
Chapter 276

Chapter 276

With a "bang", Zhao Yun smashed a teacup on the floor of Jietian Pavilion... With his hands behind his back and his face ashen, he stood in front of him without saying a word... Xing Tian, ​​Wang Bao, Du Ruhui didn't dare to show any emotion, and stood quietly on the side, not knowing what to say!

Zhao Yuncai directed and acted in a scene where he was assassinated in front of the mansion, and he hurried back to the inner mansion only after waiting for the servants from the Jinling mansion to come to ask about the matter. 【】As soon as he entered the inner mansion, he called Wang Bao and Du Ruhui to the Jietian Pavilion to wait for news from Xing Tian... But he waited and waited, but he did not expect that Xing Tian brought back such a person information?what is this?What do you mean Wu Taiming was stopped by someone as soon as he walked out of the palace gate, and he turned around and went back?Zhao Yun punched the lattice, and his hands trembled with anger... The matter of the prince ended in such a way, and today's matter of Wu Taiming ended so inexplicably, if Wu Taiming had expected that he would have such a move, he would not have left Dongfu at all , that's nothing... It's just that Wu Taiming has some suspicions in his heart!But now, being stopped back by someone, what is this called?

Looking at Zhao Yun's angry back, Xing Tian said, "Someone must have leaked the news, otherwise Wu Taiming wouldn't be stopped by someone as soon as he left the palace..."

Zhao Yun turned around with a cold face and said: "Did the news leak? Who leaked the news? Was it someone in your hands who leaked the news, or did someone among the three of you leak the news?"

Xing Tian was stunned for a moment, and said dumbly... "I'm your dizzy head! Where's the person who stopped Wu Taiming? Since your subordinates saw him, why didn't you stop him! Why didn't you bring this person back to me?"

Xing Tian wanted to argue, but felt that Zhao Yun was angry at this moment, and arguing would only make Zhao Yun even more angry!You must know that it was very dark at that time, and there was only one person who came to this scene. How could it be so easy to follow someone?Besides, that person was very vigilant, and he disappeared after turning around a few times. If he followed him, he would be discovered... If it wasn't for the manpower, they were all in ambush in a favorable location, and there was no way to get the news that Wu Taiming was stopped.Otherwise, not to mention the messenger, even Wu Taiming would not have the chance to escape back to Dongfu... What can he do?The location of the ambush was agreed upon by everyone, and if it needs to be changed temporarily, how can it be changed in time?If you want to blame, you can only blame the person who leaked the news.But these don't make sense right now!

Xing Tian also knew that no matter what he said, it would be his fault if he messed up his affairs anyway, so he could only keep silent... Du Ruhui was a little restless!It was his idea!Although the situation is not bad so far, it seems redundant to make such a big commotion after failing to kill Wu Taiming... Seeing that Zhao Yun is still angry, Du Ruhui groaned. After a while, he pleaded guilty and said: "It's all because of Ruhui's incomplete plan. If we ambush closer, or strike at Wu Taiming's position as soon as he leaves the palace, I'm afraid we will succeed at this time..."

Zhao Yun sighed and said: "It's up to man to make plans, but it's up to God to make things happen. When we agreed on the location of the ambush, we discussed it together. It's not your fault. Your idea is still very good!" He sighed again: "Even if we Ambushing outside the palace gate, if the messenger wants to inform Wu Taiming, he will think of other ways. What's more, it is too eye-catching outside the palace gate, so it is not a good place to do it. Don't blame yourself if you regret it. Right now, I still want to Think about what to do about it..."

Wang Bao had long thought about it, and when he saw Zhao Yun talking about it, he said, "Wu Taiming is a ghost-like character, and if he is frightened by this, the prince may be the first to suspect him!"

"Hmph, so what's the point of doubting? He didn't dare to say a single word to me without evidence. What's more, my king was assassinated, so he didn't even have room for insinuations..."

Wang Bao continued: "Jinyi's idea is: the prince and the emperor are assassinated at the same time, we can transfer the dirty water to the prince. This is our established charter. As long as the emperor is willing, more or less, the prince wants to The doubts of becoming emperor earlier, the result of our efforts to recover it is not too bad..."

After hearing Wang Bao's words, Zhao Yun's expression eased!But he said to Du Ruhui: "Is there any chance to get rid of Wu Taiming?"

