
Chapter 285

Chapter 285

"Wrong?" Su Yi sat back in the chair, but looked at Su San suspiciously. 【】

Smiling, Su patted the fan in his hand and put it away.Slowly put it on the tea table next to him, then proceeded to pick up the new tea and took a sip.Only then did he stand up unhurriedly, with his hands behind his back, slowly swayed around the hall, and then he said to Su, "Brother has been in front of the emperor for many years, right? It's a pity, brother still doesn't understand." The emperor's thoughts! You think that the emperor is riding a tiger, but in fact, the emperor is not riding on the back of a tiger, so there is no difficulty."

When Su Yi was puzzled, Su San patiently explained: "Only the King of Wu has the guts to assassinate the prince. No matter how stupid the emperor calms down, he can understand this point! Yes, the elder brother has already guessed it. The emperor didn't expect two Son, fight in front of him. That's why I thought that the emperor had decided to suppress this matter completely! That's why I let my elder brother go! But, have you ever thought about it, if the emperor doesn't want to pursue King Wu? , There are at least ten ways to suppress this matter. There is no need to go back on your word and let the eldest brother go. For the emperor, the death of a Su Yi is not a big deal."

Staring at Su San in a daze, Su Yi repeatedly thought about the meaning of Su San's words, but couldn't believe it and said: "It's not like riding a tiger is hard to get off? Then why change the order every day, arrest me, and then let me go? If the emperor really wants to suppress me?" I'm afraid that killing me is the quickest solution to these turmoil, right?"

"No! You can't die. If you die, the emperor's two sons will become more antagonistic. The emperor didn't expect this situation. Arresting you can be understood as a warning from the emperor to King Wu! Letting you go, but A piece of persuasion to the crown prince. There is a lot of attention to both catch and release. Our emperor is not a stupid emperor!"

It makes some sense! "But, the emperor let me go, so how will he end up?"

"The ending? Good question! The emperor is afraid that he doesn't know how to end it! Letting the eldest brother go, it's just the emperor showing his attitude! How to end it, he has to wait for the opportunity. Well, it can be regarded as a test for the prince. Su San smiled, waved his hands and said, "Let's put this question aside, and now tell my elder brother a few things! The first thing is: the emperor was assassinated tonight."

"Ah. Didn't you say that the emperor is listening to Yulou's poetry reviews? Why is that?" Su Yi was quite surprised.

After waving his hand, Su Yi stopped asking questions, Su San continued: "Secondly, King Wu was also assassinated tonight."

Su Yi was completely silent now!

"Third, Wu Taiming was also assassinated tonight."

The puzzled expression on Su Yi's face became more and more serious.

"These three assassinations were all instigated by King Wu!" Su San said softly.

"You, why are you so sure?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"Don't ask these big brothers. The big brother just needs to know that the assassination of the emperor is fake, and it is enough for the king of Wu to kill Wu Taiming." Su San said in a very sure tone: "Wu Taiming can't die. If the third brother guesses right, Wu Taiming asked Hu Shichen to read the elder brother's book. He was afraid that he would not have someone to follow, so he started this for a reason. He must have the elder brother's death certificate in his hand! The elder brother thought about it, and then told the younger brother what kind of death certificate it was. Let Wu Taiming, a tortoise, dare to lay such a heavy hand on big brother?"

Seeing Su San speak to this depth, Su Yi knew that he was afraid that his younger brother was even more important than himself.Just from the development of the situation itself, it is expected that Wu Taiming has his death certificate in his hand. Based on this alone, he will not accept it.

This death certificate is absolutely there.He had thought about this question many times while in prison.The only death certificate he can be sure of that can kill him is a letter!A letter written by King Wu to him.

"Letter? An autographed letter from King Wu? How could there be such an autographed letter? It still fell into Wu Taiming's hands? Didn't the eldest brother know about it before? Or in other words, the elder brother got a fake letter and the real letter was transferred? "Su San seems to be talking to himself, but it seems to be asking repeatedly.

Su Yi sighed and said: "Speaking of which, it has a lot to do with the assassination of the crown prince! At that time, the crown prince had something to do and he didn't have time to tell me face to face, so he sent this letter! I can be sure that it was from Prince Wu's mansion. There is nothing wrong with the letter sent by the guards. I didn’t suspect anything when I read the letter, because the handwriting also looks like King Wu’s own handwriting. It’s just that I didn’t use a private seal after the letter, which makes me a little suspicious! I have an agreement with King Wu. This private seal is only for private credit. At that time, I thought that the king of Wu had forgotten it, or that it was too confidential for the crown prince, so there was no need for the seal, so I burned it according to the letter's request. Thinking about it these days, the more I think about it The more something is wrong, the other things, it is impossible to be caught short. Even if there is caught short, it is impossible to involve the prince. Only this letter is the biggest loophole." Su Yi said solemnly.

