
Chapter 283 Wu Taiming Has His Own Plan

Chapter 283 Wu Taiming Has His Own Plan

After the prince announced the decree, he naturally wanted to ask Xu Jiangjin what happened to Su Yi's release!

But because Xu Jiangjin didn't understand the ins and outs of this change, he naturally had no idea, so he could only vaguely say: This matter has to be decided by Wu Xiang. The matter was arranged by Wu Xiang. Let Wu Xiang decide, even if he knows the changes here, he will not dare to talk about it indiscriminately. 【】

The prince just wanted to have a bottom line before asking Wu Taiming's thoughts!Seeing that Xu Jiangjin also looked confused, he had no choice but to give up.After leaving Jinling Mansion, he went straight into the palace, instead of going to the Imperial Palace, he called Wu Taiming out of the East Mansion directly outside the Political Affairs Hall, and asked on the side of the Konguoren road: " The assassination that happened tonight is one! Just now the emperor issued an order to release Su Yi, this is the second; for these two matters, this crown prince must listen to Wu Xiang's instructions."

"The emperor let Su Yi go?" Wu Mingming didn't know about the latter matter, so he couldn't help being surprised when he heard Zhao Guang say that.

Zhao Guang then detailed what happened in Tingyu Tower tonight!Zhao Taiming listened carefully and thought slowly. When Zhao Guang finished speaking, not only did he not understand, but he became more and more confused the more he listened.

Thinking about the note that he burned just now, he couldn't help but have many questions in his heart?I feel that there are many places where I can't think clearly, don't understand, it seems that these many things are closely related, but I can't think of a reason for it for a while.

The first matter is naturally the beginning and end of Wu Wang Zhao Yun, if he can't even break this, then it's impossible for the two dynasties to be prime ministers!As for this matter, right now, we can only deal with it coldly, and ignore it, the best!

As for the second matter!

When he saw the note signed by Su Yi, he vaguely expected that things had changed.It's just that he didn't expect that Su Yihui would be released so soon!He didn't even receive any news, and he didn't even notice any warning sign. It just happened so naturally. What puzzled him in particular was: Why did the emperor order Su Yi to be released?

Just because Su San pleased the emperor tonight?Or did the emperor have such an idea long ago, to let Su Yi go?Or is it not as simple as it seems and there are other chapters?

If it was the emperor's unconstrained style and whim, he would occasionally stage such a show!But what about that note, signed by Su Yi?

He once thought, could it be that King Wu planned all this behind the scenes!

But then he overturned this possibility himself!It is true that King Wu arranged all of this, so there is no reason for him to survive!Moreover, the emperor will not listen to Zhao Yun's mercy, if he says to let people go, he will let them go!

I thought about this matter over and over again, but Wu Taiming just couldn't figure it out!I always feel that there are many places that cannot be understood after thinking about it, as if in a fog.This is a situation that he has rarely encountered in his many years as a minister.

However, he knows a little bit!That is, no matter who is playing tricks behind this, they will jump out within three days!Because three days later, it will be the day when the third department will interrogate Su Yi.

If letting Su Yi go is the emperor's intention, then the emperor will definitely find time to talk to himself!If it was Su Yi's self-rescue, then in order to save his life, Su Yi had to find an opportunity to come to him and say a few words; if it was King Wu... well, it probably couldn't be him.

Who else?Su San?Impossible, a scholar who has just left home for a few days, would plan all these things?impossible.

Seeing that Wu Taiming kept thinking, Zhao Guang didn't say a word, he was still in a hurry after all, and asked softly: "Wu Xiang, you just said something, what's the matter, what should the crown prince do?"

Only then did Wu Mingming come out of his contemplation, and said with a slight smile, "You don't have to worry about the two matters! The first one, the prince only needs to abide by the word 'filial piety', and everything will be fine! The matter about Su Yi, the prince will not worry about it!" Don't worry too much, this is also within Tai Ming's expectations! In fact, even if Su Yi gets off the hook in the end, it won't affect us much, so don't worry!"

"Wu Xiang knew that Su Yi would be released?" Zhao Guang asked in surprise.

"I guessed a little bit, it's not a problem. If he is released, he will have to go to court. He just lives in another place!" Wu Taiming said with a smile.

When Zhao Guang saw Wu Taiming say that, he felt relieved.Those impetuous thoughts just now were all wiped away in an instant!After calming down and thinking of another matter, he hurriedly said to Wu Taiming: "Xu Jiangjin, how about Prime Minister Wu? The Crown Prince wants to promote him to Su Yi's position!"

