
Chapter 297 The Role of 52

Chapter 297 The Role of 5000 Taels

Guo De saw that Su San was gone, and the emperor didn't tell them to go in, so he hesitated whether he should go in!After thinking for a while, he said to the little eunuchs: "You guys stay outside first, and the Chief Manager will go in first, lest the emperor lose his temper again. 【】"

Of course the little eunuchs wished for it, they wished they could stand comfortably outside!If they were standing under the eyes of the emperor, they wouldn't even dare to fart loudly.

Guo De brewed a cup of ginseng tea and brought it in, but saw the emperor sitting behind the table thinking about something!Originally wanted to leave, but saw that the emperor had noticed that he had come in, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and handed the ginseng tea up, not daring to speak, and gently stepped aside to wait... The emperor's eyes swept across the messy stall on the ground. Reading the book, he read softly: "What kind of person is this Su San?"

Guo De didn't hear the emperor's words clearly, and didn't know if the emperor was talking to him, so he just stood with his head bowed.

"Tell me, what kind of person is Su San?" Zhao Pu asked Guo De, with a puzzled expression on his face!

"Ah!" Guo De was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, and said with a smile: "This is the first time this slave has met Mr. Su! However, Yi Nu came here, and he seems to be a very straightforward person..."

Guo De didn't know why the emperor suddenly asked some questions!So let me point out that I saw Su San for the first time today, and I don't know Su San very well!In case you say something wrong, the emperor will blame you.

After clicking on this meaning, he finally expressed his feelings.To say that Su San is straightforward is also his true feeling.

Straightforward?Listening to Guo De's words, Zhao Pu didn't say a word, but thought in his heart: Can Su San be considered straightforward?Why do I feel that this Su San seems to be extremely deep in the city?

I was in the palace every day, dealing with those gangsters, military officers and officials every day, looking at all kinds of faces, listening to all kinds of accents, pondering all kinds of thoughts, thinking about their true and false words, thinking that I had already practiced Once you see the other person's expression, you will know whether the other person is deep or shallow, sincere or false.But, why not reveal this Su San?

Let's say he was young and frivolous!But he was just right.Crazy, unstoppable, but not too much at critical times, can be contained.This point, the performance at the poetry gambling meeting, is the proof!

If you say that he has the heart of a teenager, he is not narrow-minded, but just now he said that insight into the world!Especially the last sentence, although it is blatant, it hits the nail on the head and penetrates... But if he wants to say that he has a city mansion, he dares to confess it in front of himself!Not only did he speak clearly, but he also showed his abilities.Talent, martial arts, I didn't hide anything from myself!Whatever you say and do, nothing is for your own self-interest!He doesn't even want to give him an errand that others can't please.

Just such a person, seems to be a little straightforward, and it seems that he is not straightforward. He always feels that people are clear, but he can't figure it out.

Guo De saw the emperor's eyebrows frowning in thought, touched the 5000 tael silver note in his bosom, and said a few more words for Su San if he wanted to!After thinking about it carefully in his heart, his heart moved slightly, and he said again: "No matter what kind of person Master Su is, this servant thinks that he is a loyal minister! This servant once heard the emperor say that Sir Su established a free school in Wuling! A scholar, who is not famous for his achievements, has such a demeanor for state affairs. This is not the realm that ordinary people can have. Moreover, today, Mr. Su, asked to be ordered to join the army! The servant sees Mr. Su's heart to join the army, it is true love It's true, there is no trace of falsehood. This is enough to show that Mr. Su is a loyal minister who is loyal to the emperor and patriotism! A scholar, would rather be beaten down by the guards, but also want to do his best for the country. When I woke up, I was touched..."

In fact, Zhao Pu couldn't figure out who Su San was!If he could really guess Su San thoroughly, that Feng Dynasty would not be in the present situation!

But after listening to Guo De's words, he felt that Guo De's words were very reasonable.

As long as Su San is a loyal minister, it doesn't matter whether he is straightforward or deep in the city, it is in the interests of the country and himself.With this thought in mind, Zhao Pu also let go of this concern and stopped thinking about it.

Seeing that Guo De was still there thinking that Su San lost to Charlie, he couldn't help laughing and cursing: "What do you know..."

"Yes, yes, yes, the slaves are talking nonsense! The emperor is wise and has his own judgment on Lord Su." Seeing Zhao Pu scolding with a smile, Guo De knew it was nothing serious.

Zhao Pu laughed, but didn't point out that the two did not mean the same thing!Instead, he waved his hand and said, "Send this banner to the crown prince! Let me pass on my will again: Su Lingshi, the writer of the bookstore and the captain of the Qingche, will be given to walk before the emperor! I will be the deputy chief examiner of Wu Enke next year."

