
Chapter 286 About Rumors

Chapter 286 About Rumors

"How could the little brother not think of it. [] As long as the emperor releases the eldest brother from the cell, Wu Taiming is eager to get rid of the eldest brother? If there is no other way, the younger brother will not tell Wu Taiming about Wu Wang's plan. Rescue Wu Taiming, but can't keep the eldest brother Wouldn’t it be meaningless to protect his life? Haha, brother, don’t worry, whether he can save his life or not will naturally depend on Wu Taiming, and my younger brother already has a solution.”

Su San stopped here, smiled and said to the elder brother, "As long as the elder brother makes a promise to the younger brother! Although it is impossible to completely reset to be a servant, it is still possible for the elder brother to be an official along the way. These days, the younger brother has reported in the newspapers and knows that the Chengdu mansion has changed his fortune." The envoy is already vacant! Well, it’s a bit far away, and the place is close to Tufan and Jingguo, and it’s not far from the stream, but it’s surrounded by mountains, and there’s a Dujiangyan Plain in between, which is known as Tianfu! Jingguan It’s hard to do, why not go there and become a member of the road, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, how comfortable is it?”

Su Yi really wanted to say that you are not the emperor, if you say go to Chengdu Mansion, can you go to Chengdu Mansion?

But looking at Su San's relaxed expression, even though she was smiling, she didn't seem to be joking!He looked at Su San quietly, and didn't ask Su San what promise he wanted from him.Instead, after being silent for a long time, his heart suddenly moved, and he uttered a sentence: "Do you have the heart of disobedience?"

Su San raised her eyebrows, she didn't look at Su Yi, but quietly looked at the oil lamp in the living room.Disobedience?This was the first time someone had asked him so directly in front of his face.

When Su saw that Su San didn't answer, he just took it as his acquiescence, and his heart beat wildly a few times.Stand up suddenly.Disobedience!After embarking on this road, it is a road of no return!The lives of dozens of members of the Su family, young and old, will all be at stake.Su San really has such courage?

But then, he sat down again.Survive?I am like this now, if there is no Su San, I am afraid that I will have to wait for death.Not to mention the point of no return, there is no way to go.

"Do you think there is a chance?" Su Yi also looked at the oil lamp and said.

Su San didn't seem to hear Su Yi's question, but quietly said: "Brother may not know yet! The original right minister, Gongsun Sheng, and Mr. Sheng have already gone to the north! Discuss with the original man to jointly attack the capital! Therefore, no accident, Next year we will start fighting. My elder brother is in charge of the criminal department, so I may not know much about the policies of the Jing people! Su San has been studying the diplomatic strategies of the Jing country for the past few days. Going south to attack the feudal government! This kind of national policy is different from taking death! You must know that the Jing Kingdom is no longer a powerful country decades ago, and it is absolutely possible to eat the Feng Dynasty in a short time! South, west, north, and Jing are controlled by three sides , is already in a weak position in terms of terrain, and still has the face of a big country. With such a strong force, the country can only be destroyed sooner or later! But it is also the strategy of the Jing Kingdom, which wants to quickly destroy Dafeng. Once the war breaks out, the Dafeng Dynasty must be Bear the brunt of the brunt, the consumption will be huge! Therefore, even if the United Yuan fights against Beijing, the Dafeng Dynasty will suffer a big loss. It is not difficult to imagine that when the Jing Kingdom perishes, the Dafeng Dynasty will also be exhausted. When it reaches its limit. No The heart of a minister? Maybe I don’t even have that chance. Brother, let’s go to Chengdu Mansion, in troubled times, only there is the place to live and work.”

Su San's words were very light, Su Yi wanted to refute Su San's words, but after much deliberation, he never refuted.Since he couldn't refute it, he could only accept what Su San said.

"What kind of promise do you want from me?" Su Yi thought and thought, finally sighed, and asked softly.

"Well, for the prince, it is a promise! For the elder brother, it is more appropriate to say a confession! The elder brother only needs to write down what the king of Wu ordered you to be unfavorable to the prince, and give it to the prince." Su San said very easily. .

Su's face turned pale, he closed his eyes lightly, and said nothing more.

