
Chapter 274 Xu Yingming's Teacher

Chapter 274 Xu Yingming's Teacher

Zhao Pu followed Su Sanhua and said to the crowd: "Readers should not only read the books of the world, but also read the books of the world. 【】Reading can be used, read can be used, and be used by the country, is the real reading... Er You should keep in mind..."

All the talents responded in unison!Zhao Pucai smiled at Su San again: "I know what you are picking... don't worry about your brother's affairs! If he really did such a rebellious act, I will definitely not be implicated in you. You can prepare for next year's spring with peace of mind. When the country selects scholars, it doesn't care about their origins, if they can, they will go up, if they can't, they will go down..."

After hearing what Zhao Pu said, Su San knew that Zhao Pu's heart had already turned to Su Yi's side.Although he didn't say it clearly, but in front of so many people, he intentionally pointed out Su Yi's matter, which naturally meant to excuse Su Yi... At this moment, Zhao Pu may have realized that he He hastily decided to take Su Yi into prison because he was in a hurry... Well, with this in mind, the next thing will be easy to handle.Su San was really afraid that what she said to Li Shu just now, if it didn't agree with Zhao Pu's intentions, it would be a big disaster.But now, my conjecture is still correct, the emperor does have regrets!

Now, with the emperor's personal promise not to be implicated, in Su Sanlai, with his current power, it is already a great achievement to be able to achieve this step!It's just that Su San is more greedy, it's good that Su Yi's guilt doesn't implicate the Su family!But what he was thinking about was whether there was a further opportunity for the emperor to express his position to let Su Yi go.

He came here tonight for this purpose, so naturally he won't get carried away by the emperor's words of concern!He wants to take advantage of today's special atmosphere to make Zhao Pu give him more promises!

If the emperor doesn't express his attitude, all his efforts tonight will be like a flood that can't cover the embankment, and will not receive the slightest effect at all.As soon as Zhao Pu goes back, within a few days, he will gradually forget what he said to Li Shu, and Su Yi can only sit in the prison honestly... Must take advantage of Zhao Pu's deep impression. ,Make a commitment!Following Zhao Pu's words, Su San followed Zhao Pu's words and said: "Su San is just a scholar who closed his door and read dead books! Even if he is a little talented, it is the sage's enlightenment, the credit of the emperor's example! Su San is mere fluorescent light, not enough. Su San's heart is really uneasy! In Su San's heart, he has always thought that the emperor is a sage who is outstanding and can be a teacher for all ages! But after seeing it with his own eyes today, Su San knows that he is Big mistake, Your Majesty is not only a sage, but also a martial strategy that is calm and calm! He is really the number one Sacred Martial Lord in the world!"

While Su San was speaking in favor of Zhao Pu, he turned half sideways and said to the scholars: "It's just that my emperor is in danger of swords and soldiers, but he is calm and composed, which is worse than strolling in a garden. It really makes us small people feel ashamed. In such a dangerous situation, However, my emperor has the courage to face the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his face; he has the courage to calmly deal with the waves of anger hitting his chest. Such a brave heart and arrogance make the boy unable to calm down for a long time..."

With a smile on Zhao Pu's face, he thought that he was at ease!Fortunately, this Su San is really, everyone has said this little thing just now, so why is he talking about it alone?However, these words sounded pleasing to the ear... I thought that Su San had finished speaking, and Zhao Pu was about to take this matter to the fore, but he heard Su San go on to say: "It's just like what the ancients said: The sound of the big voice is rare, and the shape of the elephant is rare; if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes today, Ning Yuan would not believe that there are people with such a state of mind in the world. Now Ning Yuan finally understands what Ning Yuan lacks as a scholar! What he lacks is precisely Your majesty is such a broad minded person who regards the turbulent wind and waves as spring wind and rain!"

