
Chapter 289

Chapter 289

It was still early, and Jinling City had just woken up, and it hadn't fully become lively yet. 【】For the Jinling people living in the feudal capital, their life is peaceful and serene.

Time can make people forget many pains, including national hatred and family hatred.When future generations hear the deeds of their predecessors, they will always feel that those things are far, far away from themselves.

It's as if those things were originally only read in books, and they sounded like a story, instead of actually happening in the past, with a bloody tragedy.I always think that these things are unlikely to happen in this world and around me.

Most people will only believe that what they have personally experienced will happen again!Instead of imagining the experiences of predecessors and other people around me, especially those bad, painful, and unfortunate things.

Even if the war has reached their doorstep, they would rather believe that this peace can exist forever and last forever!

In fact, this is not wrong, it is human nature!Most people never have the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace; even if they do, they don't think about the problem very seriously.But the truth is fatal.

Once, an earthworm was burrowing in the ground, and suddenly a mouse burrowed in front of it to eat it, and it was frightened out of the ground; but the car that followed it almost crushed it; Entering the grass, he was almost spotted by the goshawks parading in the sky.When it ends up in the golf hole!This, it found, was an excellent safe haven.The hole is deep enough that cars cannot run over it; the opening of the hole is small enough that goshawks cannot bite it; the entire wall of the hole is made of steel so that mice cannot get in.So, it sat back and relax, and fell asleep with peace of mind.It was only when a golf ball slowly fell into the hole that it found out in despair that it could escape or avoid it.It can only become a puddle of meat.

People can't be too stable, the more stable, the more likely the result will be fatal.

Hu Shichen might be feeling complacent at the moment!If Su Yi is sued, what kind of promotion will the princelings give him?But he didn't realize at all that the situation had already changed in a place where he could not reach.

He may be very smart, he may be loyal to Wu Taiming, and he may have outstanding abilities.

When he received Wu Taiming's instruction and was preparing to perform the Zhemi Zou, he might have also considered whether this matter could be successful?After all, no one would take their own life as a joke.

Presumably Hu Shichen was also thinking about it, and felt that this opportunity was rare and the possibility of success was very high. Even if he failed, it would not implicate him, so he acted like this.

However, he was unlucky and ran into himself.

In some delicate moments, many events will be resolved at a given moment, and this process, often depends on a particular person.Hu Shichen's unlucky place was that he met such a specific person as himself, and met such an odd number as himself.

Naturally, he also has the opportunity to break through these, but he doesn't have the ability, the vision, and the means, so he can only be a tragedy.

When walking into the political affairs hall, Su San's mind was full of these thoughts.He is also reminding himself not to underestimate those variable, immutable but waiting to change factors just because things are going too smoothly.Hu Shichen is a fresh example in front of him, who would have expected that at this very moment, is there anyone plotting against him?

In his current situation, he was really in danger like a silkworm's egg!If someone is really against him, it will be very difficult for him to escape the thunderous blow of others.This is where he has to be careful.

Wu Taiming is not as simple as imagined, Wu Wang is also a smart person, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no clues!Now I have to face Wu Taiming directly, although it is not a big problem to save Su Yi.But at least in front of Wu Taiming, he came to the bright spot.

Although I can pretend to be stupid or be stupefied, and put all this on the head of my eldest brother Su Yi, there is no guarantee that Wu Taiming will not notice anything!Even if he didn't realize his role in this whole matter, as Su Yi's younger brother, he would have been involved long ago.Wu Taiming will at least be on guard against himself.In case of any revealing flaws, it would be an end beyond redemption.If Su Yi is in trouble, he can save Su Yi; but if he is in trouble, who can help him?

For him, these are things that he has to consider.Pull one hair and move the whole body.It is impossible to do everything well without making a fuss.The person who can really live longer must be the person who thinks farther than anyone else and can grasp what others think.

He is naturally a person who can think far away, but Wu Taiming must be such a person as the prime minister of the two dynasties.For Su San, such a character is a formidable enemy!Especially under the current unequal status.

Fortunately, he is still a bachelor now; if it doesn't work, he can avoid Wu Taiming!You can even hide in the dark; but Wu Taiming can't, he is in the light, and he is too restrained and worried.Therefore, Su San will naturally not be afraid of Wu Taiming.

"Master Su, please come to the back hall."

As soon as Su San entered the political affairs hall, some officials under the hall stepped forward and led Su San to the back hall.

News spread quickly in Jinlingli, who was promoted, who was demoted, who offended someone, and spread quickly!Especially in the Eastern Mansion, the administrative hub of the whole country, no matter how big or small the officials are, they are all well-versed in these matters.

Therefore, Su San was outside the main gate of Li, and as soon as he reported to see him, someone immediately knew that Su San, the newly promoted scholar, had been hand-picked by Chunwei as the chief examiner.

"So that Mr. Su will know!" The official said with a smile: "In the East Mansion, no matter whether it's a new official who invites an audience or an incumbent official to report on their duties, they are the first and last of Mr. Wu's side, so Mr. Su must first meet Mr. Wu! "

Wu Xiang is in charge of punishment, household and officials!I wish the prime minister to be in charge of soldiers, rituals, and work!All major events should be managed by Prime Minister Wu!On the other side of Zhu Xiang, the Ministry of Industry is a mess, and the Ministry of Rites is even more important. A Ministry of War with some real power has to give way to the Privy Council!Previously, Su Yi was in charge of the Ministry of Punishment, and he belonged to King Wu!Xu Shilang is in charge of the household department and is also close to the king of Wu.Therefore, Prime Minister Zhu still has the right to speak in the East Mansion!

Now, once Su Shilang left, although Xu Shilang did not immediately change the direction of the wind, he would not be too reliable.The emperor believed in Prime Minister Wu more, so it is well known that Zhu Xiang's life is sad.

Su San naturally knew this, thanked the official for his kindness, and then walked all the way to the back hall.

The layout of the back hall of the East Mansion is very similar to the candidates' rooms in the examination room, lined up one by one.It's just that the rooms of candidates in the examination room are extremely small, but the rooms here are huge.Walking in, there are halls and rooms, the front is the official waiting area, and the back is the real office area!

Guided by the official, he walked into the house where Wu Xiang worked.

There is a hall in front of here!At the top of the hall, there are two grand master chairs separated by a coffee table.On the two sides of the hall, on both sides of the wall, at a distance from the wall, from the head to the end of the hall, there are two ordinary chairs!

On the wall at the head of the hall, there is a plaque with an inscription on it, which reads: Yunsongxuan!Three big characters.

The chairs under the hall had long been filled with various officials, who were chattering at this moment, and many officials who didn't have a seat just stood around and talked in a pile.

Everyone saw that Su San didn't wear an official uniform and saw that he was young, so they didn't pay much attention to him.They just glanced at Su San briefly, and they still chatted with each other.


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