
Chapter 300 Trial Cases Like Child's Play

Chapter 300 Trial Cases Like Child's Play

After hearing Li Zhi's words, Su Xing's mind became a little more peaceful again!But I heard a person say in a strange way: "Hey, this is the little butler of Su Lingshi's mansion! He is really young enough. [] No wonder, I heard that Mr. Su Lingshi himself is only at the age of weak crown! It's normal for such a small housekeeper... Oh, yes, should we call you Master Su, Su Lingshi? Or should we call him Master Captain? I heard that he has several jobs! We don't even know How to call it..."

Someone is laughing lowly!Someone even said in a low voice: "It's still a name in the guard camp! It's really inexplicable for a scholar to become a martial artist!"

It's not a good word, and the strange tone is also harsh to the ear!Xiao An frowned, and walked towards the speaker coldly!

Su Xing was afraid that Xiaoan would be ignorant, so he clashed here.

This is the lobby of Dali Temple, the trial is about to start, so don't make any noise!Yin whispered in Xiaoan's ear: "It's Zhu Yiguang, the housekeeper of Xu Shilang's mansion! This guy is the most eccentric, ignore him!"

After saying this, Su Xing smiled and said to Zhu Yiguang: "If you are lucky enough to meet our third master, just call him an adult! Let's run errands, what are you doing so clearly? Don't you want to be a man in the future? Officer, you are so flattering to our third master!"

Zhu Yiguang hummed lightly, but with a smile on his face, he still said with a firm tone: "Oh, you are running errands, but I am not! Don't you know? Your Master Zhu is now an official after all! The draft proposals have all come out. Although he is a small officer, he is still a fifth rank. Compared with Mr. Su's fourth rank vacant position, he is only two ranks behind! In the future, you Master Zhu will work in the Ministry of Punishment. I don't know who Who are you going to curry favor with?"

Zhu Yiguang smiled smugly, but Su Xing was angry bitterly in his heart!These days, he was banned in the Su Mansion, and he was not allowed to move. He didn't know about the news. Unexpectedly, within a few days, Zhu Yiguang was arranged by Xu Shilang to the Ministry of Punishment!

The part of the criminal department was originally my master's job!If the master hadn't been in such a difficult situation, how could Xu Chen dare to arrange it like this?Zhu Yiguang was so proud, no wonder the other housekeepers nodded and bowed their faces.Hmph, as far as Dexing is concerned, if he becomes an official, he must be a dirty official!

"It's just a proposal! It's not a formal approval, just wait..." If Su Yi doesn't have an accident, this position is probably his. Su Xing knows that Zhu Yiguang is trying to squeeze him, but there is nothing he can do... Zhu Yiguang laughed loudly Laughing... The yamen servant over there glared at him and cursed: "Do you still know the rules? Go home and pick up your girls if you have nothing to do. Don't be naughty with this lobby!"

After stopping the laughter, Zhu Yiguang's face was a little disappointed. He glanced at the yamen servants, then turned his eyes away, and only whispered to a few people around... Xiaoan had already heard that the two were not dealing with each other, but asked Li Zhi in a low voice: " Brother Li! What kind of name is this ticket supposed to be!"

Hearing Xiao An's question, Li Zhi didn't hesitate, and also suppressed his voice, explaining to Xiao An in a low voice.I'm afraid that I will attract the attention of the yamen servants again, and I will not look good if I scold you... It turns out that the draft is the Ministry's opinion on the revision of the papers!Open a ticket separately, and submit the accompanying playbook to the palace for the emperor to read!The temper of the current emperor is the most casual, and there are no too many rules, so most of the cases are handled according to the opinions of the various ministries on the draft paper!Only major events, the appointment and removal of important officials, etc., the emperor will pay more attention to.The promotion of a small official is planned by the Ministry of Officials, and it will be discussed in the political affairs hall. After the discussion, it will be added to the palace and sent to the palace. If there are no major accidents, it is basically a matter of iron and steel. There will be no change... The emperor will no longer refute the proposal for a small officer to be promoted!Besides, Zhu Yiguang is still a servant of Xu Shilang's family, Xu Shilang is a huge family, and there are one or two servants who are promising, the emperor still wants to give the Xu family the face.