Seeing what Zhao Guang said, Wu Taiming knew that the prince must have told Xu Jiangjin in private.Naturally, it's not easy for me to stop this kind of thing, and it's not easy to express any objection. Besides, Xu Jiangjin can be regarded as the backbone of the princeling party. If he takes a step up, the power of the prince in the political affairs hall will be greater.Whether it is for the prince or for himself, it is a good thing.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Yes! It's just that this matter should not be rushed, but take your time. If you want to succeed, you may have to wait until the dust of Su Yi's case is settled. You can give everyone a briefing first. However, the main thing is to The meaning of the emperor is to let the emperor understand Jiang Jin's achievements! If the prince has a chance, he has to talk about Xu Jiangjin in front of the emperor! Also, the position of Jinling's prefect is also very important. If Xu Jiangjin advances further, Jinling The position of Fufu Yin must be resolved together. Therefore, there is no rush."

What annoys the crown prince the most is the personnel arrangement!Seeing that he wanted to arrange a servant and brought up so many things, he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, so he said to Wu Taiming: "This, Mr. Wu, please worry more. If there is an opportunity, the prince will also speak for Xu Jiangjin... ..."

After letting go of this thought, Zhao Guang remembered Wu Taiming's assassination tonight.He doesn't dare to lose Wu Taiming now. Many things can only be done by Wu Taiming, so he said with concern: "Also, at the Dongfu, I will send a few more guards to guard Wu Xiang! Restricted within the restricted area, and out of the restricted area, Prime Minister Wu himself had better be more careful and pay attention to safety."

"Thank you, Prince, for your concern. Tai Ming saved it..." At the foot of the emperor, Yuyu Imperial City, he was more on guard and more careful. If King Wu wanted to get another chance, it might be difficult.

Thinking of this, Wu Taiming thought of one thing and said: "If the emperor wants to track down the matter of Tingyulou Assassin, the prince must not take this matter. You can't accept this kind of matter. Let alone accept it, you can't even touch it. Otherwise Some people will even say that the prince is trying to cover up..."

The prince nodded and said: "Well, I understand..." Although Zhao Guang said so, he didn't think so in his heart!If the matter of assassinating the emperor is handed over to other officials to investigate, can they still find out about Zhao Yun?If the emperor handed over this matter to Zhao Yun for investigation, wouldn't it be more detrimental to him?

I thought so in my heart, and felt that I was right, but Zhao Guang still didn't say it out loud.Because, he was afraid that after he said it, Wu Taiming would say some more truths, but in the end it was proved to be his fault. Wouldn't that make him seem too knowledgeable?Therefore, he listened to Wu Taiming's words and did not refute.Anyway, most of the time, Wu Taiming is right, and he simply doesn't ask for a deep understanding.

It was already late at night, and the two of them left after chatting.The crown prince returned to the crown prince's womb, but Wu Taiming only lived in the East Mansion and dared not leave the palace!It was quiet all around, and there was no more sound, but at this moment, the Su Mansion outside the palace was brightly lit, and no one felt sleepy anymore.

The process of Su Yi's release from prison was very smooth. Although Xu Jiangjin didn't come forward, the procedures for Yi Ying were handled very specially, and the process was very fast, and there was no embarrassment at all!

But when receiving Su Yi, Su San was still shocked!

The two met each other in Zhongqiu. At that time, Su had a round face and a broad body, full of energy and spirit.But as soon as Su Yi sat down in class these days, even the cheekbones could be outlined on Su Yi's cheeks, his double chin had long since disappeared, his hair was messy and sticky because he hadn't tidied it up, and his back was also hooked. Looking at her, her eyes were a little dull, where is the spirit of the past?This is not like a dungeon, but rather like purgatory!

Su stared blankly at the people in front of him, as if he was in a dream!He didn't expect that he would be released from prison so soon, and he would be released from prison without even passing the test.So until he was taken outside the prison by the jailer, he thought it was the jailer making fun of him!

Under the 'coercion' of the old lady, Xizai threw himself into the dirty Su Yi's arms with great reluctance!Su Yi was wearing a thin prison uniform, tremblingly hugging Xizi's head, touching and touching, to make sure he was not dreaming, his eyes turned red.

Su San hurriedly took off the jacket on her body, stepped forward to put it on for Su Yi silently, and then firmly buttoned it up before saying, "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it when we get home!"

As soon as the word 'home' was mentioned, Su glanced at the lingering tears, and finally dripped down.

Several servants hurried forward to help Su Yi get into the carriage, and everyone returned to the Su residence together.


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