
Chapter 304 Thought Work

Chapter 304 Ideological Work

"Ah!" Su San was really stunned this time... The girl from Qingfenglou also came with her. 【】Then, isn't Qingfenglou... Could it be that Yu Feng is going to open Qingfenglou to Jinling?Su San felt that her head was a bit big...

However, at the next moment, he was secretly happy again. If Yu Feng had really shut down the Qingfeng Building in Wuling, and came to Jinling, the most likely reason was for him.Otherwise, she doesn't need to work so hard!

So, I still have some charm? "Hey..." Su San smiled lightly...

Xu Yingming heard that Su San gave him a face just now, and the next moment he sat there with a wicked smile, his scalp went numb, and he looked at Xiao An, and both looked away...

Su San realized that he had lost his composure, so he waved his hands and said, "Okay, go get busy! Brother, can you send some people from the mansion to help?"

Su Yi initially disagreed with such a publicity, but seeing that Su San had arranged it like this, he naturally wouldn't refute it.In fact, he was also thinking in his heart: If the prince can come to the opening site, no matter how big the scene is, there will be someone who can hold it down!So he didn't object anymore, and said to Su Xing: "Su Xing, you go and pick a few more shrewd and meticulous servants, and let Mr. Zhang bring a few nurses to help!"

Su San said to Xiaoan again: "You go and inform Li Ji, and ask Li Ji to help, if you can pick some people from his father-in-law's martial arts gym to run errands! That would be even better..."

Then he said to Xu Yingming: "You just need to arrange the residence. You can agree to the labor fee of ten taels per person first, and no one will be lazy and do nothing. Tomorrow, Yu'er can do the job of frying fish nuggets in the store." , I will lend you Yu’er today! You and the chief shopkeeper just have a good social occasion. The old man can’t let him be idle, he needs to worry more about the poetry meeting. The old man is most afraid of idleness, so find him He is happy to do something, so don't ask for it...Anyway, you do your best to arrange these people, don't let anyone idle..."

Xu Yingming said with a smile: "Then the third master is here, can Yingming borrow it as an envoy?"

"Ah!" Su San didn't think about enclosing herself anymore, so she blocked Xu Yingming's mouth and said, "Don't get me, it's too late for me to hide from the limelight! Besides, don't you Thinking of being lazy, if I go to help, why don't you ask for instructions? This is not good! So, don't have such thoughts..."

Xu Yingming pouted and said, "Yingming didn't say he was going to be lazy, it's just that tonight, helping the elders and the girls, they don't have a place to live, and no one takes care of them. It's always wrong. Yingming just I want to ask the third master to take care of it..."

"Oh!" Seeing that Xu Yingming was talking about this, Su San couldn't help but have many thoughts in his mind!Scratching his head, giving Su Yi a hand, he said: "Well, it's true, with so many people and so many girls, it's really not easy to stay in a hotel..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "There's nothing to worry about, just live in the mansion...It happens that so many houses are empty, I will ask your sister-in-law to prepare a few more beddings and tidy up the house, no matter how many people there are, I will make arrangements Next, is there any bad arrangement?"

Su San followed up on Su Yi's words, and said to Xu Yingming: "Then it's settled, you don't have to worry about this matter, you have nothing to do with bringing people to the Su residence..."

Xu Yingming seemed to let go of a big worry, and hurriedly said: "That would be the best..."

After a while, Su Xing came out with a large group of people, Xiao An also called Yu'er out, Xu Yingming got up to say goodbye, and walked outside together...

As soon as Su saw everyone leaving, he said anxiously: "I still feel that the limelight is a bit big?"

"Brother, don't worry, you have to do it when you do it! Business is different from politics. It's about being rich and powerful, and doing your part!"

"Daddy has done such a big business, and he didn't do it like you..."

"Father, that's a big business? The income is less than 10 taels of silver a year, and you are so tired! There are many shops, but the cost is not small! Do you know how much money the small shop in Wuling earns in half a year? Daddy If it's the account in the store, I'll be ashamed to death..."

