
Chapter 305 Li Yueer's Heart

Chapter 305 Li Yueer's Heart

He really didn't expect to be so detailed before, but he just vaguely knew that Su San had a big heart and wanted to run Chengdu Mansion. 【】Now, hearing Su San say it so bluntly, although I don't feel quite used to it, my heart is greatly touched...

He has always been dissatisfied with the tax system of the Feng Dynasty, but he has been working hard and courageously to change it!If he really went to the Chengdu mansion this time, and the situation will change in the direction of destroying the country, as Su San said, will he still want to see the national power scattered among the people, unable to form a joint force, and use it to resist foreign aggression? Woolen cloth?

If we are not determined to reform today, I am afraid that in the future it will be the hatred of subjugation and genocide, right?

Seeing Su Yi thinking deeply, Su Sanzai said softly at the side: "A person's knowledge is very important! If the elder brother can figure out what will happen in the future, even if he goes all out, he will break the status quo. If he doesn't know what will happen in the future What, you can only bear to die. There is no shortage of examples of boiling frogs in warm water in any era! Brother, you have to think about this matter carefully. The money raised is put to practical use! Not to mention resisting foreign aggression, self-protection is difficult...Strength is the basis of everything! One person fights a hundred people, even if this person is wise and brave, it is impossible to have the slightest The hope of victory! Fifty people and 100 people fight, although the number is still less than half, but there may be no chance of winning with some strategies! The people of the Manchu Dynasty are either indulging in the imagination of peace, or dreaming of relying on the power of the Feng Dynasty You can keep the enemy out of the country! But can you seal the dynasty? If you can, you won’t live in a corner! Therefore, only those forces that can break all shackles and rise up again can turn the tide..."

Su Yi felt as though Su San had abducted him into the door and dragged him further and further away!

It's just that he felt the strong self-confidence in Su San's words, and there was an inexplicable impulse in his heart!This kind of impulse dominated him to believe in Su San's words, and drove him to keep close to Su San's thoughts!

At this time, he didn't know how these changes in his mind happened.But he knew that Su San's mind was full of things that he hadn't thought about, didn't dare to think about, and couldn't think of...

Perhaps it is these unusual thoughts that deeply attracted him, and even made him full of inexplicable longing for the "Road of Disobedience"...

The north wind has been blowing, and it is getting bigger and bigger!Since the morning, the cloud has not allowed the sun to show up, and the temperature is getting lower and lower here!It can be predicted that tomorrow will not be a good day!

But today, it can't be any worse!There will definitely be no rain, and if it does, it will only snow. However, given the dry and cold weather, without a few days of brewing, I am afraid that the snow will not fall...

Don't worry that when it opens, the scene will become deserted due to the weather!In fact, the closer the New Year's Eve is, the more people will be walking around in Jinling City!What's more, Imperial Street is the most important street in Jinling City. If this street loses popularity, then Jinling City is basically equivalent to a dead city!

Su San personally led the servants, and in the second courtyard, sorted out three courtyards!Two smaller ones: one should be arranged with Ji Lao and Zhou Yingying!Tang Li needs to be arranged for one room!The third and largest courtyard can accommodate Yu Feng and the girls in Qingfeng Tower!There are all the places and enough rooms, but the bedding needs to be bought temporarily, which is not a big problem. Before noon, Su San had already prepared everything...

After she was free, Su San was thinking about it, but what kind of idea did Yu Feng have?Even if Qingfenglou is opened to Jinling, it is necessary to find a good place before making these arrangements, right?Otherwise, bringing so many girls and not even having a place to stay is not a shrewd plan at all.

Could it be that she was anxious to see herself, that's why she rushed to Jinling in such a hurry?It's not such an explanation, and it's really hard to explain Yufeng's behavior...

Su San shook her head, and said with a smile in her heart: What's wrong with me today, why do I always have these thoughts in my mind... What is Yu Feng going to do, what is he going to do, what is he worrying about?Not necessarily, she really came here for her own sake, maybe she would take a few girls to Jinling to amuse herself and have some fun, so why are you so passionate?Could it be that he is really a popular lover who is loved by everyone!

