
Chapter 301

Chapter 301 Standing aside

Su Yi stood still in front of the hall, glanced up, Zhou Zhiqing was sitting in the desk room, Li Daoming and Chi Yiming were sitting on the left and right sides respectively!On the left side under the case, there is Zhang Xiao's case, and Xu Jiangjin sits behind the case!

They are all old acquaintances, and they don't know how many contacts they have made. 【】But now they are sitting high in the hall, and they themselves are chained up, and they are lowered in the hall.This is really unpredictable, a blessing in disguise.

With a helpless smile, he knelt down on his knees, pulled the iron chain until the mountain rang, and said calmly: "The former Shenzhizhengshi, Dongfu servant Su Yi, I have met all my lords!"

"Put Su Yi to death!" Zhou Zhiqing waved his hand decisively.After the yamen guard removed the torture tools from Su Yi's body, he said to Su Yi: "Annan, you have been a minister with the same dynasty for more than ten years now! Today, you and I are in court and under court, and it is really annoying. Hey. Now that the matter has come to this point, I respectfully ask Brother Annan to respect the difficulties of the brothers. Please answer the questions in a concrete manner without hiding and whitewashing! After the court trial, all the facts will be reported in the Dali Temple, right and wrong Straight and straight, the emperor judges everything. Brother Annan should be the place to speak, and the people in the hall are not grassroots people."

Su Yi listened quietly, without saying a word!These are the judge's clichés, Zhou Zhiqing is very deep in the city, and he can't come out, he said these words from the bottom of his heart, or just talking casually.

Li Daoming added on the side: "Today we only ask about the case, and we only ask and listen! Your status is very high, and if we are not sure about the trial, the emperor will finally have to make a decision himself!"

Zhou Zhiqing saw that Chi Yiming closed his eyes slightly, and Xu Jiangjin beside the hall also looked absent-minded!Both of them had nothing to say, so they coughed lightly, and asked interrogation: "Hu Shichen is the first to sue you for ordering someone to assassinate the crown prince, is there such a thing?"

"It's pure fiction." Su Yi said calmly.

"Could it be that Hu Shichen is still accusing you?"

"Hu Shichen is the officer in the Criminal Department. An Nan is in charge of the Criminal Department. Maybe there is something not as he wants, so he did this poisonous trick. Su Yi is deeply favored by the country, so how dare he do such a treasonous thing. It is definitely a false accusation."

"Then you dare to confront Hu Shichen?" Zhou Zhiqing said unhurriedly.

"Why don't you dare?" Su Ding said firmly.

"Bah!" There was a sound on the gavel, and Zhou Zhiqing said, "Take Hu Shichen!"

Su Yi was thinking, isn't Hu Shichen already dead?Doesn't Zhou Zhiqing know?Or could it be said that King Wu didn't get rid of Hu Shichen at all?Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little uneasy.Hearing footsteps from the hall, he quickly turned his head, only to see a yamen servant walking in, and there was no sign of Hu Shichen!

The yamen servant replied: "My lord, I went to inform Hu Shichen this morning, only to find that Hu Shichen had committed suicide!"

This news was heard by the people watching the trial, and there was a burst of discussion!

Zhou Zhiqing patted the gavel, suppressing the noise in the trial grill, and then turned to the other adults, "Oh, Hu Shichen, who made the first complaint, committed suicide. What should we do?"

Several people in the hall seemed not surprised by the news, Chi Yiming saw Zhou Zhiqing asked, and said, "Hu Shichen committed suicide, I'm afraid he has a ghost in his heart!"

Li Daoming said on the side: "It's hard to guess! But since Hu Shichen can't confront him, there should be other evidence to prove it!"

Zhou Zhiqing asked Xu Jiang Jindao: "Zhiqing didn't find any evidence here. Is there any evidence from Mr. Xu that he didn't forward?"

Xu Jiangjin hurriedly replied: "Where is it? The Jinling Mansion was only imprisoned by order, and there is no evidence." He had to take care of one or two, originally thought that Su Yi would be doomed this time, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into what it is today.

"Oh! Both personal and physical evidence, how about you two adults? How about we stop the trial today and wait for the case to progress?" Zhou Zhiqing asked.

Li Daoming nodded, and Chi Yiming also said, "That's the only way for now."

Zhou Zhiqing said to Su Yidao: "Well, since Hu Shichen can't come to confront him, we will report on the situation. You go home for the time being and wait for the emperor's order! Retire!"

After Zhou Zhiqing finished speaking, he asked several adults to retreat to the back hall, and all of a sudden the yamen servants also started to drive the people watching the trial out!

