
Chapter 302 Shopkeeper Xu

Chapter 302 Shopkeeper Xu

Su Yi was taken aback!He looked at Xiao An very puzzled, he didn't know when Ren Ji got involved with the Su family. 【】

Ren Ji's shopkeeper is a woman, who was born in a brothel, and seems to have some inexplicable relationship with Su San, he knows all this!But why did Ren Ji belong to the Su family?Why didn't he hear the wind at all?

"Master must know that the female shopkeeper of Ren Ji has been adopted by Mr. Ji as his granddaughter! She is now Princess Baozhu. Not long ago, Mr. Ji has promised Princess Baozhu to the third master, and she will get married next year! So, Sooner or later, Ren Ji will have the surname Su!" Xiao An said with a smile, in fact, he knew that Ren Ji belonged to the third master, but the third master did not allow these words to be spread outside, so he could only use some news that everyone knew to share. Su listened.

Su Yi didn't know that Elder Ji had promised Princess Baozhu to Su San!Hearing what Xiaoan said, I couldn't help but suddenly realized!

Then he thought that Ren Ji's frying fish was made in such a big way, it seemed too flamboyant!Do you want to hurry back and talk to Su San, so that Ren Ji can calm down a bit.Otherwise, it will affect the reputation of the two in Jinling!Since Ren Ji's shopkeeper is going to marry into the Su family, Su San, the future son-in-law, should have some control over the branch in Jinling.

Thinking of this, Gong Yi tightened his pace and hurried back to the mansion!

Since the last time Su was released from prison, the servants of Su's mansion have run away a lot, and this mansion seems a bit empty!Su Yi didn't have the heart to deal with this matter these two days, so he didn't add people to the mansion!Besides, once he was released from prison, he let go of all those ostentatious desires in his heart.Thinking about these two No. 30 servants in the mansion, it may not be enough.Seven or eight nurses are enough!Seven or eight maids in the inner courtyard room are enough!The old ladies in the kitchen and the handymen can't help those many people!

With fewer people, there are fewer things to do!It's also comfortable and quiet.

As soon as Su entered the inner courtyard, the Xuan clan had already welcomed him in the courtyard.

Xuan's ancestors were from Guangnan Road, and his grandfather was an official in Jinling, so he moved to Jinling very early.In the generation of Xuan's father, the Xuan family can be regarded as old Jinling!

Xuanfu and his brothers also had two officials, but they all worked in other places.Xuan's father was in poor health and did not serve as an official. He only lived an idle life as a scholarly disciple in Jinling City.

However, the Xuan family has a farm outside Jinling City, and there are many businesses in the city, and there are some contacts left by the previous generation moving around, so they can be regarded as some power!Later, when Su Yi married the Xuan family, the officials became bigger and bigger, and the Xuan family also rose with the tide. These are all things that go without saying.

Xuan was fidgeting early in the morning, waiting for the news in the yard, but seeing that Mr. Xiang was not only not imprisoned, but also came back so early, he knew that it must be just like what my uncle said, "There is nothing serious!" 'My heart is really at ease.

Su Yi went into the room and changed into home clothes, while asking Xuan Shi, "Where's the third brother?"

While helping Su Yi tidy up his clothes, Xuan replied, "I'm meeting guests in the front hall!"

"Meet the guests? Hasn't he seen no visitors for the past two days? Who is here?" Su buttoned up his buttons and walked outside!

"It's an acquaintance, what is it called shopkeeper Xu! Uncle went! I don't even know who this shopkeeper surnamed Xu is?" Xuan said when he sent Su Yi out of the room.

Xiao An was waiting outside the door, and when she heard what Xuan said, she couldn't help laughing and said, "The shopkeeper Xu is the shopkeeper of Ren Ji's Jinling branch!"

Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, and gave a soft 'oh'.Xuanshi asked curiously: "Is it what the master said last time, the Ren Ji of the fried fish nuggets?"

Nodding his head, Su said to Su Xing and Xiao An: "Go, go ahead!"

Su Yi was about to talk to Su San about the fried fish shop when the shopkeeper Xu came!It's just in time, I have something to say to him.