While Su San was talking, he pointed at Zhao Pu with the palm of his hand, indicating that the emperor is such a big-hearted person... Su San half twisted his body, but his eyes were solemnly focused on the talents and scholars, and he did not let the emperor interrupt him A chance to talk... Zhao Pu wanted to stop Su San from talking, but Su San didn't want him at all, and he couldn't open his mouth to tell him not to talk.If the emperor doesn't speak, how would others dare to stop Su San from talking?What's more, what Su San said, although it was flattering the emperor, was still reasonable.After all, in the scene just now, the performance of the emperor is in the eyes of everyone... "Seeing my emperor's calm performance just now, Ning Yuan was so shocked that he could hardly move! Now every time he thinks of the scene just now, Ning Yuan's respect for my emperor, It has increased sharply with time! To be honest, Ning Yuan just now couldn’t help but feel a sense of grief in name! Why is there grief? Because, my emperor gave us such an example, all of us, including Ning Yuan, in case What should I do if I don't meet my emperor's request? The emperor is the model of the world! But the emperor's example is too high, and it is too difficult. This is not something that ordinary people can do casually... Ning Yuan really can't imagine, if someone puts a knife on Ning Yuan's neck, what kind of fright Ning Yuan will be? I really don't dare to think... However, Ning Yuan immediately thought that the emperor is the real dragon emperor, and he is the hero of all ages. I Waiting for mortals, as long as they imitate my emperor, they are worthy of my emperor... With this thought, Ning Yuan's uneasy and sad mood calmed down a little... Even so, Ning Yuan understood , everything that I saw tonight will become the most unforgettable memory in Ning Yuan's life. Ning Yuan will always remember the vivid and bold demonstration lesson that the emperor gave us tonight. In this sense, my emperor is both Our emperor is also our husband... Ning Yuan's admiration for his husband is as continuous as the water of the Wujiang River; it is also like a flood that breaks a bank, and it is uncontrollable. Now Ning Yuan's mood is that no words can It cannot be said, nor can it be expressed by any action... If Ning Yuan must use one word to describe my emperor, sir, it can only be 'swallowing mountains and rivers'! But this word can only describe my emperor's love. Just in case; if the other 99 descriptions must be described together, Ning Yuan thinks that they are: majestic, powerful, capable of fighting, talking and laughing, rich in learning, strategizing, far-sighted, superb, magnificent, powerful, meritorious, practical, unprecedented, Seeing death as home, heroic, earth-shattering, thrilling, incomparable..."

If no one stopped, Su San believed that he would be able to say hundreds of such words, it would be no problem... But Zhao Pu really felt embarrassed, so he could only stop Su San from talking.It is possible for Su San to keep talking about it, probably all night.In fact, Zhao Pu guessed it right, Su San did have the ability to speak for more than ten hours in a row, and he had to repeat the skills!

Zhao Pu watched Su San with their mouths open, including Prince Zhao Guang, who was gesturing wildly like a monster.Zhao Pu knew that he would not stop him, but he was afraid that no one would dare to stop him... "Okay, okay..." Zhao Pu waved his hand with a smile, interrupting Su San's words...Su San immediately followed up: "Actually, these are not enough. to describe..."

"Stop, stop..."

"Ning Yuan thought..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Pu could only raise his voice... Su San had no choice but to stop, looking at Zhao Pu innocently.It seems that there is still a lot to say, and I haven't finished talking.Seeing that Zhao Pu shook his head slightly, he said reluctantly: "Caomin obeys the order... However, Caomin still wants to plead for the big guy..."

Zhao Pu's head was a little big, but he didn't expect Su San to be so talkative... "What's the matter?"

"My emperor, please sincerely be a gentleman to all the talents, and comment on poems for tonight's poetry meeting..." Su San smiled softly...Su San's words are on point. The following talents, just now They stared blankly at Su San's performance, and seeing that Su San finally said a serious word, they couldn't help but respond together.They all spoke, and asked the emperor to comment on poems for their poetry meeting...Zhao Pu actually didn't want to stay for a long time...a large group of government servants in Jinling Mansion, under the leadership of Xu Jiangjin, took over the entire Tingyu Building just now. They are all surrounded again, and seeing more and more officials rushing here, it is not easy for him to turn this place into a forbidden area... But it is not easy for him to refuse the requests of the talents.The key is that what Su San said just now lifted him up to the clouds. He wanted to come down easily, but it was not easy, so he just laughed and said, "Well... it's getting late, I still have some business to deal with, so I can't stay for long ... I will give you a quarter of an hour to come up with a few good poems, and I will comment on them for a while..."

When everyone heard that the emperor opened the golden mouth and agreed to the request, they all jumped up excitedly.This kind of opportunity is rare.If you really get the emperor's comment, it will naturally be of great help in the next year's spring exam... The emperor is very experienced in hosting such a poetry meeting!He raised his hand, stopped the noise of the crowd, and then said softly: "One song per person, if there is one, write it out as soon as possible. Su San, um, and Xu Wei, you two don't get involved, help me Go through it all first, pick out the good ones... well, let's start..."

After saying this, Zhao Pu called Zhao Guang to his side and said, "Go outside and stop, all the officials, big and small, will be sent back! I will drive back to the palace in a short time, I didn't expect them to be outside... "

Zhao Guangyi bowed and said, "I obey the order..."


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