
Chapter 287 Zhao Yun's Suspicion

Chapter 287 Zhao Yun's Suspicion

The second thing that has been widely discussed is: Su San, a great talent in Wuling, was specially appointed to be the chief examiner for next year's Chunwei. 【】

Speaking of this matter, it is somewhat legendary.It is said that the emperor heard Su San's poem "Designing talents without sticking to one pattern", so on impulse, he promoted Su San to an official position and added codes!It is also said that Su San is good at flattering, and the emperor came up with such an idea when he heard good words and was happy for a while.Naturally, there are many other theories, and among these theories, with one exception, the two poems written by Su San will be taken out to prove them... Actually, this matter, after all, has nothing to do with ordinary people, and it is much less. Entertainment', the thing itself, isn't exciting enough.Therefore, most of those who spread the news were students, including various academies in Jinling City, as well as various people with related interests.Therefore, in terms of the extent of its spread, this incident naturally cannot be compared with the impact of the emperor's assassination...Of course there are differences.

That is whoever participated in the dissemination of Su San becoming the chief examiner of Chunwei next year.When spreading this matter, it is not just talking about it in general.They not only talk about this matter as something new, but also analyze it carefully, hoping to find out the advantages or disadvantages of this matter.

Therefore, there are people who are delighted by stealing; there are also people who are angry and angry; and there are people who gather people to petition.Not to mention that most people don't pay attention to this matter, but this matter is also quite troublesome.

It’s just that the people who wrote the petition had not yet formed momentum at the gate of the palace, but they were disintegrated by Qin Peisong, the official of the Hanlin Academy... Qin Peisong stood in front of the palace gate and said to hundreds of students: Go, everything is fine; if not, the leader will be disqualified forever!"

So, all the students dispersed.

The ones who caused this incident were naturally the students from the Jinling Mansion!Although they were dissatisfied with Su San being the chief examiner, they were natives of Jinling, and they knew best that Mr. Yuanzheng could say what he said, and he would do it.If they don't leave, they will only suffer... In fact, Qin Peisong did it out of no choice!He was also very dissatisfied with the emperor for entrusting the post of chief examiner to a student so rashly.However, he is a principal at any rate, an official of the imperial court, and if the students make trouble, even if the students are completely justified, it is his responsibility!Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he cannot allow the students to gather like this!

Besides, since it was the emperor's intention, it was announced in front of so many people.There was no particularly important matter, and it was absolutely impossible that Su San would be dismissed just because the students made a fuss!The students didn't understand this, but he understood... Although the emperor is tired of political affairs, he still has this kind of independent mind, after all, people have tempers.No matter who becomes the emperor, even if he already knows that he has done something wrong, he will bite the bullet and push it down... Qin Peisong knows that if things get serious, there will be no result, and he will be implicated instead, so it is better to cut the mess quickly and never The minds of these troublemakers... Regarding the subsequent impact of these two incidents, it is actually a later story!It won't be long before the assassination of the emperor will lose its freshness and gradually fade away!However, the impact of the new examiner's affairs will not disappear until after Chunwei passes.No matter how long it will be affected, it will be slowly forgotten in the end... On the contrary, King Wu heard that the emperor had let Su Yi go, and he was very confused all night long besides the accident!He couldn't figure out why the emperor would do this.I can't think of whether this matter is a good thing or a bad thing for him!

Wang Bao said it was a bad thing!Because Su Yi probably betrayed King Wu!

This is not impossible!The more Zhao Yun thought about it, the more he felt it was possible... Wu Taiming could let Su Yi go only if Su Yi reached an agreement with the prince.And this agreement is naturally based on betraying oneself.Wu Taiming has the damn letter in his hand, and now he has another Su Yi, maybe he can put himself to death!

Du Ruhui said it was a good thing!Because King Wu doesn't need to get rid of Su Yi, but makes other people who follow King Wu feel chilled!