"The handwriting was imitated by the prince's people, and the package was changed? No wonder the prince's assassination was a thrilling one, so they knew about it a long time ago? What about King Wu? King Wu should have guessed that this letter exists, right? " Su San said lightly.

"It should be guessable. If Wu Taiming really has that letter in his hand! Wu Taiming will definitely dispose of the person who sent me the letter that day after I was imprisoned. The person who sent the letter must be a princeling. Get rid of this People, cut off this line once, to avoid things getting bigger, and ask the source of this letter. In case the sender's mouth is not firm, the prince knows that there is an assassination, but deliberately lures people to assassinate him, resulting in an established fact. It will be harmful to the prince! If the sender dies, Wu Taiming can not only get the evidence of the letter because of a well-known report; he can also blame the death of the sender on King Wu. Come on! Once the situation spreads, this is the inevitable result. Secondly, Wu Taiming knows that only one letter can not bring down King Wu. King Wu can find all kinds of excuses to discredit the authenticity of this letter! As long as In the emperor's heart, he was still thinking about the relationship between father and son, and if he didn't want to put the matter to a dead end, then King Wu would not die. Therefore, Wu Taiming wanted to use the death of the messenger to remind King Wu that he had such a thing in his hand. The purpose is to want my life, so that Wu Taiming's control over Dongfu will be even stronger."

"Whether the messenger is dead or not, we don't know right now! But the elder brother just said something wrong again. Wu Taiming didn't want the elder brother's life! He just wanted to break off one of Wu Wang's arms and weaken Wu Wang's power in the East Mansion." Power. Another person will be in the same situation in the position of eldest brother. What he wants is not the life of the eldest brother, but the position of the eldest brother in the East Mansion."

Su nodded, approving Su San's words.But he asked again: "By the way, since King Wu made such a big noise to kill Wu Taiming, wouldn't Wu Taiming have to die? Is he dead?"

"Dead? Wu Taiming can't die!" Su San laughed and said, "Because, my younger brother won't let him die! If he dies, my elder brother won't be able to live either!!"

"Ah!" Su Yi stared blankly at Su San, thinking about a lot.According to his thinking, once Wu Taiming died, his greatest power to rectify himself would be in a mess. At that time, it should be easy for King Wu to rescue him.But after listening to Su San's words and thinking about it, he felt the sweat dripping from his forehead.

Su Yi has worked with Wu Taiming for many years, so he naturally knows Wu Taiming's temperament and ability.The evidence is in Wu Taiming's hands. If there is no accident, he will not be forced to death by him, but he will also be killed by King Wu.

But once Wu Taiming died, the evidence fell into the hands of other princelings!At that time, the princelings are eager to turn the situation back, and they are afraid that the prince will rush to throw out this evidence as soon as the case is heard.According to King Wu's cautious temperament, he was afraid that if he didn't do anything, he would have to kill himself first.

Thinking of the harm of the past, Su Yi couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and couldn't sit still!

Wiping the cold sweat off his head, he looked at Su San gratefully, but he was thinking in his heart, how did Su San know that King Wu wanted to kill Wu Taiming?What method did you use to save Wu Taiming first?

"Su San knows that elder brother still has many questions in his heart. However, it is best for elder brother not to ask too many questions! Now elder brother only needs to pay attention to one issue, and that is: save your life!"

Watching Su Yi's attention, he was drawn back to the most critical issue by himself, and Su Sancai said solemnly: "Although Wu Taiming escaped, he has not let go of getting rid of his eldest brother. Three days later, there will be a joint trial by the third division." The first day of the trial! There are three presiding judges, one is Dali Temple Minister Zhou Zhiqing; the other is Li Daoming, the new censor; Evidence, with what to go to trial? Just rely on Hu Shichen's confrontation? Of course it won't work. Therefore, evidence is the key! Therefore, in the final analysis, Wu Taiming has to let go of his mouth after all! Let go of his murderous intentions."

"But how could Wu Taiming let go of his murderous intentions? The more the emperor relaxes, the more Wu Taiming will be impatient to get rid of me! If it drags on and the first trial fails, the emperor will definitely give up. Wu Taiming can't just end like this." Su Yi said deeply. typical.


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