone: "Come on, everyone, don't save the wine today, drink it to your heart's content... Forget about comparing poetry with anything. Just treat it as a Poetry Club, let's all show our abilities..."

Wang Yu's words were exactly in line with everyone's wishes.It is rare to have such an opportunity, and everyone will not just miss it... Therefore, as soon as the word spread outside the Tingyu Building, those talented people outside were no longer willing to wait outside, cheering together, rushing in, and the store The buddy can't stop it... Just as a poetry competition that couldn't go on, it became a poetry club for talented scholars from all walks of life. Suddenly there was a shocking change... This is really a wave of ups and downs. No one would have thought that two assassins would jump out of this kind of gathering among talents!

I saw a group of talented scholars, and suddenly two people emerged!These two people first jumped on the table, then drew out their waist knives, and with a loud cry, they rushed towards a small table in the corner as quickly as lightning... All the talented people were startled by this sudden change. It's not light, I don't know what happened at all, I can only scramble to dodge!Panicked, but heard a drake's voice screaming: "Come on, hurry up... Hurry up and escort..."

Escort?Everyone's heads were stunned for a while... On one side, two assassins raised their knives and rushed towards a young man shouting!On the other side was the young man sitting blankly behind the small table, staring straight at the two assassins!On the side in front of the young man, a white and clean man was screaming at the top of his voice, shaking his hands and head wildly!But his body was so frightened that he didn't dare to move!

Everyone watched as the two assassins raised their knives and were about to kill a young man!But out of nowhere, a pot full of tea popped out!

Then, I saw a strong man standing like an iron tower between the young man and the two assassins, firmly stopping the two assassins!

By the time the two assassins pulled out the teapot with their knives, the scalding water had already splashed all over the face, and they had already lost their castration!

The strong man didn't take the opportunity to attack, but quietly stopped in front of the young man, his eyes quickly looked around, in case there were other assassins who came to kill him... This strong man was naturally Zhao Pu's personal bodyguard, Charlie !The one who was secretly protected by Charlie was naturally Zhao Pu.

The unexpected turn of events had already made Zhao Pu's cheeks turn pale with fright!It's just that there are so many people in front of them, and they are all young talents.He usually prides himself on being a human being, so he doesn't want to lose face at this time!Although my heart was terrified, I didn't have the strength to escape!But at least his face was taut, and he didn't appear frightened or flustered... The common problem of people is that they are conceited and lofty!Sometimes when you are bold, you can conquer the sky; sometimes you are timid, smaller than a rabbit; sometimes you think too much, and sometimes you get into a dead end... At certain times, face is even more important than life for this kind of people.Therefore, although Zhao Pu's face was pale with fright, he still sat calmly behind the table and did not move... The two assassins were scalded by the hot water, and then stopped the castration. Seeing that they couldn't avoid Charlie, one of the assassins He waved the knife casually, and pulled the knife on Eunuch Qin's hand. The pain made Eunuch Qin clasped his hands and yelled. He thought he was dying, so he clucked a few times, and then fainted from fright...The hot water also splashed to the surrounding area On the wits, everyone backed away hastily, and immediately gave way to an open space in the hall on the first floor... The two assassins saw that Charlie was staring at them, and knew that Charlie was the number one servant in the battalion. warrior!Feeling helpless to go to Charlie, they looked at each other, slowly backed away, withdrew a certain distance, and both escaped through the back door...Charlie was alone, and dared not leave the emperor's side!Therefore, he could only quietly stand in front of Zhao Pu, watching the two assassins leave... After a while, the prince led a group of guards, squeezed through the door, pulled out the crowd, and protected the emperor. , Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the prince came in with his guards, Charlie seized the command of the prince.First assign a group of guards to set up layers of defense around the emperor, then drive all the people upstairs down, and let the emperor sit upstairs!Naturally, Charlie would not let go of all the talents in the building, and none of them were allowed to leave, and they all stayed on the first floor to be investigated!