Du Ruhui nodded seriously and said: "There must still be some, but Wu Mingming must be paying attention to everything these days...Don't worry, my lord, let's wait for us to take it easy..."

I knew in my heart that this must be the result!But Zhao Yun was a little unwilling!After thinking about it, it is not easy to get rid of Wu Taiming easily. If you don't care about it, you can only put it aside... "Well, let's put Wu Taiming's matter aside... first put Take care of the aftermath of these things tonight!" Zhao Yun said on the surface that he was slandering the prince, but the subtext was to get rid of the two killers sent to kill the emperor!So when he said this, he gave Wang Bao a look.

Wang Bao nodded imperceptibly, indicating that he understood.Zhao Yuncai went on to say: "Xing Tian, ​​you can find some more eyeliners and go to Wu Taiming's mansion. As long as you have the opportunity, you may have to try again... Whether it is poisoning, arson, shooting arrows, as long as you can You can try to kill Wu Taiming! Do you understand?"

Xing Tian hurriedly nodded... Seeing that Zhao Yun was eager to get rid of Wu Taiming, Du Ruhui hurriedly added: "The premise is to keep it secret, it must be kept secret..."

After hearing Du Ruhui's reminder, Zhao Yun also nodded and said, "Well, that's it...you all go down to do some errands, and call Tian Zhuzi up..."

Everyone retreated to the Jietian Pavilion, Du Ruhui let Tian Zhuzi, who was guarding outside the courtyard, go in, and went back to his own courtyard... Zhao Yun calmed down on the Jietian Pavilion, drinking tea and thinking Things, until Tian Zhuzi pedaled up to the top of the attic... "Master!" Tian Zhuzi bowed and stood on the side politely... Nodding his head lightly, Zhao Yun seemed to be thinking about something!

Although he refuted Xing Tian's words in person, Xing Tian's words reached his heart!Of course there is a traitor, otherwise the messenger who suddenly appeared would never be able to get the timing so accurate!

But he couldn't agree with Xing Tian's statement face to face, because he didn't know who betrayed him!Wang Bao, Xing Tian, ​​and Du Ruhui, he doesn't believe any of them, he doesn't believe in anyone except himself... But he can't find any evidence, and he can't deal with all three of them... Yun thought for a long time before gently looking at Tian Zhuzi and said, "Mr. Du, have you ever asked me something like this King's whereabouts and conversation these past few days?"

Tian Zhuzi was taken aback for a moment, then thought carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "No."

"This afternoon, after we finished talking in Jietian Pavilion, did Mr. Du do anything special?"

Tian Zhuzi thought about it carefully again, and said softly: "It seems that there is no special move... The Lord told Tian Zhuzi to keep an eye on Mr. Du during this period of time. I don't dare to be sloppy. This afternoon, he In addition to asking the servant to go out and buy a bag of broad beans, and according to the master's order, he stayed in the room when he saw Su San, and didn't even leave the yard! The servant who bought the broad beans was originally a servant in the mansion. My little one asked about it, but Mr. Du only asked him to buy broad beans, and didn't explain anything else. As for meeting that Su San, although the little one wasn't there, he also asked the little guy afterwards, and he never said anything out of the ordinary... ..."

With his hands behind his back, looking down from above, Zhao Yun looked down from the entrance of Jietian Pavilion, and the entire palace was under his vision.It's just that the night is already deep now, and nothing is clear, invisible, and blurry, just like his mood at the moment... Frowning tightly, Zhao Yun asked repeatedly in his heart, who leaked it? got the news?If it wasn't for Du Ruhui, would it still be Xing Tian or Wang Bao?

"If you find anything wrong with Mr. Du, please report to me no matter how big or small it is..." After Zhao Yun finished speaking in a low voice, he continued: "Be careful with Xing Tian and Mr. Wang..."

Tian Zhuzi bowed lowly, every time Zhao Yun said something, he would bend down, indicating that he had heard...until Zhao Yun waved him away...he was not a fool, after staying in the palace for so long, he He is the person who knows the prince's temper best.

He has learned about the prince's suspicion early on... Today the prince can doubt those people in front of him, but he trusts him and puts him in a more important position than everyone else.But he also understands that behind the scenes, the lord doesn't know who he sent, and he is also monitoring his every move... Fortunately, he has no intention of betraying the lord, so he is naturally ashamed...


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