
Chapter 292 Inside the Forbidden Palace

Chapter 292 Inside the Forbidden Palace

Inside the forbidden area, there are Taiwo Palace, Longfu Palace, Xingsheng Palace, Royal Garden, and the largest building complex, Miyagi!

As the name suggests, the Crown Prince’s Palace is the sleeping palace of the prince; the Longfu Palace is where the empress dowager and concubines live; the Xingsheng Palace is where the current emperor’s harem concubines live; Miyagi is where the emperor lives. 【】

Every palace in the forbidden area occupies a huge area and is self-contained!And there are many rules between the palace and the palace. Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to walk around in private... The only ones who can walk around freely, except for the emperor, are the empress dowager and the prince!

Other people must ask for a decree, or be summoned by a decree, before they can go out of their respective confinement areas... Ministers are generally not allowed to enter the confinement... Only when they go to the court, the ministers who should respond Under the guidance of guards and eunuchs, he entered Miyagi to perform his duties.Usually, if you want to see me, you have to go to Dongfu to hand over a sign to see you.There are also a small number of privileged people who are exceptions. They are either meritorious officials rewarded by the previous emperor and have the right to see the emperor directly;For example, Wu Taiming can go directly to Miyagi to see him without handing over a sign... However, if the emperor is willing to see him in the end, it is still a matter of opinion.

Su San once had a detailed understanding of these things... and he also understood that the reason why the emperor set up these obstacles was to reflect the majesty of the royal family, so that everyone would feel that the royal family was superior and unapproachable... But he didn't agree with these !

If the emperor wants to hear something, he has to go through layers of screening, or be controlled by others!So what does the emperor rely on to truly understand the situation in this world?

From ancient times to the present, because of the incompatibility of news, I don't know how many major events have been delayed!How many emperors made ridiculous government orders because they didn't understand the sufferings of the people... What is really sad is those emperors who have never been out of the palace. They even rely on guessing what the people look like .That's really sad... In a country, the fate of tens of millions of people is often in the hands of people who don't distinguish between red and deer. This is really the greatest misfortune of the country.

Of course, he wouldn't think about the idea of ​​overturning the feudal dynasty or establishing a democratic country!That's unrealistic, without a democratic system based on democratic ideas, it can only be a freak... Science and technology have activated productivity; the advancement of productivity has changed production relations; changes in production relations will affect system changes.People under the natural economic system will not have the concept of democracy.

Knowledge is the most original driving force to change everything... It is not the emperor, not the politicians, but the scientists that drive the society to progress and evolve to a higher level... When technology develops, everyone's material needs do not need to spend time When fighting for it, the society has really entered the evolution of a pure consciousness field... These are too far away, not available in this era... Even if he comes from a previous life with better technology, he can only be born at a very young age. Changing some things within the scope of his own... He doesn't mind that the knowledge he possesses will bring about great changes in this era. He even hopes that under his influence, this era will be less evolved by a few hundred years under the dark feudal monarchy.

And to obtain such a huge change, the most likely means is war.The greater the ideological conflict, the greater the scale of the war; every great change in the field of knowledge will be accompanied by a world-scale war... This is an inevitable.From another point of view, every time a war breaks out, one side wants to assimilate the other side... The original people want to assimilate the Beijingers, the Beijingers want to assimilate the Fengren, and the Fengren want to assimilate the common people!Disobedience in any link will be transformed into the use of force to make the other party obey. It has always been like this from ancient times to the present.

If he wanted to keep his will, he had to cooperate with force to ensure that his will was stretched.If he is willing to be an ordinary citizen, that's fine.But he is not an ordinary person, and he is not willing to succumb to the will of others... Whoever makes him succumb will face his 'war'!

Lin Hailu is an example; next, is the entire Feng Dynasty; after that, there are Jingren, Yuanren... In fact, it is impossible for him to accept the way of thinking of anyone in this era!He has a vision and thinking that are different from this era, so it is doomed that he cannot keep pace with this era! .This is the fundamental reason why people who have been reborn will not be content with the status quo... Su San was thinking that it was impossible for him to be content with the status quo.