Su Xing, Xiao An, accompanied Su Yi out of Dali Temple, Xiao An asked Su Xing as if in a dream, "This is the end of the interrogation? Why is it like a child playing house?"

Su Yi was in a good mood, and couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Xiao An's words!Su Xing also smiled lightly, and responded to Xiao An's question: "Then how else can we try it? There is nothing, even gods can't try this stupid case."

"Why is the imperial court doing this? The Eldest Man was thrown into prison for nothing! Can he be reinstated as an official?" Xiao An asked again.

Su Xing couldn't answer this question.However, he has some knowledge anyway, knowing that Su Yi was arrested and imprisoned by the emperor's order, and the emperor would never admit that he was at fault. Will be transferred from Jinling!

Su Xing's thinking is actually a bit one-sided!According to the result of the joint trial of the three divisions, since Su Yi was wronged, it is a matter of course for the official to be reinstated!Otherwise, wouldn't the government be messed up?It is too unreasonable to be dismissed after a false accusation.

Only Su Yi knew in his heart that the emperor might have guessed that the black hand behind this was King Wu, and he was just taking the blame for King Wu!Although the emperor intends to suppress this case, it doesn't mean that the emperor still trusts him. Therefore, he can live in the present and save his life, so he is already laughing. It is impossible for him to return to his post!To be able to go to Chengdu Mansion to go on a flower errand for myself is a blessing from God.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace, let's not talk about these! Let's go back to the house!" Su Yi said with a smile.Now that he has broken a lot, he doesn't have the obsessions he used to have in his heart!

Su Xing was going to look for a sedan chair, Su Yi stopped Su Xing, the sky was cloudy, but it was still sunny.Even though the north wind was blowing on his face, it was a bit cold, but Su Yi felt that he could experience the taste of being alive!Then he led the two of them into Hengjie and walked all the way to Yujie!

Turning a corner to the main street, the flow of people began to gather!Suddenly, the sound of gongs and drums was heard on the street, and many people were pointing forward.Curious, he couldn't help taking a few steps and walked to the front.

Then I came to a Yangko troupe, which seemed to be invited by a troupe. It was dancing and moving forward in the heart of the street in response to the sound of gongs and drums!In front of the Yangko team, the two held up a horizontal banner with a few large characters written on it, which read: Ren Ji Fried Fish Shop.

Several people carried gongs and shouted at the top of their voices as they walked: "Ren Ji will open tomorrow, and the first day will be [-] catties of fish nuggets for free. Boom!"

Su Yi was amazed for a moment, and asked Xiao'an, "Is it the Ren Ji from Wuling Mansion?" Naturally, Su Yi knew that Ren Ji fried fish in Wuling Mansion, seeing that this was also Ren Ji, he couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" Xiao An said with a smile.

"How did you make such a big commotion?" Su Yi asked, frowning while standing in the crowd.

Jinling City is an important place in the capital, even if the imperial envoy returns to the city, it is impossible to make such a big commotion!Now it's drums and gongs. Could it be that the people in Jinling Mansion are all dead?Even if the people in the Jinling Mansion don't care, are the people from the Nine Sects of the Infantry Army so negligent?

Hearing Su Yi's words, a lively person next to him replied with a smile: "I heard that there will be a big show tomorrow! This Ren Ji will be putting on a big show for three days at the entrance of the store in Yujie!"

"Bold! Absurd!" While Su Yi was a little surprised, he was also a little dumbfounded!He couldn't help but say something surprising.

Put on a big show in Yujie for three days!What are you kidding?Who dares to open a store so boldly.If you really want to put it up, then you have to block the entire Royal Street!

That person looked at Su Yi intently, and saw that he was dressed in commoner clothes, but he didn't know how noble Su Yi's status was!It is estimated that he is just a sour scholar, that's why he said such words!Then he laughed and said, "Isn't it absurd, what should I say? It's actually a good thing to put on a big show for the common people! It's a little bit bold, but Ren Ji has a lot of face. I heard that the emperor gave him a golden plaque." They put on a big show, and they were invited under the banner of receiving plaques, and they were the grand masters of the Jinling Mansion, so I dare not say that Ren Ji is bold, right?"

Su Yiyi was speechless immediately after hearing what the man said!It turns out that this matter has something to do with the emperor, no wonder the store is so flamboyant.

Xiao An sneaked behind Su Yi and pulled Su Yi's sleeve, Su Yi withdrew from the crowd and walked away.

Xiao An still had a look of surprise on Su Yi's face, so he smiled and said: "I'm afraid the old man doesn't know yet! This Renji fried fish is actually belonged to the Su family."


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