
Chapter 291 Betrayed Zhao Yun

Chapter 291 Betrayed Zhao Yun

"Oh!" He looked at Su San who was standing bowed again, and was silent for a while. 【】What he just said was just a polite word, but he didn't expect that Su San was not polite at all, so he smiled and said: "Just say it directly..."

Su San did not speak, but carefully took out a sealed letter from his pocket, walked forward a few steps, and handed it to Wu Taiming across the paper...Wu Taiming glanced at the letter in Su San's hand, I saw no words on the cover.Wu Taiming's eyeballs rolled slightly, but he didn't speak, and took the letter in his hand.Then he asked with a smile: "Is there anything that cannot be said in person? Is this the letter?" Wu Taiming was not in a hurry to open the letter.

Su San hurriedly whispered: "It's Ning Yuan's elder brother, who entrusted Ning Yuan to forward it to the prime minister! My elder brother has just been released from prison, and the case has not been concluded, so he can't move around at will, so..."

"Oh, did Annan say anything?"

"No... just say that Master Xiang wrote the letter, and everything will be understood..." Su San took a step back gently... Wu Taiming didn't have any more questions, so he checked the seal carefully. Seeing that the seal was intact, he went Tear open the letter from the end, and take out a stack of manuscript paper inside... After a few consecutive pages, Wu Taiming couldn't help showing joy on his face, but patiently finished all the contents before refolding and putting it in the envelope , stuffing the whole thing into his bosom... He never expected that Su Yi would actually surrender to the crown prince in order to protect himself!

Looking up to see Su San standing in front of the case loudly, Wu Taiming couldn't figure out whether he knew or didn't know.He had no choice but to say vaguely: "Well, Tai Ming knows what Annan said. After Ning Yuan went back, he told Annan to rest in peace and not to lose heart in serving the country because of this criticism."

Su San hastily answered... but took out another letter as if conjuring, and said blankly: "Brother said, if Xiangye said something to be lenient, I will also give this letter to Xiangye..." Slowly going Take another step forward.

Wei Wei looked at the letter in Su San's hand with some surprise, and Wu Taiming took it over silently, it was still a sealed letter... When he opened it, it was not Su Yi's handwriting just now, it was actually the same as that on the note last night. The handwriting is exactly the same!I thought to myself: Could it be that Su Yihui has two types of fonts, and the words that make the head, are also Su Yi's handwriting?

I saw that the letter read: Since the Prime Minister is willing to be merciful, please acquiesce in Wu Wang's hand in removing Hu Shichen.The inscription is still: Su Yi.

Although the content of the letter was short, it undoubtedly told Wu Taiming two pieces of information!One is that Su Yi has asked King Wu to kill Hu Shichen; the other is that Su Yi asked himself not to ask about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi was willing to let go; once he was released from prison, he not only betrayed Zhao Yun, but now deliberately asked Zhao Yun to get rid of Hu Shichen.He didn't say anything cruel, and also dispelled Zhao Yun's suspicion.No way, this Su Yi is really a character!Why didn't I find out that Su Yi had such a method before?

However, it is also good.Such a person is now under his control!Not to mention that Zhao Yun lost a lot of help, and he also placed an extra nail by his side.This result was even better than what he had expected!

Moreover, with Su Yi's confession in his hands, no matter how shrewd Su was, he still couldn't escape from his palm!Haha, Su Yi seems to be clever, but it's different from drinking doves to quench thirst.To him, to the entire princeling party, Su Yi was no longer a threat... As for Hu Shichen?Wu Taiming put away the letter slowly, sighed softly in his heart and thought: It is better to die!Now that the emperor has given up his mind and is unwilling to severely punish the King of Wu, there is no need to argue with him any longer, and there is no need to compete with the emperor... King Wu can do it now!However, Hu Shichen couldn't just give it to Zhao Yun for nothing!If Zhao Yun wanted to get Hu Shichen, he would have to pay a certain price. This could be regarded as revenge for the great revenge he designed... Hu Shichen can die, but none of the people Zhao Yun sent can go back!

Wu Taiming thought bitterly... "Haha. Go back and tell Annan that Taiming knows!" Wu Taiming nodded with a smile, and asked about Su Yi's situation when he was released from prison.

Su San naturally didn't mention Su Yi's downcast appearance, but said with a smile: "He has lost some weight, but his spirit is still good..."

