
Chapter 282 Su Xizai, Su Xipo

Chapter 282 Su Xizai, Su Xipo

"Hey, blind your dog's eyes! This is a forbidden area, what are you doing? You dare to break in! You want to die, I. 【】"

Wan Peng slapped the speaker on the face with a 'slap', ignored everyone's reaction, stared at the person coldly, and did not answer!

Su San was naturally happy to play, with a calm expression on his face.

There are sharp-eyed ones, and one of them has a calm expression, not like ordinary people; the other is wearing casual clothes, but has a special palace-made waist knife hanging on his waist, which is also a shelf all over his body.I thought that I was afraid that it was not an official from somewhere, so I didn't dare to make a mistake. I hurriedly grabbed the gentleman who was about to charge up, put on a smile and said: "May I be blessed and safe, my lords! If you dare to ask your lord's name and name, in Which yamen congratulates you?"

Wan Peng snorted coldly, walked up to the speaker, raised his hand and slapped him again, cursing: "Fuck off, call the night shift leader to come and see me!"

Seeing Wanpeng's aura, all the officials didn't dare to make a move. One of the officials saw that the situation was not right, so he ran away quickly!Not long after, a squad leader with a round face and big ears and a group of officials rushed out.Two NO.30 people surrounded the yard.

Wan Peng looked at the team leader and said coldly: "Okay, let you protect Su's mansion, you all hid in the mansion. Tell me, what are you doing in there?"

Seeing Wanpeng's arrogance, the leader of the group was frightened, but asked, "Who is this lord?"

Wan Peng gave the head of the class a cold look, took out a sign from his pocket and lit it, with the word Ouchi written on it!Turn it over again, and on the back of the sign, there are three words 'Taiwan'.As soon as the team leader saw it, he knew that this was someone close to the prince, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "If you go back to your lord, I will never dare to harass lord Su's family. The people who entered the yard at this end have long since escaped, brothers." After guarding for such a long time, some people can’t stand up, and some people hide in to rest. The adults are sympathetic to the little people, that is to take care of the little ones, and the little ones are grateful.”

Wan Peng accepted Su San's money, so naturally he wanted to do things for Su San sincerely.Hearing the words of the team leader, but not convinced, he really walked around the yard as soon as he entered, and saw that the doors to the second courtyard were closed tightly. Once he entered the courtyard, apart from the wine and food of these officials, there was nothing else. Suspicious, he still turned back and said: "The Emperor has a decree, Mr. Su will be released from prison and return to the mansion tonight. Therefore, you don't have to stay here anymore, the crown prince orders you to leave quickly."

The team leader was an old character, and he said with a smile on his face: "That's good, the young ones have been bored here for a long time, and there is no place to walk around. It's really a good conversation. But I haven't seen a formal trip, the young ones But dare not retreat privately."

Wan Peng hummed, and said to the team leader: "How dare you disobey the prince's order! What if you took the wrong medicine! Do it quickly, if you are a little negligent, I will take you down first, how can there be so many?" Said."

Seeing Wanpeng's changed face, the team leader didn't dare to carry it anymore, so he turned around quickly and asked everyone to clean up quickly. Even so, they still waited for Xu Jiangjin's warrant before they left.

Seeing what happened outside, Wan Peng already alarmed the inner courtyard, and more than a dozen nurses came out from the second gate to investigate.As far as he was concerned, the matter had reached this stage, and it was considered over, so he bid farewell to Su San and went back to the palace.

Both Su Xing and Zhang Gong knew Su San, and saw that all the yamen servants had left cleanly, so they stepped forward and asked, "Master, what's going on?"

Su San smiled, patted Su Xing on the shoulder, took out a 1000 tael banknote from his bosom, and said to Zhang Gong and the Nursing Academy: "I am Su San, the third child of the Su family, the younger brother of Mr. Su." The 1000 taels will be distributed to the big guys by Zhang Gong. These few days, you have protected the Su family. I'm going to be released from prison tonight!"

When everyone heard the news, they cheered for a while, and of course they also felt the joy of getting the reward.

"Brother Xing, send this news to my sister-in-law; then go prepare the carriage! I'm going to Nantian Prison to pick up my brother." Su San said while patting Mr. Zhang on the shoulder, and put 1000 Putting the two silver bills into his hand, he nodded with a smile and said, "Li Ji told me everything about your guarding in the mansion. Seeing people's hearts in times of crisis, I thank you on behalf of elder brother."

Zhang Gong also had a look of joy on his face. To be honest, his heart is also up and down these days.But he didn't know how to imitate Wu Dong. Seeing that his master was in prison, he took his belongings and fled overnight.Even if he leaves, he must first protect Mrs. Su's family. This is the minimum responsibility of the nursing home.

Who would have thought that the clouds would clear up soon.

Zhang Gong nodded excitedly, hurriedly passed the order down, asked people to prepare torches, and was busy picking out people to protect Su San to meet Su Yi!

Not long after, a few servants also came out from the inner mansion, they were all familiar servants from the inner court, although they had never met Su San, the third master, but when they came out, they all saluted the third master, an old lady, Pulling a young master, pointing at Su San said: "This is your third uncle!"

The little boy was 11 years old, he was fat and chubby, he looked at the young third uncle with a crooked face, and called out embarrassedly: "Third uncle!"

Su San knew that her elder brother had a son and two daughters, but she didn't expect that her elder brother's sons were already so grown up. She fumbled around in her bosom, but only had bank notes.I had no choice but to take out a 100 taels, handed it to him and said, "Haha, my good nephew, what's your name? Come on, this one will follow, if you like, go buy it yourself."

"My name is Su Xizai!" Xizai laughed, but the next step was to yell, "Wow, 100 taels of silver notes, that's great, I'm rich. I'm rich. Thank you, uncle, thank you, uncle." uncle."

While holding Su Xizai who was jumping up, the old lady said to Su San, "Third Lord, Xizi's real name is Su Xipo!"

"Oh, Su Xipo? This name seems familiar!"

The old lady said again: "Grandma wants Xizai to follow the third master to meet the elder. Please allow the third master."

"Go, go. Eldest brother might want to meet the little guy. Well, get on the carriage, let's go early and return early." Su San smiled, let the old lady accompany Xizai to get on the carriage, and pulled a piece by herself. A horse, together with Zhang Gong and others, left the mansion and went to the Yamen of Jinling Mansion.

Xu Jiangjin was also busy all night.

King Wu was assassinated in front of the mansion, and the emperor was assassinated again in the 'Tingyu Tower'!There is no clue about many affairs, and just after sending the emperor back, the prince sent another order from the emperor.To actually release Su Yi! !This shocked him inexplicably, and he couldn't figure out how so many things happened that night.

Su San received the grace of the Holy Grace, let alone a fourth-rank vain job, but actually got a real job as the chief examiner?Inexplicable, really inexplicable!What is even more surprising is that the emperor actually ordered Su Yi to be released!what happened?Could it be that the tide has changed?

Whether it is to catch or let go, it represents the emperor's attitude!First catch and then release, if the emperor's attitude is ambiguous, what will they do for the people who make them subordinate?

It's one thing to be in prison awaiting trial; it's another thing to be at home awaiting trial.If the direction of the wind changes, who can know where the wind is blowing?


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