Guo De was surprised by what he heard, but he didn't dare to think deeply, he quickly responded, took the banner on the emperor's desk, and walked out of the side hall!It wasn't until he walked outside the hall that he freed his mind to think about the decree he had just received.

He was elected as the chief examiner, and Wu Xuan was also selected as the examiner. This is an unheard of thing since the founding of the Great Feudal Dynasty!The emperor trusts Su San so much, I'm afraid the future will be limitless.

Guo De was surprised by this incident!Su San also felt that this was another accident!

Su San really didn't want to accept Zhao Pu's favor, but Zhao Pu seemed to recognize him, so he insisted on giving him favor!Not only that, but also extraordinarily gracious.

With all his efforts and calculations, he only came to Jinling from Wuling for about ten days!In such a short period of time, he went from being a flat-headed commoner to a fourth-rank official title, and a military attache also served as a fourth-rank official; although the two official positions are empty, but the speed of promotion and the degree of the emperor's favor, Who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the whole court?

What's more, he is also the examiner of Wu Shuangke!

I'm afraid that in the entire Dafeng Dynasty, no one has received such a heavy grace!

To say that if he has a little credit for himself, and the emperor has an excuse to give him grace, he will accept it in his heart!However, his merits of size and family merits, suddenly, he was favored again and again!Don't mention it, no matter how others criticize him, even he himself feels ashamed... In fact, he can't blame him for this, if he wants to blame, he can only blame the emperor for being too out of tune and acting too perversely!As soon as he was happy, he added officials indiscriminately, and let himself receive such kindness for no reason!In the future, what happened to Dafeng Chao, should he make a move, or should he not make a move?This is really confusing!

He was actually very afraid of such a mindless, methodical person!When I'm full and have nothing to do, weird ideas will keep popping up in my mind, which are unreliable at all, make people think about it, and make people unpredictable... In his case, anyone can do it The emperor wouldn't give someone a promotion like this!Officialdom has its own unspoken rules, so grace, grace is not grace, grace is a knife that kills without blood!

In one day and one night, military officer Su San relied on his complete preparations and the emperor Long En to become an examiner of martial arts!It is impossible to say that no one is jealous of the military officials of the Manchu dynasty!

There is only one imperial examination, and I don't know how many people's eyes I have offended as I am the main examiner!At this time, I don't know how many people have some bad ideas in their stomachs, and they want to arrange Su San.Now that there is another examiner for the military examination, Su San has offended a large group of military officials!For most people, this is not a good thing, but a bad thing!

Officials talk about seniority, prestige, and foundation!Only if he is flying high and fast, isn't it just a kite flying higher and higher, facing the danger of being disconnected at any time?The officials of the Manchu Dynasty were either officials or military officers.He is a person with no qualifications, and he took over two outstanding positions as soon as he came. These people should not attack in groups, it is a ghost!

Even if Li Daoming is in charge of the censor platform, I'm afraid he can't stop those gang of censors from impeachment!And those students from Jinling, I'm afraid they won't be convinced that they are sitting safely in the position of the chief examiner, so they should find some faults in him, right?There are also many unknown officials, big and small, who don't know their surnames, and stare at him with their eyes. As long as he makes a slight mistake, they will pounce on him and tear himself apart.

The situation is actually already in jeopardy, far from being as good as it appears on the surface!Once someone grabs the weak point to death, it will be a scene of irreversible... Isn't this a sharp knife that kills without blood?

If he hadn't killed the emperor, he would have been an uncommon person!Then he could almost conclude that the emperor wanted to emptify himself, intentionally put himself in such an eye-catching position, and arouse public anger and punish him.

Fortunately, the emperor still trusts him now, and Zhao Pu still has the spirit of a scholar. I am afraid that he will not let others find fault with the decision he made himself.As long as the emperor's rope is unbroken, his kite will be able to withstand no matter how heavy the wind and rain.Otherwise, he would pack up and leave Jinling at this moment, and fly far away.

In short, these two beautiful missions came a little inexplicably!

However, just come, let those who are jealous, let them be jealous!He still has many other things to think about, so naturally he won't pay too much attention to other people's feelings.

He just needs to know that not only does the emperor have no intention of harming him, but he is very trustworthy.Even if there are many people playing tricks behind his back, he will be as safe as Mount Tai!

It's just that it's better to keep a low profile recently!Some people are angry, it's better not to tease them!

When someone tries out the emperor's determination, no matter how angry these people are, they will probably suppress it.

After thinking about it again and again, I always felt that the limelight was a little preposterous, and it was not in my plan!So after returning to Su's mansion, Su San refused to go out again!Fortunately, Su Yi's case was at a critical juncture, and everyone kept silent about Su's residence, and no one dared to come to harass Su San anymore.

Just as Su San expected, things turned out to be a big mess.


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