
Chapter 307 Come to My Room

Chapter 307 Come to My Room

After all, Mr. Ji was old, and he had to go from Wuling to Jinling within two days, and he really suffered a lot!However, apart from a little heaviness in his body, his spirit is still good. 【】

Su San stepped forward to help Ji Lao who got out of the car and said with a smile: "I was about to write a letter to you! The previous emperor also said: The concubine cannot go out of the palace to see her father. If Ji Lao is in good health, she can enter the palace to see her daughter. Never I thought, you didn’t predict the prophet, but the cocoa land came.”

Elder Ji was overjoyed for a while, and immediately felt refreshed and said, "Really, did the emperor really say that?"

"Of course it's true! I'll tell you about the specific situation later. You'd better come in first, don't get caught in the wind, wait for a few days of rest, and you'll be refreshed. Ningyuan will go see the emperor again."

Su Yi also stepped forward to salute Ji Lao, and helped Ji Lao lead him to the house.

Su San did not go in with Ji Lao, but still stood at the door, and saw many girls getting off the carriage one after another.Lai Yufeng really brought out all the girls from Qingfenglou...

Many girls recognized Su San, and saluted Su San one by one, saying: "Young Master Su."

When Su San heard these tender calls, her heart surged.Xindao: Is it time to solve the male physiological problems?Otherwise, my ability to resist women will become weaker and weaker as time goes by!Even if I can restrain this impulse in my heart, but after all, this body is still young, so if you don't hurt your body again, it won't be worthwhile.When it's time to relax, it's time to relax.

Smiling and nodding with the girls, Tang Li was standing next to a carriage where his eyes flickered!He smiled at himself cleverly.

Su San was about to go forward to meet him, but saw Zhou Yingying getting out of the carriage.Su San had no choice but to stop, smiling at Tang Li and Zhou Yingying!

After Zhou Yingying got out of the carriage, Li Yueer also lifted the curtain and got out!Wherever her eyes flickered, her eyes turned to her with all sorts of amorous feelings!But when she got to herself, her face blushed again, she lowered her head, and slowly got out of the carriage.

Su San's smile turned into a wry smile of surprise!

He was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Li Yueer would be in the car, but when he saw the jars of goods in the convoy, he could guess why Li Yueer appeared.

Tianxiang came out next!With the same petite and charming look, he smiled lightly at Su San, and stuck out his tongue again.

Su San's heart swayed by her small movements, and Chun Xin was a little twitchy.An oiran is an oiran, and you don't have to pay for your soul!Su San tightly controlled her mind, don't let herself think about it.Nodding while smiling.

Just when he was feeling a little distracted, Yu Feng and Lu'er got out of the carriage one after another.When he saw Yu Feng's slightly clear face, he felt inexplicably regretful, and felt like he wanted to hold Yu Feng in his arms.

It's a very strange feeling.

Yu Feng seemed to have noticed Su San's fiery eyes, and lowered her head in panic, not daring to raise her head!

Tian Xiang smiled and said, "Young Master Ning Yuan, what are you standing on top of?"

Su San just laughed and said: "So many beauties appear all of a sudden, I'm dazzled. Come in quickly! My son will personally arrange the daily life for you today, and clean up the dust."

The women stepped forward very reservedly, passing by Su San's side, they all saluted slightly, and walked into the mansion.

Su Xing is not here, and Xiao An is not here, so Su San has to arrange some trivial matters by himself!First, let the guards in the mansion and the escorts help each other, and put all the goods into the warehouse by the yard while it is still daylight.

Some of the carriages are rented, just ask them to disperse!The girls in Qingfenglou brought many suitcases with them, so the servants in the mansion carried them all to the second courtyard and deal with them later.These are all arranged, thanks to the guard's master.This is the stop!

The women were not idle either, they asked where they lived, and they were in a hurry.

It wasn't until the sky was completely dark, and the reception banquet was set up in the hall, and four tables were fully set up, that everyone finally calmed down a little.

Everyone was a little tired, so they didn't say anything serious. They chatted some gossips while eating, and then went back to the hospital to rest.Seizing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Su San grabbed Yu Feng'er at the corner, kissed boldly first, and then ordered: "Come to my room at night." After speaking, she quickly left.

Su San's sudden kiss made Yu Feng's whole body burn!Ever since Su San said those words by the East Lake last time, she felt like a demon in her heart, thinking over and over that it was Su San's shadow!Every night, she would feel empty in her heart, hugging the quilt covered by Su San, she would also blush!

She knew in her heart that Su San liked her, and she might not have no intention of liking Su San in her heart!However, she still has many concerns in her heart.After all, Su San was too young, she wasn't sure if she was looking for fun with herself; moreover, Su San already had wives, one of whom was Yingying who once called her 'mother'!Although in the brothel, people called her "mother" too much, but Yingying has been raising her for ten years, so it is not too much to call her an adopted daughter.It is impossible for her to share a man with Zhou Yingying without obstacles in her heart.

But sometimes, she thought again, don't Su San be young, but act very prudently, not at all flamboyant like those whores in the building.What's more, the two of them can be regarded as having the experience of "sharing the same bed" and the fact that they are skin-to-skin relatives!

Although it was forced to Chennai that time, it can be regarded as having this fact.The most important thing is that for so many years, since Tang Jihu left, this is the first man who can give him a sense of security. It is he who helped him get rid of the entanglement of the Lin family!Sometimes just thinking about him will make people feel full of heart, and they will not be afraid of anything.