"King Wu is mean, and he can't be so loyal as a big brother! You should report to him for his promotion, and you have already reported it. What's more, this confession is handed over to the prince. As long as the king of Wu doesn't force the prince to go too far, the prince will So." Su San glanced at Su Yi, sighed and said, "It's getting late, Su San has to get up early tomorrow, and go to the palace to thank you! Brother, think about it for yourself, tomorrow night at the latest. I need to give my brother an answer."

After all, he walked to the hall door, slowly opened the hall door, took a breath of fresh air, and then walked out of the hall.

In the hall, Su Yi still closed his eyes, still in deep thought!Su San quietly glanced at Su Yi, he knew that Su Yi had no choice, some things, it was better for Su Yi to figure it out by himself, to think it through thoroughly.

Here, it's not just about saving lives.There are some deeper and farther things, you have to understand and think through!Fighting father and son soldiers, fighting tiger brothers, there are some things that should be planned, but still need to be planned.

A gentleman is virtuous, and his family is blessed.A gentleman is virtuous, and his glory is the world.I will not talk about disobedience, in the troubled times that can be expected, at least ensure the safety of people around me, so that I can not be reborn in vain.This is not only his own business, but also Su Yi's business.

Where to go, everyone will have their own choice.

When the dark night gradually faded away, everything yesterday became a thing of the past.

What happened in Jinling City last night has naturally become a thing of the past!However, some things, although they have become past events, are still heating up.Even in the middle of the night, the north wind that gradually picked up could not blow the enthusiasm of talking about these past events in the whole city of Jinling.

The assassination of the emperor was the first thing that made everyone excited.Almost everyone in Jinling City was talking about this matter enthusiastically.

At the foot of the imperial capital, the common people had an extraordinary enthusiasm for royal affairs.It's just the news that the emperor left the palace in a fish suit, and it's worthy of common people's speculation.Being assassinated after leaving the palace is even more unreliable imagination.

Although there were many witnesses to this incident, some rumors were passed on and changed.

One of them is: the loud cry of the two assassins jumping onto the table was passed down into the language of the people of Jing.

From a monosyllabic cry, it was first passed down as the word "kill", and then gradually evolved into a sentence: kill Zhao Pu, and you will never return if you die.This is really outrageous!

There are even more outrageous rumors.Some people directly described the emperor as a god who knew the art of immortality. With a movement of his finger, the kettle floated up, scalding the two assassins to death.

This is really appalling!

But no matter how it is spread, the basic caliber is unified, and it is the spies of the Jing people who planned such an assassination.Therefore, in the streets and alleys, everyone was enraged.They condemned Jing Guo one after another, clamoring to settle accounts with the people of Jing Guo, and called on the people to call Jing Guo.

Naturally, there are young people who are loyal and patriotic, and they will stir up the incident of the people from Beijing occupying Beitu decades ago.A large group of idlers gathered together to smash the residence of the Jing people in Jinling.If Xu Jiangjin hadn't sent people to protect the Jing people's Yuansuo first, the Yuansuo might not have been burned when the people from the Ninth Battalion of the Jinling Infantry arrived.

The Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army is in Jinling and exists independently of the Imperial Army.Each of the nine battalions guards a city gate. Although each battalion has 500 people, in Jinling City, each of these battalions is a huge force!These nine battalions are in charge of guarding the gates of the entire Jinling City, as well as many privileges such as the compilation and inspection of Baojia, bans, and arrests.Sometimes when it occurs, it can even interfere in Jinling Mansion to break the prison and arrest the murderer.Therefore, local snakes, ruffians, thieves, and habitual thieves dared to offend the government servants of Jinling Mansion, but they dared not offend the nine battalions.

Mo Shaohua, the leader of the Ninth Battalion, is a white-faced scholar with a lot of strength, but he is such a scholar, but he manages the nine battalion heads in a docile manner.With such an important position, and with the title of Second Rank, Mo Shaohua is the most difficult and troublesome character in Jinling City!

Xu Jiangjin really didn't want to sing against him.Therefore, even if Mo Shaohua didn't send people to attack the people in Beijing, Xu Jiangjin wouldn't dare to complain.

But whether it was Mo Shaohua's people who protected the mansion of the Jing people or Xu Jiangjin's people, anyway, this matter was already aroused, and there was no one in Jinling City who did not know that the emperor was assassinated last night.


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