Before the accident, Zhao Guang was actually outside all the time!But he never expected that someone would assassinate the emperor in Tingyu Building!I didn't dare to imagine that it would be such a coincidence that the emperor left the palace in disguise once, and was targeted by assassins... He originally only thought that after the emperor had a good time, on the way back to the palace, he came out to express that he had been They are all secretly protecting, even if tonight's matter is successfully concluded, he never expected that someone would dare to assassinate in this restaurant... It is precisely because he did not expect that, so he only set up defenses around it symbolically!He didn't realize that something was wrong until many talented scholars ran out in a panic in Tingyu Tower!It was already much too late when recruiting people to come in again... It was not until Charlie gave orders one after another, and the building was under control, that he woke up from the dreamlike state... In such a peaceful and prosperous world, there will be Zhao Guang was extremely angry at such a heinous behavior, and at the same time, he panicked and asked the guards to inform Wu Taiming to come and preside over the overall situation.After regaining his composure, Zhao Guangcai hurriedly knelt down in front of Zhao Pu and said, "I'm late to save you... I hope the emperor will forgive me..."

Zhao Pu saw that his identity had been exposed, and all the talents were staring at him eagerly, so he no longer hid his figure!He already guessed that the reason why Zhao Guang came so quickly must have been protecting him all the time.Although the situation was dangerous just now, in his heart, he didn't think that the crown prince would have the courage to assassinate himself.Knowing his filial piety, he waved his hands and said, "Get up! If you have anything to say, talk about it later..."

A group of talented scholars have suffered several changes in a row, and only then did they react.Seeing the crown prince greeting the emperor, I don't know who started it. With a loud cry, everyone fell to their knees for a moment... The emperor sat where Zuo Hanshi had just been sitting, surrounded by many guards, and then calmed down a little. down.Although the heart is still shocked, but the face is extremely calm!Zhao Pu smiled calmly, and slowly swept over the kneeling crowd, before saying unhurriedly, "Everyone, get up!"

After everyone stood up unevenly, Zhao Pu continued: "Tonight, I happened to pass by here. I heard that there was a poetry competition here, so I decided to come in and see it. Haha, It was a worthwhile trip, I have seen the bustle of the Poetry Fair, and I have also encountered thieves and assassins..."

Then a few daring talented scholars spoke up one after another, praising the emperor for being calm and easy to deal with, how lucky to have such a king, etc... Zhao Pu was naturally elated when he heard it, and thought to himself that it was lucky that he hadn't been attacked just now. Get down!Otherwise, these talented people don't know how to organize themselves when they look back!Seeing that Charlie wanted to check the people in this building one by one, Zhao Pu said to Charlie: "Okay, there is no need to check. Which assassin dares to stay? With so many eyes, are they students? Who would recognize them?" come out?"

This is actually reasonable, the assassin sees that the assassination failed, and it is impossible to stay anymore... Besides, these talents are walking around on weekdays, even if they are not familiar with each other, but they The students from the same hometown should have been familiar with it a long time ago... Everyone can tell that the assassin really has no way to hide his figure as long as he turns his eyes!

Charlie also wanted to be cautious. Seeing that the emperor had said so, naturally there was no reason to investigate further, so he just protected Zhao Pu with all his heart... Zhao Pu turned his eyes and saw that Su San was crowded in the crowd, he waved and smiled: "Su San is here..."

Su San hurriedly took a few steps forward, knelt down reluctantly and said, "Su San, a grass-roots man, has met the emperor!"

"Get up... The righteous school you advocated in Wuling, I think it is in line with the foundation of the country! The country selects scholars for the sake of long-term peace and stability. It is very good that you can think of cultivating talents for the country, which shows that you usually do it. You have a heart for the country. I have heard that your pair of 'Wuling University' door couplets are well done... Most of the people who come here today are students who are planning to enter the university next year. I think that everyone should learn from this couplet. ... Su San might as well read that couplet to everyone, so as to remind everyone what is the purpose of reading..." Zhao Pu laughed.

"The grassroots obey the decree..." Su Sanyi bowed, thought for a while, then turned to the crowd and said, "Ning Yuan founded a free school with some hard-working people in Wuling City. It is specially for poor scholars , to provide a place to study with peace of mind. Make it possible to have books to eat, a house to live in, and a place to read with a heart.”

"Thanks to the blessing of the emperor, and the support of Lord He, the governor, and Lord Li, the imperial envoy, everything went smoothly. On the day of its establishment, at the invitation of everyone, Su San made the following couplets, and I recite them today to encourage you all. ...The Quanlian is: the sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound of reading, family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, and everything concerned!"

As soon as everyone heard this couplet, they knew that it was an excellent door couplet... What's more rare is that this couplet is easy to understand, even passers-by who don't know Chinese characters can appreciate it after hearing such couplets .Therefore, I can't help but be convinced!No wonder the emperor praised it so much!

After Su San finished speaking, she turned around and bowed to the emperor...


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