She likes this feeling very much, and also wants to succumb to this feeling. Although there are still many struggles in her heart, as long as she can stay by his side silently, or just take a look at him every once in a while, she is also satisfied.

This is the reason why she resolutely left Qingfeng Tower and wanted to come to Jinling.Just thinking that being in the same city with him would fill her with a warm feeling... So, when Tang Li found her and said she wanted to go to Jinling, she agreed without even thinking about it.

Although Tang Li wanted to go to Jinling for the same reasons as herself, she simply didn't care about that much.In this way, she transferred Qingfeng Tower, and Zhou Yingying, who was planning to come to Jinling, made a trip together.

She never thought that once she entered Jinling, she would live in the Su Mansion, nor did she think that she could go to Su San so soon.However, when she saw Su San again and saw his fiery eyes, she knew that she might never want to leave Su San's side again.

'Come to my room at night...' was not a hint, not a request, but an order.Yu Feng wanted to struggle in his heart, but what surged up was deep strength and joy.

Tonight, to go, or not to go!I'm afraid it's not what my own thinking can control.

She wanted to be more reserved, and not to get too close to Su San so quickly; but at her age, do you still need to communicate slowly about some things?

What's more, can I resist Su San's order?

Now that I have already come to Jinling, with Su San's intelligence, I am afraid that I have already guessed my mind!In this situation, do you still have room to resist?

The more Yu Feng thought about this, the more she blushed. She ran all the way back to the yard and got into her room.After closing the door tightly, I still felt my heart pounding and flustered. .

After finally taking a few breaths, she gradually calmed down, but Tianxiang knocked on her door again. .

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and saw Tianxiang holding two porcelain bottles in his hand and said: "Miss Yue'er showed kindness, and each of them gave two bottles. This white bottle is 'Overlord', and the blue bottle is ' Farewell My Concubine! At this moment, everyone can't wait to try it out..."

With a heartbeat, Yu Feng took the bottle and said, "I've been a little tired for the past two days. I'll wash up later and I'm going to sleep. What can we talk about tomorrow?"

Tianxiang smiled and said: "Don't say it's mother, Tianxiang is also very tired, I really want to have a good sleep... Hehe, but go wash your hair first."

Seeing Tianxiang running back to the room, Yu Feng summoned her personal maid and said, "Go get some water, I want to take a bath."

The girl responded, and exited to prepare. It took a long time before she came in with two old women carrying water!The girl smiled and said: "Everyone is crazy, they are clamoring to wash their hair! There are four large pots in the kitchen and there is not enough water for washing. We are taking the lead."

The girl directed the old lady to pour the water into the wooden barrel, then adjusted the cold water, tested the temperature of the water, and then retreated out!

Yu Feng washed her hair with warm water first, and the effect was exactly as Li Yueer said. After washing, it was very smooth, and there was a faint fragrance, which smelled very comfortable.Thinking that after a while, he would bend over her head and smell this fragrance, her heart would surge.

He hurriedly got into the bathtub, buried his head under the water, held it for a long time, and then got out of the water, and began to scrub slowly.

While stroking her chest, Yu Feng thought in her heart: Did she just give it to him?

If you don't give it to him, what else can you do?Could it be that he would have expected him to marry him?If that's the case, I can't agree to it either!

Let alone face Zhou Yingying?I'm afraid that in front of Tang Li, I would lose the face of being a human being.

Hey, Yu Feng sighed, biting her lower lip with her teeth.I hope I haven't lost my mind, as long as Su San can love herself in my heart, it doesn't matter whether I have a reputation or not.

Wash your body silently, pick out your favorite clothes, and dress neatly.Let the girl, take out a dry cotton towel, dry her hair strand by strand, and tie up a bouquet again, until she feels herself in the mirror, like a new daughter-in-law about to get married, and she is satisfied.

The girl asked curiously: "I'm about to sleep, what are you doing dressed up like this?"

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful self in the bronze mirror, Yu Feng was a little excited and a little lonely and said: "Don't ask so many questions, you can just sleep on my bed later, if someone comes to ask, just say that I have already fallen asleep, you know? "

The girl nodded, she really lost her curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that the courtyard gradually calmed down, Yu Feng walked out of the courtyard silently!

Tonight, the gates of the inner courtyard and the second entrance courtyard were released, and they were not locked. Instead, four old mothers were sent to take turns to watch the night here.The ban also only prohibits men from being admitted to the hospital. In fact, there are not many men, only the two servants brought by Mr. Ji are men, and the guys brought by Li Yueer all enter the yard as soon as they sleep.In fact, there is nothing serious.

Yu Feng entered the inner courtyard, and asked the old lady on duty with some embarrassment, "Where is the third master's courtyard?"

The old lady pointed to the courtyard on the left and said: "The third master lives in the small courtyard on the west side, the one in the innermost one."

Yu Feng lowered her head and hurried over.

After turning around a garden gate and avoiding the eyes of the two old mothers, she slowed down!Of the courtyards here, only the westernmost courtyard was still lit. Yu Feng walked to the courtyard door step by step, and opened it gently, and found that the courtyard door was ajar!My heart beat twice, I felt like I was committing a thief, but I could only bite the bullet and walk into the yard...


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