
Chapter 281 The Joy and Worry of the Talented Scholars

Chapter 281 The Joy and Worry of the Talented Scholars

Zhao Guang gave Su San a look at the "imperial decree", but still took it back. This must be archived, so it is not easy to spread it. 【】He wanted to say a few words to Su San, but he didn't know where to start the words, so he could only say: "Since the emperor ordered you to be the examiner! The rules of the imperial court are not to make friends with students privately, so we need to be careful about this." , otherwise, it will be uncomfortable for you to read a book in Yushitai."

"Thank you, Prince, for your suggestion."

Zhao Guang saw that Su San was able to respond to his own wishes, so he smiled and said a few more words: "Shu Sheren, although he is a fourth-rank idle job in this dynasty, he doesn't need to answer errands, and he doesn't need to go to the yamen to order. Mao, but at least it is a fame! The emperor dotes on you, so there must be a great use for you. Presiding over Chunwei is just the first time, you have to do your best to do it well. If you have any difficulties, just let the prince know."

"Yes!" Su San replied with a smile.

He didn't have much to say about other things, so he smiled: "There is also Xu Jiangjin's matter in this decree, and the prince will go to the Jinling Mansion. If you want to pick up Su Yi, you might as well go to the Su Mansion first." Get ready, and then go to the sky prison in Jinling Mansion to pick up people. Governor Xu has to go through some formalities. I’m afraid it’s not that fast, so I’ll just wait if you go early. I’ll send a guard to accompany you to Su Mansion! Let's talk about the dismissal of those guards outside the mansion?"

Su San was busy and thanked again and again.

The prince waved his hand, and with the guards, he left Tingyu Tower and hurriedly walked towards Jinling Mansion.

Su San sent it to the door, and waited for the prince to walk away before turning back to the rain building.I saw a group of scholars and students still looking at me in disbelief, like a dream.

"Everyone, Ning Yuan is thinking about his brother, so he will take a step first." After saying that, he cupped his hands.

A group of students also hurriedly arched their hands and went to the door to send Su San away.Only when Su San had disappeared without a trace, everyone sat back in the building with a clatter of voices.

After a night of tossing and twists and turns, the result turned out to be so surprising.Can't help but let everyone sigh, but also give birth to some feelings.Most people are naturally convinced of Su San's talents.But he didn't expect that he would be so lucky and reach the sky in one step.

The happiest thing is the gang of talented scholars in Wuling.Su San didn't have to compete with them for the number one spot, and there would naturally be a spot on the list, which was a joy!Erxi is that the examiners are from Wuling, and they are their friends. Although the examination papers are all with their names hidden, Su San also knows their handwriting and style.This is a huge advantage. It is impossible to say that this year's Chunwei, Wuling will take out a few more Jinshi, which is almost inevitable, haha, the situation is very good.

The most happy ones are none other than the talented scholars in other road mansions.Among them, there are also many people who know Su San, although they are not familiar with each other, but Su San knows their names.They bitterly ran to Jinling ahead of time, isn't it just to gain the appreciation of the examiner?Originally the main examiner was not announced until before the examination, and they voted for the test. Now the emperor has appointed the examiner in public, and there is no reason to change it. They took advantage of their acquaintance. But it's still okay to play joints in private.In particular, even if you don't have to do anything, I'm afraid that this year's chances will be greater.Jinling people offended Su San, after the spring exam, I'm afraid that the chances of this Jinling person being on the list will be much lower.

Jinling has fewer people entering the list, which is good news for Wuling people, and it is also good news for other roads.

Of course, the most troubled ones are naturally the people from Jinling.Bishi didn't compare others, but it made Wuling people win such a big prize!They never imagined that things would turn out like this. If they had known this would be the result, they would never agree to accept Wuling people as their host.

When the "Listening to the Rain Building" was quiet for a while, and then it became lively again, the talents of Jinling either left in anger, or gathered together, a little unhappy.

These unhappy people are naturally very ordinary members of Jinling talents; in their thinking, Xu Wei and others are famous, even the emperor knows.Even if Su San hated the Jinling people, he probably wouldn't use them as a punching bag.

