
Chapter 284 Su 1's Doubt

Chapter 284 Su Yi's Doubt

Sister-in-law Xuan has already prepared bath soup and a brazier, and is waiting at the gate!As soon as the carriage stopped at the door, he quickly lit the brazier and asked the master to step over. 【】

In front of the door, Su Xing had already led a group of servants, holding a chicken feather Zen Zi, and symbolically brushed off Su Yi's bad luck at the door, and then they all hugged Su Yi into the inner courtyard.

Su San didn't follow in, but asked Su Xing to arrange for Xiao An and Yu'er to live in the inner courtyard, and asked Yu'er to prepare some light food for Su Yi, and bring it in later.

Only then did he enter the inner courtyard.

Eldest brother has already been dragged in by his servants to take a bath and change clothes, only Xuan Shi and Su Yi's two concubines, together with Xi Zai, their two daughters and a group of maids and old ladies, are waiting in the main hall of the inner courtyard.

When Xuan saw Su San coming in, she hurriedly led the whole family to welcome her at the door.The younger one knelt down and kowtowed, while he bowed respectfully and said: "Mr. Xuan has met my third uncle!"

"I've met my third uncle!" The two concubines of Su Yi also followed suit with a blessing!

Su Xizai had seen Su San before, and he was also kneeling at this time, and there were two girls beside him, both about seven, eight, or ten years old.Wearing a small flower padded jacket, her face is pink, very cute.

Su San smiled softly, nodded slightly, supported Xuan Shi and said: "Sister-in-law killed Su San. They are all from my own family, how can you be so polite."

After everyone got up, Su San recruited the two little girls and said, "Tell Third Uncle, what's their name?"

"I'm Du Niang, this is my younger sister Yun Niang!" Du Niang's mouth was quick, she blinked her eyes, and snatched Yun Niang's words.Yunniang was so angry that she pouted, a little annoyed.

"Yo! They're all from the mother's generation!" Su San couldn't help laughing.

Xuanshi then explained: "Xuanshi's hometown is Guangnan Road! In our nostalgia, boys must have the character 'Xi' in their nicknames, and girls must have the word 'Niang' in their names, so that they can support themselves. Du Niang and Yun Niang were born to two concubines, and Xuan Shi only regarded her as her own daughter, so they both used the word 'Niang' in their nicknames."

Xuan's voice was soft, and she appeared to be about the same age as Yu Feng, but unexpectedly, she had an 11-year-old child!Feng Ren got married early, according to Xuan's age, he has an 11-year-old son, which is actually considered a late marriage.In comparison, the two concubines are much younger. How come they are similar to the student sisters who just entered college in the previous life, and they have such an old child.Can not help inexplicably gave birth to a lot of feelings.

"Oh, that's how it is!" Su San smiled at Du Niang and Yun Niang and said, "Third Uncle came here today a little unexpectedly, I didn't think about it before, so I didn't make any preparations..." As he spoke, he pulled out his sleeve, He took out two 100 taels of silver bills, gave Du Niang and Yun Niang one each, and said, "If you see something you like, just buy it, and it will be a meeting gift.

The two little girls are a bit reserved!He wasn't as open-eyed as Xizai, let alone jumped up, and said politely, "Thank you third uncle!"

Well, it looks like two little adults.

Su San sat on the side, and Xuan Shi accompanied her to talk for a while, after a while, Su Yi put on warm home clothes and walked into the hall.

Xuanshi hurriedly led the crowd, and saluted formally, which means to welcome the master back to the mansion!Su San also stood aside and greeted the eldest brother.

After taking a hot bath, Su Yi's spirit improved a lot.At this time, Yu'er brought in some light food, just two side dishes, and two bowls of freshly cooked polenta!

Su Yi was really hungry, he didn't care about talking first, and he didn't think it was too hot, he ate two bowls of hot porridge quickly, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Xuanshi, while wiping Su's sweat with a handkerchief, regretted why he never thought of preparing something to eat for the master.He looked at Su San very gratefully, and thought: This little uncle is very thoughtful!

After eating two bowls of corn porridge, Su Yi felt warm all over his body.Seeing the whole room full of family members, I didn't know what to say for a while, as if I had lived in another world... I touched Xizizi's head emotionally, and hugged the two daughters in my arms, kneeling on one side. After sitting for a while, he asked Su San, "What's going on?"

With a bang, Su San opened the folding fan in his hand, and smiled while shaking it lightly.He briefly said all kinds of things about listening to Yulou tonight.

After Su Yi listened carefully, he suddenly realized.

After listening to Su San's words, Xuan Shi and others realized that the master was able to release him because of his uncle's blessing.He quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Su San.Su San was so frightened that he hid to one side, and dared not answer it any more, causing a burst of turmoil in the hall.

After all, Su Yi is a person who has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he suffered from such a catastrophe, and his thoughts became even more profound.He knew that although the emperor was not shrewd in political affairs, he would never let him go just because Su San's poem pleased him.

In prison, Su Yi had been thinking: the emperor accepted Hu Shichen's tip-off, so he shouldn't have impulsively thrown himself into prison, and insisted on making this matter public!But I don't know how the emperor will end up.

Now that I think about it, the emperor must have felt remorse, so he deliberately let himself go by taking advantage of Su San, and wanted to slow down the situation to deal with it, right?

But, does Su San mean to cater to this?

Although Su Yi didn't know clearly, the fact that he was released depended on Su San.Even though he is his own brother, there is no need to be too polite, but Su Yi was quite moved by his words.

Everyone chatted with each other, and Su Yi asked about the situation at home in Wuling Mansion, and he was relieved to know that everything was fine.

Because he still had many questions in his heart, he couldn't ask Su San in front of the women, and seeing that Su San didn't seem to want to leave, he asked the women to go back and rest, and he talked to Su San alone for a while.

There is no moonlight, no starlight, only thick blackness in the sky.According to the weather, tomorrow is a changing weather!

Su Yi watched his wife and children leave one by one, saw the darkness all over the sky again, closed his eyes gently, and opened them again suddenly, after clearing the surrounding environment, he made sure that he was not in prison, and then he laughed at himself. Laughing, looking at the empty hall, he said: "It's so cold at the top! The more high you are, the less courageous you are! It's only been a few days since I went in, and I'm so depressed, it's a joke for my third brother!"

Su San shook her fan lightly and smiled slightly, but didn't speak.

Su Yi stood up, walked to the door, covered the hall door with his own hands, walked around the hall twice, then stopped in front of Su San, and said quietly: "You just talked loudly! Poetry, it’s writing poems and lyrics again! Brother knows that you don’t like to be in the limelight anymore! Tell brother the truth, did you do all of this on purpose? You guessed that the emperor would be hard-pressed, so you deliberately let him go Brother's excuse?"

Seeing Su Yi asking this question, Su San glanced at Su Yi lightly.The fan shaking in his hand stopped, as if he was seriously thinking about Su Yi's question!After a while, Su San shook the fan again, and nodded with a smile.

Su Yi's expression was slightly surprised, he didn't expect his younger brother to do it on purpose!Can't help but asked anxiously: "So, you already guessed that the emperor was riding a tiger?"

Su San shook her head and said, "Brother is wrong!"


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