
Chapter 308 2 consecutive 3

Chapter 308 One after another

This west courtyard is very quiet and the yard is not big. 【】The nursery in the courtyard has long since withered, and the two persimmon trees are also bare and swaying in the wind.

Crossing the yard and walking directly to the main room with the lights on, she hesitated whether she should knock on the door!

Unexpectedly, the door opened from the inside... She was so scared that she almost turned around and wanted to run.

"Come in soon? It's very cold outside." Su San stood behind the door, the light reflected on his side face, making her afraid to look directly.

She was like a little girl, holding the corners of her clothes with both hands, as if entering the bridal chamber for the first time!I just felt hot on my face and weak all over.Until he came out and picked her up, she was like a dream!

Just listening to 'Tuk Tuk Tuk', there were three regular knocks on the door.

Su San's whole body tensed up, and Yu Feng was also taken aback. .

At this time, who will knock on the door?

Su San felt a little regretful, why was she in such a hurry, why didn't she close the courtyard door first.Now that it's like this, how can I meet people?

He refused to move his body away from Yu Feng's limp body, so he pretended to be sleepy and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me." A woman's voice.

Su San didn't recognize whose voice it was.For a while, I couldn't tell who the phrase 'it was me' was.

But Yu Feng heard it, pushed Su San aside, and said in a low voice, "It's Li'er!"

Lil?Scared, Tang Li?

Su San shook her head, feeling somewhat at a loss.Yu Feng is Tang Li's aunt. Although she is not her biological mother, the identity of the two generations is here.If Tang Li finds out that she and Yu Feng are sleeping together, not only will Yu Feng feel uncomfortable, but she will also have a hard time facing Tang Li, and Tang Li may have many thoughts... It's not like he can't bear it , but now is really not the time.

"Don't worry, you just lie under the quilt, I put down the curtain, the light is dim, she can't see clearly..." Su San instructed.Yu Feng couldn't care less, and hid under the quilt, tightly next to Su San.

Su San put the tent down, and seeing Yu Feng hiding behind her body, even if there was no tent, she would not come out too much, so she raised her voice, "What's the matter? I'm asleep."

"There's something wrong!" Tang Li's tone was very firm, and she didn't give Su San any chance to make excuses.

"Oh, then come in!" Su San knew that she was impatient, and the door was not fastened. .Even if he didn't let Tang Li in, he couldn't stop her from entering.

The door was opened lightly, and Tang Li walked in refreshed.

Wearing an elegant and refreshing white jacket, it was stretched tightly around her body. That tight figure made Su San eagerly aroused, with boundless impulsiveness.

Tang Li saw that Su San was leaning against the edge of the bed, half of her upper body was naked outside the tent, her eyes were fixed on her!She couldn't help but blushed, but bravely approached the head of the bed and sat down.

Su San and Tang Li's awkward appearance couldn't help shouting that she couldn't bear it.Dressed like this, Tang Li didn't sleep in the middle of the night. She ran here to seduce herself, right?

Although I need it very much, but in this situation, I'm afraid it's because of my heart.

"Li'er, I'm really sleepy, what's the matter with you?"

Tang Li blushed and said: "I just want to tell the third master that this time Li'er came to Jinling, it's actually because of my aunt's intention, she knows that Yu'er is a good cook, she wants to learn, and then open a restaurant in Jinling, that's why she brought her I came here to help. Li'er didn't deliberately disobey the third master and sneak here."

When Yu Feng heard Tang Li's words behind Su San's back, she became a little annoyed.Obviously it was Tang Li who wanted to come to Jinling, so she ran to her to talk, and the two hit it off immediately, and the idea of ​​coming to Jinling came into being!

As for opening the restaurant, it was also Tang Li's idea. She also said that the last banquet in Ji Lao Mansion was made by Yu'er and Zhou Yingying, and even Zhou Yingying was Yu'er's apprentice.Now in front of a man, it's really annoying to blame all this on yourself.

Su San smiled and said: "Oh, it's a good idea to open a restaurant! Let Yu'er teach you later, and it will be done soon. As for you, it's good to think of doing other things Girls, fighting and killing is not a lifetime thing, that's fine, I won't blame you."

At this time, Su San was eager to coax Tang Li to leave quickly, so she wouldn't blame her.

Seeing that Su San didn't mean to blame her, Tang Li couldn't help but feel relieved.

Seeing that Tang Li didn't want to leave, Su San wanted to use words to force Tang Li to leave, but unexpectedly what Tang Li said next made him a little unbearable.

"Then, is it true what the third master said last time?"

"Last time? What were you talking about?" Su San couldn't remember what she said to Tang Li.

"The third master said that if Li'er would distract the third master." Tang Li looked at Su San directly.

Yu Feng scratched Su San's back restlessly, and Su San smiled wryly, "Of course, it's true."

"Then, the third master really likes Li'er in his heart? That's why he said something that would distract you!" Li'er is really stupid and bold, is it possible to ask such a straightforward question?What's more, there is Yu Feng behind him.


"Don't the third master like Li'er?" Tang Li couldn't believe her judgment was wrong.

"I like it, I like it. It's just that I can change the time to say this!

"No, the third master is an upright man. Since he likes Li'er, he wants Li'er tonight." Li'er said decisively, but her expression was a little shy!

Although Tang Li's decision came suddenly.Let Su San have some clues, but the emotional matter is really uncertain.Maybe Tang Li had a lot of women around her, and she felt a sense of crisis, so she wanted to use a faster way to gain her approval.

But this is a little too bold!If you like me, you want me.What is the logic?

Such a sudden idea, of course, is ill-considered.Maybe it's just an impulse, an idea that arises!But this kind of thought, he couldn't just refuse a young girl.Once refused, it will break the girl's heart.At this point, he was experienced, so the most appropriate way at this time was to give her a kiss and send her back to sleep.After going to sleep and waking up tomorrow, she might have other ideas.

But he can't do it now.

When he was struggling with what he could do, he heard three knocks on the door again.

Su San was glad that the savior came, but Tang Lifeng stood up in a heap, and hid in the closet in a flash.The speed of skill is simply within reach.

When Su San wanted to stop it, it was already too late.This matter caused trouble, what are you doing to hide properly?Even if you have nothing to do, you have to be regarded as something to do. As for hiding in the closet?It's really a little girl's heart. You are guilty of being a thief, but haven't you started to be a thief yet?

Gently touched Yu Feng behind her, the warm fragrance in one hand, and then exhaled: "Who is it?"

"it's me."

Yu Feng was resisting Su San's hand, and when she heard the voice, she hurriedly fell to Su San's ear, and hurriedly said: "It's Tianxiang."

"Tianxiang? What is she here for?"

"Just play dumb!" Yu Feng said bitterly.Tianxiang never pretended to laugh at other guests, but only obeyed Su San, and the devil couldn't tell her thoughts about Su San.She didn't believe that Su San would be so stupid.

"It's none of my business. I didn't provoke her."

Tianxiang called outside: "Can I come in?"

Yu Feng quickly hugged Su San's waist, shrank into the quilt, not daring to show her head.Only then did Su San call out: "Come in."

Tianxiang came in, and when Su San was shirtless, he smiled naturally: "Did the great talent go to bed so early?"

"Oh, it's all over, don't you still sleep? Ning Yuan will get up early tomorrow." Su San also smiled.

Tianxiang sat on the bed, but smelled the air: "Why is it so fragrant?"


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