I couldn't help laughing, but I thought of Tang Li again!

I don't know why Tang Li got together with Yu Feng and Ying'er, took her advice as a deaf ear, and hurried to Jinling!Could it be that I am too affectionate, and the little girl I seduce also misses day and night?Speaking of it, she has indeed reached the age of first love.But I'm afraid of such young love, it's very impulsive, very intense, it makes people a little overwhelmed...

I'm in my seventies and eighties, so when it comes to love, it's better to take it easy, so that it suits my appetite better!Let alone Tang Li, with so many women here at once, I don't know how many troubles will be caused.Fortunately, Li Yue'er didn't come, otherwise, this time, it would be completely lively...

Li Yue'er opened the curtain of the carriage and glanced outside. The sky was gray and there was no sunlight at all.Since the weather changed this morning, the temperature has dropped a lot.Fortunately, I brought a few more clothes, otherwise I would have been frozen in such a cold day...

"Miss!" Yu'er opened the curtain of the carriage and said, "We arrived in Jinling today, will we still live in the Xiuzhuang?"

Li Yue'er didn't answer Yu'er's words right away, but thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about it..."

Yu'er let out an 'oh', and said again: "Why don't we hurry up and walk with the convoy at Ji Lao's mansion?"

Li Yue'er frowned and said, "Where are you talking so much?"

Yu'er felt that her master was angry, and quickly shrank out.In fact, she also vaguely guessed that the master and Zhou Yingying were not very good at dealing with each other, but according to her thinking, the two of them were going to marry into the Su family and work together as husbands. Rather than being so out of tune, it would be better to join hands and have fun. This is the only way to be a good husband The way of teaching children...

But these words, she dare not say a word to Li Yue'er!The master has a strong temper, which she has always known.If someone and the owner like one thing at the same time, the owner will most likely give in and not compete with others!But if the owner is really reluctant to let go of that thing, then she will probably try her best to get it...

Although she doesn't understand the love between men and women, she is not young after all, and knows that some things are not easy to give up... For example, feelings!Before the master actually entered the door, he saw that the husband had thrown himself into the arms of another woman. If it were him, he would not be happy... No wonder the master is so angry...

Li Yue'er wasn't angry, she just didn't want to get together with Zhou Yingying!She took the newly-produced 'Farewell My Concubine' and rushed to Jinling to promote the new product.Secondly, it is natural to want to meet Su San in Jinling.Now she is more and more nostalgic for the time with Su San.

Sometimes once she had the thought of missing Su San, she wished she could fly to Su San's side immediately.

I thought that this time I came to Jinling, I could be alone with Su San!However, she did not expect that as soon as she walked on the road, she heard that Zhou Mansion's convoy was also rushing to Jinling City!In the motorcade were Ji Lao, the girls from Qingfenglou, and of course Zhou Yingying!

Hearing this news, she began to feel a little bit upset!How did you let her catch up?The originally planned solitude also fell through!Not to mention jealousy, but I just feel a little unhappy!She also knows that this kind of feeling is not what a wife should have, but she just can't restrain herself from feeling like this...

She just felt uncomfortable to be shared with others to enjoy the happy time for nothing...

Therefore, she decided not to catch up with them, and to go with them...Anyway, they will soon arrive at Jinling City!Zhou Yingying came to Jinling because of the opening of Ren Ji's branch in Jinling; and she came to Jinling to promote "Farewell My Concubine"; so whoever can show off more, and the husband is more important...

"Miss..." Yu'er stuck her head in again. .

"What's the matter?" Li Yue'er asked a little annoyed. .

"The frontman reported that the convoy ahead has stopped! It seems to be waiting for us!" Yuer said softly, looking at Li Yueer's face.

"..." Li Yue'er's face changed...

"Should we stop for a while before leaving, or..." Yu'er asked cautiously. .

"Why stop, just go there, are they tigers? Can they still eat you?" Li Yue'er gave Yu'er a blank look.

Feeling aggrieved, Yu'er stuck out her tongue, but still came out, and told the convoy not to stay, but to go straight ahead...


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