
Chapter 293 The National Strength of Feng Dynasty

Chapter 293 The National Strength of Feng Dynasty

Zhengde Hall is the main hall where ministers meet with the emperor!It is also the place where the highest decision-making of the Dafeng Dynasty was made. 【】Every court meeting, the ministers will come here to decide the world's major affairs.Guo De led him into the hall, and he looked at the hall with interest.

In the spacious hall, the floor is paved with jade bricks of the same color!Four large pillars of golden nanmu, which can only be embraced by three people, support this huge palace on all sides!At the top of the main hall, under a large lacquered plaque with Zhengde written on it, is a golden dragon chair!Behind the dragon chair, there is a huge carved jade screen as the background, and under the steps in front of the dragon chair, four golden cranes stand upright at intervals!Two Optimus pillars stand on both sides of the dragon chair, and there are couplets engraved on the pillars, which read: Hongfu Wudian lightens civil affairs but is difficult;

The whole hall looks solemn and magnificent at the same time!

But in Su Sanlai, there is no telling how much silver taels will be spent just for this one hall!These jade bricks, these furnishings cost all the national power!Those four gold-threaded nanmu pillars surrounded by three people are even more difficult to obtain objects with money. I don't know how much people's and material resources are wasted behind this!

He has read the history books and knows that the imperial palace of Jinling City was expanded on the basis of the original palace. It took more than ten years and tens of millions of taels of silver to build it to its current scale.

Tens of millions of taels of silver!This is an outrageous number.Because, the tens of millions of taels of silver were not used to restore national power, not to improve people's livelihood, and not to fight against the Beijingers, but wasted on the construction of the palace!

When the Feng Dynasty moved from the old capital to Jinling City, the whole country was still under the great threat of the people of Beijing, and the country was in danger of being destroyed at any time!Under such circumstances, the monarch does not think about progress, does not intend to revive, and consumes the only national power of the feudal dynasty on the construction of the new capital. It cannot but be said to be an act of defeating the country!

If it weren't for the civil strife that happened at the right time in Beijing, the Feng Dynasty would have been destroyed for a long time.

Even so, the Feng Dynasty people did not completely get rid of the control of the Jing people, but paid tribute to the Jing people every year to maintain the false peace.

The tribute of 25 taels of silver and 25 bolts of silk and satin is only [-] to [-]% of the annual tax revenue!However, with this financial resources, the people of Beijing can support a large number of troops, and then use these troops to harass the Dafeng Dynasty.

In order to resist the attack of the Beijingers, Feng Chao had to allocate a considerable part of the tax revenue collected from death to prepare for the war!The people of Beijing spent Feng Chao's money and consumed Feng Chao's national strength, playing extremely cheaply.As long as the head of the feudal dynasty is a little bit normal, he will not spend the money in the treasury in meaningless places!

Speaking of which, this is indeed outrageous!Fortunately, the feudal dynasty was in Sejong's hands, and taking advantage of the civil strife in Beijing, he forcefully stopped paying tribute!After working hard for more than 1000 years, it was hard to accumulate national power to the point of [-] million taels of silver!In the hands of the current emperor, he can finally straighten his back and say no to the people of Beijing.

If we really use this money to fight recklessly with the people of Jing who are stable due to civil strife, as long as the current emperor is determined and the soldiers are willing to go forward with their lives, it will be more than enough to fight to the death of Jing.

However, the current emperor is not the ideal emperor in Sejong's mind, and he has no intention of going to Jing Kingdom on his own initiative.It has to be said that fate made a joke on Emperor Sejong.

Sejong's last wish of regaining Beitu was to be fulfilled by the prince who was taught by him.It is a pity that the crown prince was too short-lived. Once the emperor died, the crown prince also died of illness.This allowed the current emperor to pick up a big deal.Fate is so unpredictable, otherwise, taking advantage of Jing's weakness for many years, the Feng Dynasty people may not be able to destroy Jing.

However, although the current emperor has softened his temper, he was influenced by Sejong anyway!Although he is not diligent in political affairs, he still understands the former emperor's desire to regain the northern land.Therefore, Yu Jingren's attitude is still tough.

After the death of King Sejong, the people of Beijing sent envoys to strongly demand that the Feng Dynasty resume the annual tribute payment, otherwise they would send troops to the south.

But the emperor held him back in one breath and ignored him!

The people of Beijing really raised their troops, but as soon as they joined forces, they found that the original people in the northwest were also ready to move!At that time, the internal affairs of the Jingren had only recently stabilized, and they planned to quickly eliminate Fengren, so they could only swallow their anger.

Now Emperor Jingyuan has been on the throne for 17 years. In the past 17 years, under the current emperor's governance, although the national treasury has not grown rapidly, it has maintained a continuous growth every year!Up to now, there are 300 million taels!

In the past ten years or so, the national strength of the people of Beijing has also increased day by day, reaching the point where they can fight against Feng Chao!So far, Feng Chao has lost the opportunity to contend with the Jing people alone.What a pity.

The revival of the Jingren naturally made Yuanren, who had a feud with him, feel uneasy.It is impossible for Yuanren to sit back and watch the people of Beijing calmly destroy Feng Dynasty, and then pull out their hands and deal with them with all their strength.Therefore, the alliance against the Beijingers is the goal that the original people should achieve no matter what.

What consumes the most in war is national strength!National power is the foundation of war, followed by strategy on the battlefield and the service of soldiers.

The state treasury of more than 1000 million taels in the imperial court was a lot, but when it really started a war, it cost like running water.The Jing people may use 10 taels to form an elite army; but the Feng Dynasty people may not be able to achieve the effect of the Jing people's army with only 20 taels.

If Lin Hailu's home was confiscated, several 10 taels could be confiscated, which is not considered real estate.With a few more officials like this in the Dafeng Dynasty, even if the national power is gathered, it will be consumed by the officials.

If in the first year of Jing, the people of Beijing disregarded Yuanren's threat and really came to Feng Chao's side, maybe Feng Ren would have a chance to counterattack back!Destroy the Jing Kingdom.At that time, the original people had just started the integration of the tribes, and they had no spare power to take care of the original affairs, and the Feng Dynasty really became stronger again.

Su San looked at everything in the Zhengde Hall, thought of the missed opportunities behind this, and after calculating the gap between the inside and the outside, couldn't help but sigh, only Nai was left.A beautiful river and mountain is occupied by a capable emperor; and a beautiful woman is possessed by a dog, which makes people more resentful.But, all of these are facts!

Silently followed Guo De, walked through the Zhengde Hall, and walked into the side hall together.I saw that Emperor Zhao Pu was putting down the brush in his hand, standing behind the desk, looking at what he had written!

Su San saw the emperor for the second time today, and was about to salute, but Zhao Pu had already arrived at him, but he beckoned: "Get up, get up. Come on, what is this?" Zhao Pu pointed to the desk and wrote a banner, asking Su San to come closer .

Guo De was surprised for a moment, he hadn't seen any official come in yet, the emperor refused to let him kneel down, it can be seen how affectionate the emperor is to Su San, he thought to himself: Even if there is no such generous gift as Su San, I still have to curry favor with the emperor's favorite minister.

Su San was having a headache and wanted to salute Zhao Pu again, seeing that Zhao Pu would not let him salute, he withdrew his gesture and walked towards the emperor.

I saw the banner on the desk read: Ren Ji Fried Fish.Four big characters.


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