
Chapter 280 Qinyuan Spring, Snow

Chapter 280 Qinyuan Spring, Snow

Su San stopped laughing after hearing what the emperor said, and saw that Wang Yu had already grinded the ink finely, so she picked up a tube of ink and sucked up the ink, and wrote in wild cursive: Qinyuan Chunxue!

The font is wild and bold, even a calligrapher like Zhao Guang should be impressed. 【】Hurry up to put away the underestimation, and get up seriously, so as not to make a mistake and make a fool of yourself... "Qinyuanchun, Xue!" Zhao Guang read in a deep voice... This is just a word card!But just the beginning of the word, it lifts people's spirits.

Xu Wei thought in his heart: Just write about Yuan Chunxue, I'm afraid I won't be able to make any grandiose chapters.What ability do you have... dare to be so arrogant.

After Su San finished writing the title of the card, he dipped another stroke of thick ink, and then wrote all the way madly, Zhao Guang hurriedly followed closely.Zong and the two on the left were not in the mood to listen and read, but concentrated on moving the rice paper on the case, fearing that if Su San's pen was blunted, it would be a lifelong regret... I just heard Zhao Guang read: " The scenery of the northern country is covered with ice for thousands of miles, and the snow is drifting for thousands of miles. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but wildness; , exceptionally enchanting..."

At this point, Su San stopped writing and stared at the emperor, but his expression seemed to be thinking about something. Everyone didn't even dare to breathe loudly, for fear of waking Su San up and interrupting this excellent sentence... The words are so good that everyone dare not even say the word 'good'... After thinking for a while, Su San wrote again: There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers.Cherish the emperor of Chu, Han Wu, who is slightly inferior; the ancestor of Shangzong, Jinzu, is a little less coquettish.A generation of arrogance, Chali Mohan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle.All going on, counting the romantic figures, Su San stopped writing again and again, glanced at the crown prince, then at the emperor, and then added: "It's still the present..." He sighed softly in his heart, and changed it into a mess again, I hope that the old man Runzhi has a spirit in the sky, so don’t blame him... After thinking about it in my heart, I gently lowered my pen, and said with a smile to Chao Zongyuan and Zuo Zhishi: "Thank you..." They patted again Wang Yu nodded his shoulders, and then turned to the emperor... But the emperor has long been deeply attracted by this poem.This poem was specially written by Su San for him, so the meaning in this poem naturally alludes to his... pity for the emperor of Chu, Han Wu, who is slightly inferior; the ancestor of Shangzong, Jinzu, who is a little less coquettish... Such descriptions, It was extremely wild, and it touched his heart deeply... For a moment, he was crazy about it.

The heart of reading is excited, and the mind is full of thoughts... The emperor can't comment on this poem.Zhao Pu stood up excitedly, guarded by Charlie, walked to the case, Zhao Guangzao pointed to Zong Yuan and Zuo Zhishi, and asked them to hold up the words...Zhao Pu read Su San's wild and unruly handwriting carefully , and then taste this word.The end is that the word and the meaning of the word are connected, as if it is a situation that has never been heard through the ages.

He stared blankly at the words for a long while, but couldn't pick out the slightest discomfort.I can only sigh deeply in my heart. As far as poetry is concerned, my talent is absolutely inferior to the young Su San in front of me... Well, I must praise this great talent today... Otherwise, I would have no face to accept this word.To lift up Su San is to give him a long face... Zhao Pu got this idea in his heart, and it got out of hand.

Turn around quietly, walk back slowly, and sit down.Zhao Puping looked at the group of talented scholars peacefully, and after sitting quietly for a while, he took out a piece of paper from the table, grabbed a pen, and quickly wrote many words on the paper, stopping writing and writing, thinking and writing again after stopping, After three pauses like this, I finally finished writing.

Zhao Pu heaved a sigh of relief, summoned Zhao Guang, and handed the paper to Zhao Guang.But he waved to Charlie.

Charlie understood, and immediately raised his voice: "The emperor drives!"

With this shout, everyone knelt down in panic! "Long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

The emperor came out of the Tingyu Tower under the shouts of the crowd... All the guards and government servants in the building were evacuated for a while... There was a rush in the building, and I always felt that tonight's incident seemed to have no end yet. Why did the emperor leave? Everyone's hearts are still hanging on... Why did the emperor leave without saying a word or showing any facial expression for the poem and words written by Su San in the end?Could it be that the poem was not well written, and the words were written too wildly, which offended the emperor?

When Xu Wei thought about it, he felt a little gloating.My own poems are not good, but at least they are passable.But Su San was so proud that the emperor did not comment on the poems he wrote!

In fact, it was because Xu Wei had a prejudice in his heart and a demon in his heart, so he didn't notice the emperor's behavior.But those who have a bright mind, such as Wang Yu and others, have long since walked down from the emperor, and from the poem carefully, they know that the emperor probably likes Su San's poem very much in his heart, and he can't comment on what he likes. the point.What does this mean? It means that the emperor feels that he is no longer suitable for evaluating such poems... They naturally also noticed that the emperor gave Zhao Guang the piece of paper he wrote, so they are now waiting for Zhao Guang to turn around up.

Sure enough, after Zhao Guang sent the emperor away outside the door, he took a few guards and re-entered the Tingyu Tower... Everyone hurriedly made a way to let the prince in...but the prince calmly walked to the stairs to stand Ding, said to the crowd: "The idlers wait to get back, Su San stepped forward to listen to the order..."

Su San had already expected that the emperor would have a decree, so he stood forward and said calmly, "Su San, accept the decree!"

Li Guang nodded to Su San, then unfolded the manuscript paper in his hand, and began to read.Because this imperial decree was not rewritten by the whole department, it is full of the emperor's original words, only the decree is: I have heard about your talent and name for a long time, and seeing it in person tonight, I feel even more impressive.If you wish me to send talents in an eclectic manner, I will do as you wish.It is specially designed to promote Su San as a scholar, and to preside over the next spring exam with full authority!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the building was startled, their eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't close them anymore... But the purpose was still not finished... Although Zhao Guang was quite surprised, but This matter does not hinder him, so he is the so-called, but the following will, even he is a little inexplicable... "Su Yi is Su Yi, you are you. Even if Su Yi is guilty, as long as you The crime does not involve you, so you can go about your business with peace of mind. You are proud of the spring breeze and released Ma Kua Street. Now you have no part. Ge, you are also not allowed to leave Jinling, to wait for trial in court at any time. This is yours!"

After Zhao Guang read this, he was dumbfounded.This Su Yi, who said to let go, actually let go?And just like that, let it go?

What's happening?As soon as Zhao Guang finished reading it, he thought in his heart that he had to discuss this matter with Xiang Wu quickly... "The minister leads the decree to thank you!" Su San was actually a bit overwhelmed!The second half of the imperial decree was what he wanted, but the first half was not what he wanted.I came to Jinling by myself for my elder brother's business, and I'm not sure if I will participate in next year's Chunwei!Who knew, the emperor made such a decision!The first half is the grace that the emperor wants to give!In the second half, it was an extra gift from the emperor... This is what happened.

In his heart, he actually didn't want to benefit from Zhao Pu at all!Otherwise, there will be a gap in his heart in the future... But in this situation, and the matter has come to this point, what can he do if he doesn't accept the order to thank him?The emperor left as well, and he didn't even have a chance to say a word... I don't know if the emperor refused to thank him in person; or was he afraid that he would be wordy; or was he afraid that he would resign?That's why I left first... Anyway, the matter is already settled, and there is no room for refusal...


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