From this aspect, it is indeed a good thing!If Su Yi is not dead, those who follow King Wu will only think that King Wu saved Su Yi.And Du Ruhui pointed out: Su Yijuan has no possibility of betraying King Wu!Because, Su Yi is King Wu's confidant, even if he leans on the prince, would the prince dare to trust him?Who dares to trust the villain's heart repeated over and over again?Su Yi wouldn't be so stupid as to join the prince...Zhao Yun felt that what Du Ruhui said was very reasonable...Du Ruhui said again: "My lord, don't bother with this, if you want to confirm, just ask!"

So Zhao Yun sent Wang Bao to the Su residence the next day, and had a long secret talk with Su Yi.After Wang Bao came back, he changed his words... Su Yi's words were very simple.The emperor's desire to arrest and release is not something the prince can control, so what does his release have to do with the prince?This was just a nasty move after the emperor calmed down, who did not expect King Wu and the crown prince to confront each other...Zhao Yun immediately felt relieved after hearing Wang Bao's reply to Su Yi...it should be the truth.

On Jietian Pavilion, Wang Bao took out another secret letter and handed it to Zhao Yundao: "This is written by Mr. Su himself, and I handed it to you..."

Zhao Yun pulled out the letter and headed up.With a slight surprise on his face, he smiled and said: "Okay, this Su Yi really has a way to save his life." After saying that, he handed the letter to Wang Bao and Du Ruhui.

Wang Bao hadn't read this letter before, but there were only two short sentences in the letter, which read: Quickly kill Hu Shichen, and invite Su Yiwai to be appointed to the Chengdu Mansion!

Wang Bao didn't say anything, but handed the letter to Du Ruhui... Du Ruhui sat there for a long time, thinking and thinking, but didn't say anything... Zhao Yun said with a smile: "How is it? The officials who were picked up by Wang himself! This is probably the only way for him to save his life... What do you two think?"

Wang Bao refused to speak first, but Du Ruhui said with some doubts: "I'm afraid Wu Taiming won't let Mr. Su escape so easily!"

After waving his hands, Wang Bao laughed in disapproval: "Wu Taiming is indeed difficult to deal with, but he also has a weakness, that is, he is too conservative. Even if he really has something to do with the prince, how dare he make it out like this? Master Su also said, The emperor has a heart for resting in trouble! Under such circumstances, Wu Taiming dared to go against the emperor's will? He tried so hard to protect the prince, because he wanted to be the prime minister of the three dynasties? So greedy for fame, It is impossible for him to do everything. He just wants to get rid of Su Yi who is a servant. If there are rumors that Su Yi is willing to go to the Chengdu Mansion, and Hu Shichen dies before the third division's interrogation, I am afraid that No, I'll take it too..."

Zhao Yun nodded and agreed with Wang Bao's analysis. He waved his hand and said, "Xing Tian, ​​go and arrange Hu Shichen's affairs. If you miss again, don't come back to see me..."

Xing Tian's chest straightened out, and his hands slapped loudly on his chest: "Hu Shichen is a small officer, Xing Tian will do it himself, if he can't do it again, he will kill himself on the spot!"

Du Ruhui hurriedly warned: "Don't be careless, maybe Wu Taiming has other arrangements with Hu Shichen..."

Xing Tian's heart sank, but his face didn't show. He just nodded slightly to Du Ruhui and said, "Mr. Du, don't worry, this time Xing Tian will bring more manpower. He will do his best to kill Hu Shichen... "

Hearing what Xing Tian said, Du Ruhui felt relieved!He was afraid that Xing Tian would be careless and spoil the matter of the third master, that would be bad... When this matter was discussed in the Prince Wu's mansion, it was actually a little later.

Ever since Su San and Su Yi said those words, Su Yi never felt at peace again. He didn't sleep very deeply all night. In the morning, when it was dark, his heart was really uneasy, so he sat up, Take a walk in the yard!

The courtyard was illuminated by several wind lamps, although it was not very bright, it was not dark either.The wind has picked up in the morning, and the weather is getting colder and colder. In this way, today will be a cloudy day, or else there will be some light sooner or later... In the yard, Su San was boxing, and Su Yi quietly Stand in the back profile.


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