
Chapter 279 Su Ningyuan's Poem

Chapter 279 Su Ningyuan's Poem

This poem is naturally a good poem, and it also shows the foundation of Xu Wei's poetry. 【】It's just that if this poem is an ordinary poem, if it is made, it can win a very good prize!But today, in such a scene, there are five good poems in the head. Written in such a soft style, the poem seems a bit out of place in the presence of the monarch... It's like a group of warriors who suddenly squeezed into each other. Here comes a young woman.Although this woman has a very good figure and a very beautiful appearance, I'm afraid... it is also the result of being raped... Therefore, as soon as this poem came out, the Jinling people were discouraged at first, but they couldn't show it on their faces.Xu Wei also knew that this poem didn't fit the style of this poetry club, but tonight his mind was already in a mess, how could he make a good poem that fit the occasion?

Zhao Pu listened and did not embarrass him.He just smiled and said, "The style of poetry is fresh, and you can write lyrics with good foundation. Not bad. Su San, you need to work hard..."

Su San was about to answer, but unexpectedly Xu Wei spoke up suddenly.It turned out that Xu Wei had already heard the emperor's dissatisfaction with his poems, and then he said what Su San wanted to work hard.One level of meaning is naturally to ask Su San to do a better job than the poems of the five people just now!The other meaning is probably that he did too badly, and asked Su San not to do so badly like himself... He didn't want this kind of thing to happen, so before Su San could speak, he said, "Your Majesty! Everyone likes Ning Yuan I have written poems all night tonight, but I don’t have a single word, not Ning Yuan’s, so why not write lyrics instead?”

Xu Wei suppressed his heart, and when he spoke with a pleasant face, he seemed to be thinking of everyone and Su San... When Wang Yu saw Xu Wei's pretentiousness, he couldn't help but feel a sudden fire in his heart.

He was following carefully, and he had already seen Xu Wei's hands and feet when he was selecting poems!I hated Xu Wei very much in my heart, and when I saw him make such a poem, I was secretly happy for a while.But I didn't expect Xu Wei to play such a trick all of a sudden... Everyone is writing poetry, why did they change to writing lyrics when they came to Su San's place?

From the way of composing poems to the style of words, the previous preparations disappeared in an instant, let alone changing the words suddenly, so I had to think hard for a long time?And there is such a situation in front of you: under the watchful eyes of everyone, the emperor sits and waits!Who is not nervous?A talent like Xu Wei nervously chose a song at random. If Su San became nervous and couldn't come up with a word, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Besides Su San's style of writing, others don't know about it, none of them Wuling's talents know about it.Those are all long-lasting and affectionate words.In other poetry competitions, this style of words is the most appropriate, but in this occasion, it is a bit out of date... Tonight, Su San has earned a lot of face for the people of Wuling, how can he let Su San suffer this loss.

Therefore, as soon as Wang Yu heard Xu Wei's words, he hurriedly said to the emperor: "Everyone is in the same room, there is no reason for Su San to write the lyrics alone... Please the emperor refute Xu Wei's request..."

All of a sudden, everyone in Wuling started talking...Zhao Pu listened quietly, seeing Xu Wei's face turned blue and white, and knew that Xu Wei wanted Su San to have no time to think.However, he also knew that Su San's style was the most changeable, so he wanted Su San to write a poem... But Wang Yu and others agreed, and they couldn't completely refute it, so he smiled at Su San and said, "You want to be different from everyone else?" Talented people are average, and they all write poems? Or are they different from other talented people, and write lyrics?"

When Wang Yu saw the emperor asking such a question, he knew it was going to be bad.According to Su San's temperament, what he likes the most is eclectic... But Su San said with a smile: "It's better to make poems and words too... Both ordinary and not ordinary? Anyway, this poem has been prepared long ago. , make it and fill up the number..."

Hearing what Su San said, Zhao Pu couldn't help but lightly smiled, and said impatiently, "That's fine."

Seeing how things had turned out like this, Xu Wei couldn't help but regret that he shouldn't have said what he said just now.Seeing Su San's relaxation, Wang Yu and others, as well as a group of talented scholars, thought in their hearts: I don't need to be nervous... In this situation, Su San is still so relaxed, so there shouldn't be any big problems... Wuling The talented person relaxed a lot, but the talented person in Jinling looked depressed like his parents had died.Everyone is a discerning person, and everyone saw the process of the poetry competition just now.Xu Wei was obviously not as good as Su San, yet he ran to challenge him one-on-one, and finally got a group of Jinling people in it; One more chance to perform.