The two chatted a few more gossips, and the scribe sent the official in with the book!

Wu Taiming took the official certificate, glanced at it and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it was a decree first, so there is no need to send it to the palace to ask for approval! Otherwise, it would not be so fast. Originally, this official certificate was to be paid to Zhu Jiaoling. , You are the emperor's special decree, this item is also exempted. You just fill in the hometown, birth, and year, and use the seal here for the Taiming. This official certificate is considered to have completed a full set of procedures... "After that, hand over the official certificate to Su San... Su San hurriedly reached out and took it in his hand!Take a closer look.

This official certificate is actually a scroll framed with brocade silk!Inside, the original words of the emperor's will are written first; then the official position is marked; after that, there are many empty spaces, which are the places to fill in the hometown, birthplace, and other contents.At the end of the book, there is the name of the scribe, and the signatures of the officials who have been inspected step by step.When it was sent to Prime Minister Wu, many seals, large and small, had already been stamped... It stands to reason that this field should be filled in by the officials in advance, and there is no reason for me to fill it out!But this time the emperor issued a special order, and the ministry is considered a special matter...Wu Taiming handed over a small penny, smiled at Su San and said: "It's not good to fill in the wrong content, otherwise I have to make a new one. But it's troublesome, and it can't be done today..."

Su San smiled, he wasn't nervous, and it was impossible to fill in these wrong again!It’s just that he sensitively discovered that the reason why Wu Taiming asked him to fill it out by himself was probably because he wanted his own handwriting... Smiling lightly, pretending to be a little nervous, he verified this extremely simple content with Wu Taiming before he took up the pen. Fill in the relevant content... After Wu Taiming took it, his eyes swept over it, as if he didn't pay attention to Su San's handwriting at all. In fact, he had already compared Su San's handwriting with the words in the letter, but the writing style was quite different. There are no flaws!So he signed his name with a pen, used the seal, and handed it back to Su Sandao: "Okay...keep it well! This is the certificate of the fourth rank, and the transfer of positions between the fifth rank and the third rank will only be done in the future. You only need to issue an edict from the province! Only when you reach the third rank will you have to re-enroll it! In the future, when your descendants enter official positions, this will be useful, so don’t lose it..."

To put it bluntly, this is actually an ID card!

It's just that most people in the Dafeng Dynasty have no status. Except for officials and monks who have this special treatment, other people have no status!

It is precisely because they have no identity that ordinary people can only move around where they live and cannot travel far!Otherwise, if caught by the government, he will be treated as a refugee!If you really want to travel, people without status must get the permission of the government and issue a guide... The Baojia system of the Feng Dynasty is an extremely effective means of controlling the flow of civilians!Once the local residents leave their original place of residence, the head of Baojia will report the situation to the government, and the government will record it in the register as soon as possible, and arrest them everywhere!

Therefore, normal residents seldom move around... However, the population of the Feng Dynasty is small, with a total population of just over 2000 million. It is extremely difficult for the government to manage it even if it is distributed on such a large area of ​​land.It also left enough space for fugitives and murderers to survive outside the control of the government!

Sometimes in the year of catastrophe, there is chaos among the refugees, and some people who have committed crimes will mix into the refugees, and when the government issues a notice to calm the people, they can re-assume a new identity. This kind of thing is common in the Feng Dynasty. It is very common...the more shocking thing is: robbers and robbers robbed and killed officials who were appointed, and they got the official credentials of the officials and sued them, and they pretended to be officials for more than ten years.This also reflects that Feng Dynasty's census mechanism has many loopholes.

Later, Feng Chao stabbed the captured prisoner, and tattooed the prisoner's crime on his forehead!This kind of method can be regarded as greatly suppressing the occurrence of this situation... Generally speaking, if the government wants to forcefully grasp the population control!Without identity, it is impossible to move an inch!

It's just that the government will not be full and have nothing to do, just do this thankless thing... Putting his ID card on, Su San resigned from Taiming Wu.After leaving Wu Xiang's room, he didn't talk to the officials in the hall, but hurried to the political affairs hall, handed the sign of "please see the emperor" to the official on duty, and sat in the hall intently. Waiting for a decree to receive... Not long after, there was a decree from the palace, ordering him to enter the palace immediately... Then he followed the little yellow gate and entered the Lingxing gate all the way.

Once you enter the Spirit Star Gate, you are truly entering the forbidden area...


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