For his own appetite, he can improve the diet concept of this dynasty!In order to enjoy the fun of fishing, he can invent and improve fishing tackle!In order to make the fried fish shop open, he can spread the advanced marketing concept!

In the future, he will definitely have many breakthroughs!All of this happened naturally and naturally, but if this is not restlessness, what is it?Shampoos are already in production and there will be more new things in the future.Even if he was willing to be calm, how could he be calm?

Su San was thinking about these in a mess.He didn't know why so many thoughts suddenly popped up in his mind.

Maybe it was because he saw the supreme ruler of this dynasty again, and he felt a little bit emotional in his heart; or it was the feeling of lifelessness in this forbidden palace, which made him feel conflicted.In short, it is sent out with emotion!

After the Xiaohuang Gate led him to the Chongtian Gate, the eunuch directly under Miyagi took him over and led him to the Zhengde Hall... After waiting in front of the Zhengde Hall for a while, a middle-aged eunuch came out unhurriedly , took a look at Su San and smiled: "Master Su is really young, come with the miscellaneous family, the emperor is about to see you..."

Su San knew that there was Guo De, Eunuch Guo De, in front of the emperor, and seeing the eunuch's manner of speaking this year, with a feeling of superiority, he knew that this person must be Guo Deyi!

Eunuchs always talk nonsense when they see people, and talk nonsense when they see people. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.Once a man abandons even the most fundamental dignity, what else can't be trampled on?Therefore, all the dynasties with eunuchs in power are the darkest, most corrupt, and most moral dynasties.People like Gein have distorted psychology, and they don't care about their actions.

However, if this kind of person is used properly, it is not a good thing!Su San was in Jinling, the only thing she could rely on was the emperor's favor.Right now Su Yi is not completely out of danger, Su San still has a place to rely on the emperor; even if Su Yi escapes and goes to the Chengdu Mansion, he probably won't be able to escape so soon, just to be on the safe side, the emperor still has to maintain his favor. It's impossible for him to run into the palace all the time to invite favors in front of the emperor!It's not in his character, and he wouldn't do it.Therefore, it is natural to need someone to speak for oneself.Fortunately, one thing eunuchs like very much is money!

Eunuch Qin received 5000 taels as a base. Now that he is injured, he still needs to prepare generous gifts; the chief servant, eunuch Guo De, is someone who is closer to the emperor, so he naturally cannot lose this amount... 5000 taels for other officials For a wealthy family like the Su family, it would be considered a huge expense, and even for a rich family like the Su family, it would not be able to afford such a gift!But for Su San, spending such money doesn't feel bad at all... Su San thinks that the money should be used where it matters most!The people around the emperor can sometimes influence the emperor's thoughts with just one sentence.And life and death sometimes depend on the emperor's words.Therefore, as far as he is concerned, if he wants to give, he must give the other party a deep memory, which is incomparable to others; or he will not give.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Su San didn't move, but took two steps forward, Guo De turned back... Su San calmed down, pulled out a stack of bank notes from his sleeve, and stepped forward two times. After a few steps, he got very close to Guo De, and then he stretched out the bank note in his hand, and said with a smile: "I have Mr. Guo to lead the way, we meet for the first time, and I will ask my father-in-law to take care of me in the future..."

Guo De had already understood Su San's actions, raised his eyebrows, and was about to refuse.He is indeed greedy, but not everyone's money, he accepts it!When he thought about it, a newly promoted official who just came in to thank him, how capable would he be?For a hundred taels of silver, it is not worthwhile to make such an excuse!

But when he lowered his head and saw the face of the bank note, he was taken aback.The first one is 1000 taels, and there are more than one!With an itchy heart, he stretched out his hand, took the stack of bank notes quite 'calmly', and stuffed it into his bosom.Only then did he chuckle and said, "Your Majesty Su, you are being polite... We slaves are capable of serving tea and water in front of the emperor. How can we deserve such a generous gift from your lord!"

"Eunuch, don't worry too much! Su Sannian didn't know much, and he was afraid that he might offend the Emperor. If Eunuch can say something nicely from the sidelines, wouldn't it be a hundred times better than these external things?"

Guo De smiled, but felt that the emperor had a good eye this time, and chose such a dexterous official: "Haha... let's go, don't make the emperor wait any longer."


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