Jinling is different from other places, so it's impossible to make such a fuss!In Wuling, no one cares about doing this in Wuling.But in Jinling, let alone a small shop, even a big shop with a very powerful backing has to be a man with its tail between its legs, and no one dares to make such a big show.Big trees attract wind, not only for people, but also for shops.

Hastily walked to the side hall of the first hospital!Sure enough, Su San was talking to a rather young man!The man's appearance and clothes.It doesn't look like a shopkeeper's dress, but it looks like a scholar.

Seeing Su Yi walking in, the scholar quickly got up and saluted, "I've seen Mr. Su!"

Su Yi smiled, and before he could answer, Su San said, "Brother, this is Xu Yingming Xu, shopkeeper of Renji Fried Fish Jinling branch, we are from Wuling, and we have been doing it in the main store."

Seeing Su San's serious introduction, he knew that Su San attached great importance to this shopkeeper Xu, so he returned a salute and said with a smile: "Jinling is full of shops, and it can be regarded as a place where dragons and tigers are hidden! But there are no shops that can really make something famous in Jinling. It’s common. Shopkeeper Xu’s ability to manage Renji’s Jinling branch shows that he is very capable.”

"Master Xie Su, praise!" Xu Yingming was not humble. If he still doesn't have a little self-confidence today, then he is not worthy of being the shopkeeper!Yin said again: "Yingming's ideas and insights are all learned in the main store, which is far worse than that of the head shopkeeper! In fact, he has to keep learning, no, today, he came to ask the third master for advice." .”

What Xu Yingming said about the chief shopkeeper was not Zhou Yingying, but Su San.He naturally knew that Su San was the owner behind Ren Ji, and he also naturally knew that no one in the Su family knew that Su San was the owner of Ren Ji, so naturally he would not point it out.

Su Yi felt that Xu Yingming's attitude was very good, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Then tell me, I'll sit aside and listen." , he'll help point it out.

How could Xu Yingming not understand Su Yi's thoughts!Can't help but glance at Su San.

Su San smiled and said: "Let's continue." While letting Xu Yingming sit down, he waved his fan with a relaxed expression.

Only then did Xu Yingming straighten out his thoughts, and continued from where he left off: "Just now we talked about setting up a stage to sing an opera. Originally, Yingming didn't want to make such a big deal, but the emperor personally bestowed a golden plaque, which is long-faced. It’s a great thing. If we don’t have a lot of fun, we’re afraid that someone will say that we’re belittling the Holy Will. That’s why Ying Ming came up with the idea of ​​singing a big show for three days! The stage was already set up a day earlier, and it was volleying across Yujie Build a high platform! You can still pass people under the stage. It cost hundreds of taels of silver to build the platform. Yujie belongs to the land of Nanmen Camp, and an extra 200 taels of silver is included here. Please Du Yingtou send some battalion soldiers when the time comes Maintain the scene! The general capital of Jinling Mansion is there, and there is also a management, this is 100 taels! The three-day drama will be sung from morning to night, which also needs 50 taels of Xie Yin! We must also take care of everyone’s food and drink, There's still some overhead involved."

Su San waved his hand and said: "You don't need to tell me about these small things, it's not good if the scene gets bigger. The first thing is to be safe! You have to check the table yourself. There will be a lot of people, so don't touch the table again. It is necessary to prevent someone from destroying it, so after the platform is set up, it must be taken care of. Ask the battalion to maintain safety during the day, and ask the yamen servants to keep watch at night! Don’t be afraid of spending too much money, but also spend on ideas. Is it possible? Ask the opera troupe to sing about the benefits of our fried fish nuggets? You can also ask about this! If you can sing, you can get extra money, but if you can’t, you can also go up to promote the publicity during the interval of singing! The smell of wine is still afraid of deep alleys, If you can let the children who have just started to talk know about fried fish nuggets and the benefits of fried fish nuggets within three days, then the money will be well spent. You can think about it again. Talk about other things. "

Seeing that Su San's thoughts were quite different from his own, Su Yi wanted to express his own thoughts, but seeing Xu Yingming's taught look on his face, it was hard for him to speak out.He was also afraid to speak out, even Xu Yingming would say that he was timid.Therefore, I had to hold back.


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