
Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Guo De hurriedly stepped forward to help Su San, seeing that although Su San suffered such a serious setback, he seemed to be fine, and didn't know what to say, so he could only softly say: "The guard Cha is a person who is used to it." , heavy hand, did not fall Master Su!"

Emperor Guo De stared at Charlie, knowing that the emperor must be blaming Charlie for such a heavy hand, which shows the emperor's love for Su San. 【】Besides, he took Su San's money again, so it's hard to say, Su San asked for trouble; but for Charlie, he didn't dare to blame Charlie for the emperor's wishes.After all, last night, Charlie was credited with protecting him, and it was also the time when he was most trusted.Therefore, I had no choice but to say a few words of forgiveness.

Su San naturally followed Guo De's words and said: "Fortunately Mr. Zha is merciful, otherwise Su San will be killed!"

Charlie's face turned blue for a while, then turned pale for a while, and he didn't reply.Su San wanted to preserve his reputation, and refused to admit victory, only saying that he had lost.At this point, Charlie really didn't know what to say.

He wanted to admit defeat frankly, but he was the chief of the guards. If he really admitted defeat and said that he was defeated by a scholar, if word spread, then he would have no face to stay in the palace anymore!Besides, he was wronged to lose this time!If it is not careless, even if it is lost, it will definitely not be so embarrassing!

However, Su San had a plan early in the morning, to get rid of all the people first!Not for anything else, but to save his own face.On this point alone, Su San is probably sure to win over himself.This is definitely a character.If you really want to let go and fight, you may not be able to win!Thinking of this, Charlie was somewhat convinced.

"Ahem..." Zhao Pu finally came to his senses, looked at Su San, and then the rotten bookcase. His face turned pale, and he said to Charlie: "Well, you go down! Don't be on duty today... ... let's go!"

Charlie blushed, endured the pain and saluted the emperor, then nodded to Su San unnaturally, and then backed out.

Seeing that Charlie was paid by the emperor, Guo De reflected on it.Then he said to Su San with great concern: "Are you all right? Is there any internal injury? Is the injury broken to the bone? Do you want to ask the imperial doctor?"

Su San smiled, jumped up twice, and then up again: "It's all right!"

Guo De is rare, he fell like this, it's okay, I'm afraid he really practiced.No wonder you are so bold, dare to fight with the commander of the guards.

Seeing Su San jumping up and down so funny, Zhao Pu couldn't help but wryly smiled!But in the next moment he remembered that this Su San is even worse than the number one expert beside him!With a raised hand, Charlie was cleaned up.It really is Wu Shuangquan.

"Why did you all come in? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to come in without my permission? You all go out and stay outside." Zhao Pu said coldly.

Guo De and the others shrank their necks in fright, the young eunuchs didn't dare to clean up the books all over the floor, and followed Guo De back out again.

After everyone left, Zhao Pu walked slowly to Su San's side!Looking up and down, looking left and right, he became more and more joyful, and said with a smile: "You might as well divorce your wife and make me a horse for me. You can choose as many daughters as you want, how about it?"

Su Sanqing knew that the emperor was joking, but she could only resign again and again!

Zhao Pu sighed and sat back!Suddenly he smiled foolishly and said: "You, you are really the number one geek in this dynasty! You are not only a martial artist in the general sense, you can be the number one scholar, and you can be the number one martial artist! Well, this is extremely rare Things, how about I promote you to be the chief examiner of the military election?"

Su San hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I'd better spare this little minister! One of the main exams in Chunwei has already made the little minister feel uneasy, and then he will be the main exam for the military election! I don't know how many people will hate you for being in the limelight."

"What are you worrying about? I want to praise you, who else can stop me! Well, but the military election is different from the election, the main examiner needs to talk about qualifications!"

"The emperor's concern is exactly!" Su San hurriedly said.

"Forget it as the chief examiner of the military election, you can be a deputy examiner!" Zhao Pu looked at Su San's mouth wide open, a little proud!He ignored Su San and said again: "I'm thinking of you! If you want to join the army, how can you do it if you don't have any qualifications? The military election examiner is to add qualifications to you, but since you want to be a military election examiner, you can't do it without a suitable identity. , This requires a military title! I will simply give you a military title. What kind of title should I get? Too high is not good, too low is not good... Well, I will promote you as a "light car" Captain, how about walking in front of the imperial court?"

"Don't be so obsessed with me! This is also a vain job, mainly to let you do a good job in the military election! Don't you want to serve in the army? This is also a test for you. If you do well, you can discuss it. Alright, you'd better stay in Jinling obediently, let the generals think about the war."

"Sir, thank you Lord Long En!" Su San quickly responded, not daring to say anything else.He really didn't want to waste time in this place called Jinling!If you really want to achieve something, you have to fight with real swords and guns on the battlefield!

Seeing that Su San agreed, the emperor couldn't help laughing, as if he had done a very wise thing!Afterwards, the emperor thought of Su Yi's matter again, and asked Su San very casually: "What can you do about your elder brother's matter? How do you think I should deal with it?"

"How can my little minister, He De, be able to participate in such important national affairs! What's more, the prince and his brother are involved. To avoid suspicion, even if there is some law, I can't say it! Please forgive me." Su San saw the emperor asked, although it was extremely The appearance is casual, but the meaning inside is not to be taken lightly.We have to be serious!

"I want you to tell me."

"The minister said it!"

Su San said solemnly: "Actually, the emperor doesn't need to do anything! Because I think that my brother is innocent, and Hu Shichen is just making a false accusation! Besides, this matter has been widely spread outside, and there are many rumors that the King of Wu wanted to It's not good for the prince! From this point of view, it's not appropriate to publicize the affairs of the palace! No matter whether the matter is true or not, the final result will be a shock to the court... The emperor let his brother go, so he expressed his concern If not, then it is to calm down the situation! Now that the emperor has such a gesture, let's wait and see how it gets better."

"Ai Qing?" Zhao Pu tilted his head, looking at Su San.

Su San smiled, and responded to Zhao Pu gently: "It's not that the minister is like this! It's that the emperor asked the minister to do this! If the emperor wants a clear result, then he can arrest his brother again! Therefore, what the emperor wants the ministers to do, What will happen to the courtiers, and the junior ministers are no exception..."

Zhao Pu was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Su San would say such a sentence.Now he found that the more he chatted with Su San, the more he felt that Su San was not simple!

"Okay! I still have some political affairs to deal with, don't worry!" Zhao Pu waved his hand.

Seeing Su San's words, the emperor made the emperor think deeply!He knew that what he said just now reached his heart.Don't talk too much, but be precise!Some words can only go so far.But after Zhao Pu heard what he said, he was afraid that he would re-evaluate himself in his heart.After all, what I said was too straightforward and explicit.

Outside the hall, Guo De was still worried about Su San's body, and was still asking if Su San was injured!Guo De knew that if he suffered an internal injury, sometimes he wouldn't be able to find out for a while!After a period of time, it will start to flare up slowly, becoming more and more serious, until it takes people's lives.

However, he felt that Charlie would never use such insidious methods again!After all, Su San didn't offend him.

Su San's body is naturally fine.After thanking Guo De again and again, the little eunuch led him to the outside of the palace.


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