Moreover, the affairs of the various ministries and yamen in the capital also need these people who are familiar with the various ministries, departments, and yamen to handle them. "So Zhu Yiguang is an official!"

"We have to wait for Yu Lan's approval before we can officially come out! This is not an urgent matter, we have to wait, but it will only take a month at the latest, and we should come out no matter what! In fact, it is a fifth-rank official. Jinling, it's a lot of things to catch, and it's just a matter of running errands!" Although Li Zhi said so, he still envied this kind of officials who ran errands.

Xiao An looked at Zhu Yiguang while listening.He already guessed why Zhu Yiguang spoke so sarcasticly to him!

The third master once mentioned Xu Wei to him, and he also mentioned the Xu family, a great family in Jinling.In the Tingyu Building, the third master gave Xu Wei a face, so it is quite normal for Zhu Yiguang to have this reaction... The third master warned him to keep a low profile during his stay in Jinling, and he was not allowed to quarrel with others, let alone cause trouble Make a fuss!Therefore, Xiao An didn't dare to have any other thoughts about Zhu Yiguang.In the past half a year, he has worked with Su San, and he has become more courageous!Although he was new to Jinling, he was not used to the scene full of officials, but if someone really wanted to provoke him, even if his temperament was not suitable for his age, some things that should be impulsive would still be impulsive... ...After all, he is not a heartless person.

I only heard the voices of many people suddenly coming from the courtyard outside the hall.Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of drumming, and a group of yamen servants hurriedly divided into two shifts, lined up and stood up straight under the hall!

After the drum beat stopped for a while, I saw four officials wearing jade belts and loose official uniforms walking in from the main hall door step by step...the first one was Zhou Zhiqing!The three who followed were naturally Li Daoming, Chi Yiming, Xu Jiangjin... A group of judges and cases from Dali Temple also poured out from the back hall, and more than a dozen people stood under the plaque of "Report the voice of the country" in the main hall, Waiting for the magistrate to be promoted... Zhou Zhiqing let Li Daoming and the others sit in the seats of deputy judge and jury, and then sat down by himself.Before he could speak, he got up and made a confession to the three of them, and then sat down again, holding the gavel in his hand, and slapped it gently.He glanced under the hall, then at the interrogation fence, and finally took a last look at the place where the prisoners waiting for trial stayed under the door of the side hall, and then uttered two words, "promoted hall!" '

"Wei...wu..." A group of yamen servants wielded red and black sticks, striking the ground rhythmically, making a sound of 'bang bang...', which made people tense up..."With Su One!" After the promotion, Zhou Zhiqing raised his face and shouted to the outside world!

Su Yi was 'invited' into Dali Temple early in the morning!He is only waiting for trial in the gate room on the east side.Dali Temple is different from Nantian Prison in Jinling Mansion!

In Nantian Prison, because there is a strict order not to visit, so as not to leak news!So Su Yi was short of food and clothing, and suffered a lot in Nantian Prison!

Now, he is released from prison and awaiting trial at home. Although the emperor has suspended his position, he is still a member of the imperial court and has a great reputation!Therefore, after entering Dali Temple early in the morning, a stove and tea were prepared in the Dongzha room, and they waited attentively everywhere!Although it is very simple, but in such a situation, it is already extremely good... The yamen outside the gate heard the words of "bring Su Yi" shouted by the yamen in the hall, and hurriedly opened the gate, holding the An iron chain was handed to Su Yidao: "Our lord has passed you an arraignment, you just need to hold this chain in your hand! If you are not young, it will be difficult to do!"

This is also a rule, all prisoners must bring instruments of torture to court.If you want to change the person, change the case, the servants will definitely not be so polite.Su Yi is the old criminal department, how could he not know this, so he wrapped the iron chain around and put it in his hand.Raising his head, he shook the iron chains loudly, he laughed first, then put on a face, and accompanied by two guards, he entered the entrance of the hall!

Seeing Su Yi coming, the soap servants on both sides pulled their fire and water sticks into their arms and yelled "Oh". The sound of moving chains!


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