If you don't use those people as a punching bag, you can only suffer from them and recruit people who are similar to everyone else.

As long as they think of this layer, they can't help but feel a little angry! !It's not that the emperor entrusted Su San with the position of chief examiner, but that Xu Wei, Li Shu and others used the name of Jinling talent to cause such trouble for Jinling talent.

With such a name, if they are in the limelight, if there is any good thing, they will take it!It's really unfair to let them bear the blame when they get angry and something bad happens.

Why don't you simply have some skills and come up with someone like Su San, so that the emperor chooses Jinling talents as the examiner?He couldn't compare to others, but he insisted on going up the bar. This time, it's all right, and it's all crazy.Now that I know that I patted my ass and left, why did I go so early.

Su San didn't know what happened after 'Ting Yulou'!I didn't even think about those gifted scholars, what are they thinking about now!

To him, becoming the chief examiner was just an accident, it was more possible than rare!Without such a thing, he would only be happier!

Everyone in the world has the temperament of "good at being a teacher", but this point is extremely weak in him!Being the main examiner for one session and accepting students for one session, it looks like a comparison!But if he, the chief examiner, does not do well in the future, or even no disciples are proud, I am afraid that no one will regard him as a mentor.

There must be a demon when things happen very badly, and I have received this kind of grace at such a young age!While the limelight is in full swing, there are naturally undercurrents surging.He once said that if a tree is more beautiful than a forest, the wind will urge it!I just entered Jinling, so young, without a strong background, I don't know how many people are looking at me, trying to find my fault!

In the eyes of all talents, I am lucky!They are envious of themselves!But for him, it's better than anything.

However, since he came to Jinling, and since he showed up in such a high-profile manner, he didn't care too much about the additional identity of the examiner.Some things, since there is no way to avoid it, let it be, it's not a big deal, and it won't kill him because of it, it's just annoyance.

Accompanied by Zhao Guang's bodyguards, Su San walked not far away, and when Xiao An was waiting by the roadside, he waved and called Xiao An to his side with a smile, "The emperor ordered to release elder brother! You go to Li Ji's house now, and help Xiao Yu tidy up. , and then live together in the Su residence."

Xiaoan took the order, turned around and ran towards the south of the city.Su San took two steps forward, unhurriedly took out a bank note from his sleeve, smiled and said to the guards: "I don't know your name, so please run for a while, a mere 100 taels is not a respect!"

When the guard heard that it was 100 taels, he stopped immediately. "This. How good is this. Little Wanpeng, how can I accept money from adults."

"Why are adults not adults? Brother Wan is still several years older than my younger brother." As he said, he stuffed the silver ticket into the guard's hand.

The guard didn't expect to receive such a large amount of foreign money, so he was very happy and accepted the bank note with a smile.Because of slowing down, he accompanied Su San while chatting and laughing, while walking towards Su Mansion.

The Su Mansion is not far from the Imperial Street. Although the courtyard is not big, it occupies a large area with three entrances and three exits.In a place like Jinling where every inch of land is expensive, money alone is not enough to build a house like this.

The two of them walked outside the main entrance of Su's mansion, and saw a few people in soap clothes from Jinling's mansion, squatting lazily by the door, and could faintly hear a few people drinking and punching in the side room under the door opening.

Guard Wan stopped in front of the Su Mansion, and said to Su San: "There used to be such a thing, these bastards, even the family members of the officials dared to make a move, and now this little one will vent his anger on the adults. The adults should Little ones use their means, don't pity these bastards who eat meat but don't spit out their bones!"

Su San knew that Zhang Gong was guarding the mansion, and Su Yi was also a servant, no matter how bold these people were, they probably wouldn't be ashamed to that extent in the past few days.But Wanpeng said so, he just let Wanpeng make up his mind!When it's time to be angry, sometimes you need to be angry, there is no need to keep your voice low.So just nodded and didn't speak.

Wan Peng took Su San and walked straight towards the gate of the Su Mansion.

It wasn't until Wanpeng and Su San passed through the doorway and walked into the first courtyard that the lazy slaves recovered from their staring eyes and hugged each other loudly. come over.


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