Hey, talented Jinling, Xu Wei couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. 'Why do some people always want to lift rocks and throw them on their own feet? '

Su San received the emperor's decree, seeing the eager look on the emperor's face, she didn't say anything else.Gently stood still in the empty space, and said slowly: "I would like to dedicate this poem to the world's number one Zhenwu Emperor!" Bowing to the emperor, he chanted: "Kyushu is angry and relies on wind and thunder, and ten thousand horses are screaming together. First, I urge the Lord of Heaven to cheer up and send down talents of all kinds!"

Su San directly compared Zhao Pu to Tian Gong!But he changed this old Mr. Gong's poem into a muddleheaded mess!However, the atmosphere of this poem is still there, and it can be regarded as a work for the occasion.Therefore, when this poem came out, everyone was shocked.

This poem is majestic and excellent, which naturally surprised everyone; but it is so bold to ask the emperor to send down talents in an eclectic manner. This is another surprise to the talented people who have been cautious... Everyone turned their eyes to Zhao Pu, To listen to the emperor's evaluation of this poem... Zhao Pu savored this poem in his heart, besides being happy, he didn't feel that Su San was arrogant.Seeing that everyone was staring at him cautiously, it was hard for him to directly praise Su San's poem. Instead, he calmed down, glanced at everyone, and said to Su San: "Come out the first word first..."

When everyone heard what the emperor said, their hanging hearts were raised, but they couldn't let it go anymore.But the emperor didn't make a statement, so they had no choice but to calm down and listen to Su San's lyrics...Su San seemed to be a foolish and bold person, and he didn't care what the emperor was thinking anymore. He shook his head and said: "This poem is also dedicated Made for the emperor! Su San, please write this poem for the emperor, and ask the prince to help me, Ning Yuan will write it, and the prince will read it!"

This is also a very bold request.Asking the crown prince to help him is a request that ordinary people would not even dare to think about... But Su San made it so naturally... Zhao Pu didn't have such narrow-mindedness, so he asked Zhao Guang to read it.

Zhao Guang was naturally happy in his heart, because Su San said at the first sentence that this poem was written especially for his father, so if he read this poem specially written for his father, he would be showing his filial piety.His current thought is to make his father happy. As for whether to fight or not, he doesn't even care...Su San dare not let Zhao Guang grind the ink, so he said to Wang Yu: "Brother Shaoyou, please grind the ink..."

Wang Yu cupped his hands and said, "It's an honor..."

Xu Wei sneered, this Su San was also extremely arrogant.The crown prince helped to read, Wang Shaoyou, who wrote the No.1 poem tonight, has become a helper.

Unexpectedly, Su San picked up the pen, but said casually to the surroundings: "Two more people, help remove the paper..."

Xu Wei sneered even more!Just as I was about to make a joke about Su San, I saw a large group of people crowding up!I couldn't help but feel angry, secretly hated that these talented people would rather destroy their own prestige, and want to grow the ambition of others!

Others don't care what Xu Wei thinks!

A large group of people wanted to go over, but Zong Yuan and Zuo Zhishi, who were standing closest to Xie En just now, took the lead and stood up first.The crowd had no choice but to retreat back regretfully... Zhao Pu laughed on the top and said, "You made such a scene...don't be ashamed for a while...hehe..."

Su San smiled boldly and said: "This word is for the emperor, no matter how embarrassing it is, everyone has to cover it up, and dare not say anything bad. Everyone is so supportive, and the crown prince also helps to read it, it's all on the emperor's behalf." In terms of face, Su San is just taking advantage of the tiger's prestige..."

Zhao Guang saw that Su San seemed like a crazy person, the more people there were, the more interesting he seemed, and he appreciated it... The key point is that Su San pointed out that the crown prince condescends so much for the sake of the emperor's filial piety.These words made him feel comfortable... "Haha, just watch, others don't dare to say it, so don't I dare to say it too? Wait a minute, how can I tear you up, a fox... Haha..." Zhao Pu is also a big Laughing, I couldn't think of what kind of words Su San would make that could shock his mouth.


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