
Chapter 306

Chapter 306

In less than a quarter of an hour, the two convoys slowly merged into one place!Most of Li Yueer's convoy are trucks!But Zhou Lao's convoy is all carriages, and there are a few strong men riding alone, but they are escorts from Zhiyuan Escort Bureau in Wuling City!

Seeing Li Yueer's motorcade coming up, Zhou Ji stepped out of the carriage, and many beautiful women emerged from the nearby carriage to welcome Li Yueer... Li Yueer didn't dare to push her too hard, as soon as the carriage stopped, she would have already left come out. 【】

Zhou Ji laughed loudly and said, "I just heard that Miss Yue'er's motorcade is behind, and I heard that she is also going to Jinling?"

Li Yue'er bowed to Zhou Ji, glanced at Zhou Yingying, Tang Li, Yu Feng and others, and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Ji! Yue'er is delivering goods to Jinling!"

"Oh, is it embroidery? I heard that you also have an embroidery shop in Jinling."

"There is an embroidery shop, but this time it is not embroidery, but a new product, shampoo for washing hair!" Li Yueer smiled and pointed to the motorcade behind...

On the truck, the large jars were tightly tied to the carriage with ropes. There were six large jars in each cart, neatly arranged, and there were about ten carts!It's like wine!

"Hair shampoo? Can this thing be specially made and sold? Can someone buy it?" Zhou Ji was a little puzzled. These dozens of jars are all shampoo?Can water be sold too?This is to weigh the weight, or to sell it on the forum!Do you want to transport it to Jinling bitterly?I'm afraid that the tofu will be paid for as meat, can it make money?

Li Yueer didn't want to gossip too much in the wild, so she smiled and said, "It's a new product, and it hasn't started selling yet? I don't know anything yet!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the two of them talking, Zhou Yingying took a step forward and saluted, "Sister Yue."

Li Yue'er hurriedly returned a salute and said, "I heard that the Renji Jinling branch will open tomorrow? Congratulations."

Zhou Yingying knew that Li Yue'er's new product must have been made under Su San's guidance!Since it is a product under the guidance of Su San, it will definitely not be unsalable like what grandpa said, because he said with a smile: "My sister has a new product coming out, so I am very happy."

Seeing Zhou Yingying say this, Li Yue'er felt unconfident, fearing that if she couldn't afford this item, she would lose face in front of Zhou Yingying.Seeing that Li Yue'er was silent, Zhou Yingying smiled and said, "It's so cold outside, let's talk in the carriage... Hurry up while talking, otherwise we won't be able to enter the city at night..."

Zhou Ji also said: "That's right, everyone, get in the car, if you have something to say, it won't be too late to talk slowly when you get to the city."

Zhou Yingying invited Li Yueer to ride in her carriage.

Li Yue'er was actually very reluctant to sit in Zhou Yingying's carriage, but she didn't want to look too original, so she sat in together!

Zhou Yingying's carriage has three pairs of wheels, and the carriage is very long and wide!There are seven or eight people sleeping side by side in it, and it won't look crowded!Yu Feng, Tang Li, Tian Xiang, and Lu Er were all sitting in the carriage, and there was a big brazier in between. Everyone sat around the brazier, talking together, which was very lively.

Li Yueer is not familiar with Yu Feng, but she has met Tianxiang twice at the poetry meeting!She is familiar with Tang Li. They met every day when Su San took care of Lin Hailu; let alone Luer...

When Luer was by her side before, she didn't think there was anything unusual about Luer; but after not seeing her for many times, she saw that Luer was more and more beautiful, and there was a lot of charm between her eyebrows and eyes, but the eyes seemed to be more charming. A little indifferent, no longer as pure as before.

When the two met, the old relationship between master and servant had faded.Just a slight smile is considered a greeting!To Luer, she actually owes something in her heart.If she had brought Lu'er with her and spent the night in Xiuzhuang, she would not have suffered this disaster.

Sighing in my heart, I consciously didn't think about it, but smiled at Yu Feng: "Sister Yu is going to Jinling with so many girls?"

Li Yue'er saw that Tang Li was very affectionate to Yu Feng, and that Zhou Yingying also lived in Qingfenglou!Therefore, she was not good at showing incompetence to Yu Feng, and she was the first to talk to Yu Feng.

