
Chapter 277 Zhao Guang's Thoughts

Chapter 277 Zhao Guang's Thoughts

Everyone has their own thoughts, on this unusual night, in this lively but chilly night, everyone is slipping into deeper and deeper darkness without knowing it... When Zhao Guang finally received a letter from Wu Taiming and learned that Wu Taiming almost died in a different place. 【】He can no longer resist the deep chill in his heart!I just feel cold all over, and my hands and feet are cold!

Wu Taiming is too important to him. If Wu Taiming dies, he will immediately become an empty castle!Suddenly he lost control of the situation, and immediately became a lonely person without any support... In the past, he just thought Wu Taiming was his good help, or sometimes he felt that he was a little annoying, but until this moment, Only then did he understand that Wu Taiming was not only his help, but also almost the only way to realize his will.Losing Wu Taiming, he seemed to be emptied suddenly... This feeling, as if his heart had been gouged out, was empty and unacceptable... Fortunately, Wu Taiming is still alive... Suffering The excitement of this news!Zhao Guang's brain seemed to be activated. After hearing the news that Wu Taiming was assassinated but still alive, two thoughts immediately popped up in his mind: one is that Wu Taiming cannot die, and he must protect him; The second is that if something happens to Wu Taiming again, I can't just panic like this, and I need to get in touch with some officials who are close to him in case of emergency... Thinking of this, Zhao Guang gently pulled Xu Jiangjin and said: "Su Yi's case is considered as a case." In the end, Su Yi died of illness, and it is impossible for Su Yi to go back to be a servant. Now that you have been in the real position of the third rank, and have stayed in the Jinling Mansion for a while, you are no stranger to the affairs of the court, so naturally you have the opportunity to learn more about it. Further, the one who left the court to enter the prime minister... This prince will discuss this matter with Wu Xiang in the next few days. If you have the heart, you still need to try your best to show yourself in front of the emperor..."

Xu Jiangjin didn't understand whether Zhao Guang came up with this statement himself, or Wu Taiming taught him to say it.But no matter what, this is good news for him... So he hurriedly bowed gratefully, and replied: "I only do my best, and I will not dare to be distracted, in order to repay the prince's kindness." !"

Smiling, Zhao Guang patted Xu Jiangjin on the shoulder and said, "Let's take care of everything... Well, you should hold on here, and if anyone comes, send them back! Father said it would be over in a moment, but now it's half an hour It's passed, and the inside should be about the same, it's rare for the emperor to be so happy today, we who are ministers and sons should try our best to flatter."

Xu Jiangjin nodded repeatedly, and watched Zhao Guang walk into the Tingyu Building... He also walked to the main entrance outside the building, looked in quietly, and saw the emperor talking to Su San and Xu Wei with a smile on his face... Hey, A king must have majesty, and he must not be so close to the common people; even keep a distance from the ministers, otherwise the emperor's majesty will remain?It's just that these things are beyond his control...Xu Wei and Xu Jiangjin know each other.This is the descendant of the Xu family, the largest family in the city... After next year's spring, there must be a promotion. It is normal for the emperor to know Xu Wei!After all, this kid is quite talented, and the family power is quite trusted by the royal family... It's just that the Xu family has gotten closer to King Wu recently, and Xu Shilang is in charge of the household department in the East Mansion. Wu Wangtong got more angry.In fact, it is not difficult to understand the Xu family's approach.In such a big family, the relationship is complicated, so it is not easy to make it clear which party you want to join. Only the two heads can infiltrate some, I am afraid it will be more in line with the Xu family's long-term plan... The prince became the emperor, Xu Home will not be treated badly!King Wu has become the emperor, and he also wants to remember the good of the Xu family.Mr. Xu is very good at calculating... As for this Su San!Xu Jiangjin was a little surprised... Su Yi was still in prison, but he was so high-profile, like a scholar who didn't understand everything, but the praise he said in the building just now really made people stare dumbfounded.

This kind of words, even if you ask an old oily man in the officialdom of Jiuli to speak in front of the emperor, I'm afraid it will be difficult to say it so smoothly, right?But such a young boy, actually just said it in such a flustered manner.Not only did he say it, but he also said it with confidence and confidence, so fluently and naturally.

From this point of view, Su San is not a sour scholar who is extremely pedantic and ignorant of world affairs; he is an unprecedented and thick-skinned eccentric... But Su San in front of him treats people so well, how can he be an extremely pedantic rotten... student?That demeanor, that manner, that speech, could it be that he is really a hidden genius?

Xu Jiangjin shook his head, not sure of the thoughts in his heart!In his opinion, Su San is really too young, this age and that kind of peerless genius who is so magnificent and full of secrets is really impossible to fit together... At least another ten or twenty years of experience are needed, which is almost the same. …Zhao Pu came in when Zhao Guang came in, waved his hand lightly and said with a smile: "Come on, you also help Su San and the others sort it out!"

As for poetry, Zhao Guang has been influenced by Zhao Pu, so he is naturally good.In order to let the emperor enjoy himself, he naturally would not disobey his orders, so he also stood with Su San and Xu Wei, but only took the manuscripts that the two of them sorted out... only what Xu Wei and Su San sorted out There were at least thirty or forty pieces of Xu manuscripts, so he smiled and said to the two of them: "This is not enough..." Then he said to many talented scholars in the first floor: "Don't ask for the quantity, just make a good one with your heart... ..." After that, he didn't go to the new manuscripts anymore, he only picked up the manuscripts that had been sent up, picked out ten good poems, and compared five poems among the ten poems, and said to Su San and Xu Wei with only five poems: "You two Everyone, each person will take out one piece, and only three pieces will be left! This prince presents it to the emperor..."

The emperor appreciates the prince's swift action to chop up the mess.Xu Jiangjin, who was guarding the door on the other side, said in his heart: If the prince can have such a mind in government affairs, then he will be a generation of wise king... Su San didn't go to accept the five manuscripts from the prince, but just smiled at Xu Wei Said: "Ning Yuan is too picky, so I just ask Brother Xu to pick out two songs for you..."

Xu Wei did not speak, but bowed, and took the poem manuscript from the crown prince.He had passed all these poems, so he glanced at them, picked out two, and returned the remaining three to the prince... Zhao Guang took over, one and two Jinling The poem manuscripts of the talented scholars are still there.Only one article about Wuling Mansion and one article about Jinghu Road are missing.The last one left was a poem by a gifted scholar on Jingxi Road!In Zhao Guanglai, although the poems of this Jingxi Road Zongyuan are good, they can only be ranked last among the five... Zhao Guang passed three poems one by one, took a look at Su San and said with a smile: "No choice ?”

Su San smiled and said: "Brother Xu has passed, it's the same..."

Xu Wei's face turned slightly red, but he turned his head away!Don't look at Su San's eyes... He still considers it from the standpoint of Jinling people!Now that Zhao Guang has selected five of these, it means that these five are all eligible... What he did was to leave behind the poems of Jinling people... The only thing that made him What felt a bit excessive was that he took out Wang Yu's poems from Wuling Mansion and replaced them with Zong Yuan's poems!

Zong Yuan's poems were the weakest among the five. If the emperor wanted to comment later, the people from Jinling would be the ones to monopolize the scenery... Zhao Guang saw that Su San was not picky, so he smiled and didn't say anything else.Then he collected the three poems in his hand and sent them to the emperor!


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