
Chapter 290 Wu Xiang

Chapter 290 Wu Xiang

The official said to Su San with a smile: "Wu Xiang already knows that your lord has come in, so please wait and see you here."

"Thank you!" Su San hurriedly returned a salute to the official, and watched the official go out!

The hall and the inner room are connected by a corridor, and there are doors at both ends of the corridor.The reason why such a corridor was built is to keep it away from the hall, so as not to spread the conversation in the inner room to the outside!Also prevent the sound of talking outside from affecting the inside.At the other end of the hall door, there were two guards standing like nails, which showed the solemnity of this place.

Most of the officials who come here to wait for the interview are foreign officials who want to stay in Jinling for the New Year!An interview is a routine ceremony, no matter how much Wu Xiang talks about, it is just a formality!There are a lot of officials of the entire Feng Dynasty. If everyone deliberately goes to see them, it will take a lot of time to meet these officials.

Originally in the main hall, more than a dozen officials met together, and they also met.If there is something special, it is not a big deal to see you alone.But Wu Taiming is very strict, every official must meet in person and individually!Even if there is nothing to do, if you want to take some words of encouragement, come to teach!

With such earnestness, he can indeed be regarded as a famous figure of the previous generation.If it weren't for him, Dafeng Dynasty would not be so smooth in political affairs.

This is a good side, and naturally there is a bad side.Wu Taiming is an old man from the two dynasties, so his thinking is naturally a bit conservative. There is more than enough maintenance, but not enough innovation!In addition, he has a stable temperament, so he acts quite stubbornly.

These are all summed up by Su San through Wu Taiming's handling of some political affairs and some of Wu Taiming's public remarks.But to really find out about a person, only through the things obtained in the morning newspaper, after all, it is still a little shallow.At best, he can only come up with a general idea. To fully understand Wu Taiming, he not only needs to observe his actions and listen to his words, but also needs time.

However, he himself used to be a person in a high position, so he naturally understood what concerns he would have when sitting in the position of Prime Minister!The struggle for power has been the same throughout the ages. The form has changed and the method has changed, but the way of thinking is just those routines, and the essence cannot be changed.

Thinking about this quietly, an official stepped out from the aisle over there!Everyone stopped talking, and someone asked: "Who will be called in next by Prime Minister Wu?"

The man cupped his hands and said, "Master Xiang asked if Brother Su, the new Shusheren, has come. If you come, go in first! Master Xiang said, he will rush into the palace to thank you, so don't worry about it!"

Seeing that it was her, Su San smiled and said, "Here we come. Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry." She clasped her hands with a smile, walked into the aisle, and walked towards the inner room.

When everyone heard that this person was Su San, the chief examiner of Chunwei next year, they all started talking about it.At such a young age, he has been promoted to the fourth rank!Although it was a false job, it also made up for a real job.This is a great promotion for the chief examiner of the three-year exam.

Even if there is no oil and water, and the scientific examination is over, the students who are full of subjects can be regarded as the students of the main examination.In the future, talking, doing things, and handing them to which yamen, isn't it always the first thing to do?Can a student refute the teacher's face?

Everyone is called jealousy.

Su San vaguely heard these discussions, but just smiled and didn't pay attention!

After walking through the aisle and passing through a thick cloth curtain, I felt a wave of heat hit me.Dare to feel that the earth dragon is burning in this room, and it is freezing cold outside, but it is the warmest here!

There are many bookshelves in the room, and many books are neatly stacked!I don't know if it's just for show, or if Wu Xiang usually gets the book!

The house is right, there is a long bill!There are many memorials on the case, piles and piles, neatly stacked by category.

An old man in his fifties was leaning over his desk to write a book. When Su San came in, he didn't even lift his head!There was only one person in the room, presumably Wu Taiming.

Whether it's a book or a memorial, the whole room is quiet and solemn, making people feel a little restrained once they enter here.Naturally, Su San would not be affected, but he had to pretend to be quite cautious.

"Your official, Su San, have seen Prime Minister Wu!" Su San saluted slightly, and stopped two feet away from the table!

The pen in Wu Taiming's hand paused, raised his head and said with a smile: "Sit down! Wait for Taiming to finish approving this paper, and then talk to Ning Yuan!" After saying that, he still lowered his head to approve the paper.

Writing and writing stopped, and it took some effort!Only then did Wu Taiming raise his head, and said to Su San who was still standing aside: "There are more officials who come to see us every day, and there will be more around this year! If you don't take advantage of the little effort in coming in and out, you will have a lot of backlogs. It’s too late, I can’t even approve it!”

"Wu Xiang is tired, and it's true that he needs to be careful with his body." Su San bowed slightly, and responded!

Wu Taiming said to put the notebook on the corrected side, then looked at Su San carefully and said with a smile: "Sit down!"

Su San was now sitting on the chair beside her, sitting on half of her buttocks!

"It's not usually so busy! These days, there are more officials returning to Jinling to report on their work, so they are busy. They are all parents! No matter how busy Tai Ming is, he still wants to meet them and listen to what they are doing below. Things. There are some things that need to be talked face-to-face to be real! Ning Yuan said it right?"

"Yes, Master Xiang is right!" Su San agreed!

Wu Taiming saw that there was nothing unusual about Su San, so he couldn't help but feel a little confused, but his city mansion was the deepest, so his expression still had the kind of repulsiveness and intimacy.

He stretched out his hand and tugged on a rope hanging down from the desk. After a while, a clerk came in and stood by the door waiting for orders!

Wu Taiming said: "Go to the province under the door, Master Su's official certificate is ready, let it be sent in immediately."

The scribe responded, and trotted out quickly!

"When I came in early in the morning, I gave orders to do this, or you would have to wait here! If this continues, I'm afraid I won't have time to enter the palace in the morning to thank you!" Wu Taiming smiled and took a sip Tea.

"Wu Xiang takes care of all kinds of situations every day, and he still worries about such a small matter as Ning Yuan. Ning Yuan is really grateful." Su San leaned slightly and said.

"There are no trivial matters in the East Mansion! Ning Yuan will be the chief examiner of Chunwei next year. You can't let Ning Yuan's new official take office on the first day, and make a stomachache, right? Haha. Speaking of which, Shuling is going to the door You can apply for a job over there! But the underside of the door is also the beginning and end of the Tai Ming, and when you get here, you can count as a job application and an interview. The affairs over there under the door are now handled by the Political Affairs Hall! Office They are all in the East Mansion, and they usually only do some things about the order, nothing very urgent! The emperor means: don't hold you back. Therefore, if you want to come in and walk, come in! If you have nothing to do, you don’t need to come in. However, you still need to devote yourself to the position of chief examiner! According to the rules, Ning Yuan had better ask Qin Yuanzheng of the Imperial Academy for advice.”

When Taiming Wu said this, he stopped it!He glanced carefully at Su San who kept nodding his head.Anyway, it doesn't look like a very dangerous person.

"Okay! That's all for these words. If Ning Yuan has any doubts or sentiments, he can naturally come in and talk to Tai Ming." After saying this last sentence, it's time to wrap up.Wu Taiming is short on time here, if Su San has nothing else to say, he will see off the guests.

Su San hurriedly stood up and said, "I do have a passion, and I want to take up some of the Prime Minister's time!"


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