Yu Feng also smiled at Li Yueer: "I have already let go of Qingfenglou. There is a sister Lu who has been with me for many years. I gave her the shop. I will pay for any girl who is willing to change careers with me. They took off their certificates and brought them out together. Now they are all innocent girls."

Li Yue'er couldn't help being surprised when she heard what Yu Feng said.I don't know what made Yu Feng so determined to give up Qingfenglou, who was taking advantage of the money.

"Sister Yu and these girls, what's the plan?" Li Yueer asked curiously.

Yu Feng shook her head lightly, but said with a smile: "Let's go! I'm going to marry them all off one by one, but there's no rush for this matter. Anyway, I still have some savings! It's impossible to change places and live life first. If they don’t, they will all become embroiderers, and even beg the shopkeeper Yue’er to take them in.”

Li Yue'er never believed that Yu Feng had no idea, so she made such a big decision!Yin smiled and said, "Why don't you just come to the embroidery village directly? Yue'er can decide to share half of the embroidery village in Jinling to Sister Yu!" village!Most of the girls in Qingfeng Building have learned female celebrities since they were young, and they can be considered handy in embroidery.

Seeing Li Yueer's sincerity, Yu Feng couldn't hide it anymore, so she smiled and said, "Actually, I have some ideas, but I still need to find someone to discuss with! If it doesn't work out, I really want to take advantage of Miss Yueer." .”

Seeing what Yu Feng said, Li Yue'er also smiled and said, "Well, if there is anything Yue'er can help, sister Yu just ask."

As the saying goes, three women play a play, and the car full of women sitting together is naturally more lively than singing.Except for Luer who sat quietly on the side and listened silently to everyone's conversations, everyone chatted with each other long ago.

Li Yue'er naturally praised "Farewell My Concubine" who brought her to Jinling!Everyone heard that this shampoo is so miraculous, pouring a little in the palm of your hand, you can wash your hair clean, shiny, and fragrant, and you don't even need to apply hair oil, they couldn't help screaming excitedly, wishing they could Immediately to try the effect.

In fact, there is no need to try, they just need to touch Li Yueer's hair and smell the fragrance of her hair, and they will know what Li Yueer said is true.Everyone was thinking at the same time, if they could have such hair by the side of their beloved man, wouldn't that man love him to death?

Seeing a group of women touching her hair like a demon, Li Yueer knew that this shampoo would definitely sell for a good price.However, it would be best to ask him what to do.

A group of people chatted lively, and in the middle of the afternoon, they finally arrived at the majestic city wall of Jinling City.While shouting for joy, the women pointed at the foreigners coming in and out of the city gate, pointing, commenting, and laughing slyly.It attracted the attention of many passers-by, and I don't know where all these beautiful girls came from.

Xu Yingming had already received a report from the convoy, and before the convoy entered the city, it was already at the gate of the city.Seeing the convoy coming in, hurriedly greeted it!

Xu Yingming replied to Zhou Yingying who opened the curtain of the carriage: "Tomorrow, there will be many important people coming to the opening, and the prince will also be there tomorrow. The store is busy with various decorations, and it is a bit chaotic! It will be dark in half an hour, so please head back to the residence to rest, and then go to the store tomorrow to be a director!"

"You don't need to be a director!" Zhou Yingying smiled and said: "You are still in charge of everything. I am here this time to help the store socialize. If you need my help, just assign it to me." ;The second is to spend time with grandpa. Both things are important, but the most important thing is to be with grandpa! So, I won't bother with any other matters. What should you be busy with? You can just do your own thing! However, where are you going to arrange us to live?"

Xu Yingming hurriedly smiled again: "The chief storekeeper is satisfied! The third master said that it is inconvenient for so many girls to live outside, so they all live in Su's residence."

Zhou Yingying was overjoyed, nodded and said: "Then you lead the way..." After saying that, she shrank back and sat back in the carriage...

The women in the carriage had also heard Xu Yingming's reply, and they were all happy, but they didn't show it at all...

When the convoy slowly approached the Su residence, they already got the news, Su San and Su Yi didn't wait for the convoy to arrive at the gate, they had already personally greeted Ji Lao at the gate!

As soon as the convoy stopped in front of the mansion, the two immediately rushed forward.


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