"With an income of 10 taels, that's a huge business. Dafeng Dynasty's annual tax revenue is only a few hundred thousand. Could it be that a small fish fry shop in Wuling can make a lot of money? I don't believe it..." Su Yi smiled.

"Five hundred a catty, at least eight hundred catties a day on average! If it wasn't for the lack of fish supply, it would be more than that, you go and do the math?" Su San laughed. .

Su Panhuan one by one, this year is nearly 15 taels!Can't help but startled. .

"Furthermore, every tael of silver earned by Daddy would cost five taels of silver, and there would be many risks involved! So 10 taels of income may sound like a lot, but in fact it can only be regarded as half of the income! In Wuling City , the Li family is considered the richest, but it also depends on the year. It is not possible to earn as much as 10,000+ taels every year. And the expenses of Ren Ji can be said to be very small. The biggest cost is only on fish, but That little cost only accounts for [-]% of the selling price! In terms of profit margin and comprehensive profitability, it is much better than Daddy’s buying cloth! Otherwise, the eldest brother thinks, what is Ren Ji, an opening The ceremony will cost thousands of taels of silver?" Su San laughed. .

"However, the entire Dafeng Dynasty only has an annual income of 100 million, and this one store of yours...if you open a few more, wouldn't you be rich like a country?"

"Wealth can rival a country, and that's normal! In the Dafeng Dynasty, there were millions of people with wealth, not none, but a lot. In all honesty, even the wealth of some officials in the court may not exceed this amount? Let’s just say that the annual income of one million yuan sounds like a lot. In fact, it is too little for a country. With the current tax system, my younger brother has also calculated that the minimum tax income of the Dafeng Dynasty should be 100 million taels. About! But in the end, only 300 million taels were collected. In the process of expropriation, 100 million taels disappeared out of thin air. I am afraid that the eldest brother knows better than the younger brother where the money went! Even if all 200 million were handed over to the treasury, the big Is this the economy of the Feng Dynasty? No matter how much emphasis is placed on agriculture and business, it is impossible to levy such a light tax on those gentry with a lot of land, right? If this head is arrested, it will not be a problem to have an additional 300 million taels of annual income. With so much money, as long as the higher ups are willing to put some thought into the military, let alone one capital, even two more capitals will be wiped out within ten years..."

"You put it lightly, is the tax so easy to collect..."

"Brother, you don't need to say that it's difficult to collect! I understand what you mean! But brother, you can't have such a mentality when you go to Chengdu! The tax collection of a country depends on the determination of the emperor! The tax collection of a government Whether it is good or bad depends on the determination of the chief of the Lu Mansion! If the eldest brother still thinks that the tax is difficult to collect and is unwilling to break the original bottleneck, then the eldest brother will go to Chengdu Mansion, and the younger brother can't count on the elder brother!"

Su San said earnestly: "My little brother thinks that as long as he wants to collect this tax, he can definitely collect it! In fact, if the elder brother doesn't collect it, it will only be good for future invaders if he doesn't collect it! The amount of tax should be handed over to the imperial court, and less should be handed over to the imperial court! Overcharged and surplus, we must vigorously develop the people's resources in Chengdu, a large amount of land reclamation is needed for shortage, and a large amount of land must be accumulated for grain! Various constructions must also keep up , especially the government army, must have high standards and high requirements, and gradually approach the army... If you don’t do this, there will be wars, and the Chengdu government is not the same as other government roads? As for how to levy and how to change, anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. , Some things, some things, be arbitrary, who dares to talk too much? These are the things that the elder brother has to consider, instead of discussing with the younger brother how difficult it is to collect taxes, and what are the disadvantages of various places..."

Su Yi didn't know, so he rushed the conversation to this point!But the strong tone in Su San's words made his heart stabbed, and at the same time, his emotions were agitated!


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