
Chapter 310 Like in a dream

Chapter 310 Like a Dream

"They're all gone, we're the only ones left." Su San put his arms around Yu Feng and smiled.

Lying in Su San's arms, Yu Feng said, "Maybe there are still people under the bed!"

Su San was taken aback for a moment, feeling that there was a hint of jealousy in her words, as if implying that before she came, there might be women in Su San's room!

With a slight smile, Su San kissed the woman and said, "Okay, don't be unhappy! I didn't call them in. Feng'er can't blame me."

Yu Feng took Su Sanyi, but turned around and pressed Su San and said, "I'm not unhappy, and I don't mean to blame you, but I'm just worried that there are so many women around Ning Yuan, I'm afraid I won't remember Feng'er."

Su San stretched out her hand to push Yu Feng into her arms, and said softly into Yu Feng's ear: "Then Su San also married Feng'er?"

Yu Feng's whole body trembled, and tears flowed from her eyes, rolling down on Su San's chest drop by drop.

Su San gently embraced Yu Feng's body, put his nose on Yu Feng's hair, and took a deep breath. At this time, the lust in his heart had already faded, replaced by deep regret.

"I understand the pain in your heart! These years, as a woman, you have been worried, busy with business, and guarded against other men's unruly intentions towards you. To be able to maintain this point today, what you have endured is Most women have never experienced it. Ningyuan loves you not only because of your beauty, but also because of your perseverance and kindness! Ningyuan hopes to take care of you and get your favor, not because of After getting your body, I will forget you! Ning Yuan wants to give you a name. This is Ning Yuan’s honest words! But Ning Yuan also knows that Feng’er has many worries and worries. In fact, your worries mean nothing to Ning Yuan. It's not a big deal. In fact, as long as Ning Yuan cares about you, no one can make irresponsible remarks! You don't need to worry at all. However, there is no need to worry about these things! Just think about it, when you figure it out, what? When you figure it out, when you let go of these worries, Ning Yuan will marry you in a serious way. Okay?"

Yu Feng nodded silently.But he couldn't say a word.

"I understand why you want to close Qingfenglou! I also understand why you want to open a restaurant in Jinling! Yes, Ying'er has a fried fish restaurant, Yue'er has an embroidery shop, and you also want to have your own achievements. This way your heart will You feel qualified to stand beside Ning Yuan, right? You are so stupid! Even if you drive Qingfenglou, will Ning Yuan beat Feng’er because of it? Ning Yuan loves Feng’er in his heart, so he won’t care about it Feng'er has done something before. But the idea of ​​opening a restaurant is also very good. Since Feng'er has this heart, Ning Yuan will naturally not object. When he is free tomorrow, Ning Yuan will help Feng'er to calculate the total. This is not a It's a very difficult thing, at least not as difficult as opening a brothel! Feng'er will definitely do it."

Yu Feng nodded movedly. She always knew in her heart that although the two of them didn't have much contact with each other, Su San probably understood her own feelings better than anyone else!He really has himself in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't know me so well.

After all, I did not choose the wrong person.

The north wind is getting tighter, and the warm night in the tent is just thick!

Old trees give birth to new branches, the most joyful!After several first breaks, the cloud temples help!Jiao'er raised her soft power, her starry eyes and peachy cheeks attracted people again.

Spare Yu Feng, put the pillow on the head of the bed, and hold Yu Feng's soft body in his arms.At this moment, it is a pity that there is no smoke, otherwise it would be perfect.

Yu Feng leaned submissively on Su San's chest, her arms tightly hugging Su San's body!For a long while, Su San did not see any movement, and felt that Su San was just leaning against the head of the bed quietly.Can't help but ask curiously: "What is Ning Yuan thinking?"

Su San stroked Yu Feng's Guangjie's back with one hand, and pulled the quilt up with the other hand to cover the two of them, then smiled and said, "I don't even know what I'm thinking! It's just a feeling, today All of this seems to be in a dream! It feels so good, so good that it is a bit unreal. I am afraid it is a dream, and when I wake up from the dream, everything becomes empty again."

Yu Feng's face lightly rubbed against Su San's chest, and while listening to Su San's quiet words, she smiled softly and said, "Feng'er should be the one who said this! Feng'er feels like she's in a dream! "

Shaking her head slightly, Su San knew that it was impossible for Yu Feng to understand his feelings at this time!She is also far from understanding his emotion now.Because it is impossible for her to know the experience of her two lives as a human being.

Such a difference does not come from psychology!It comes from the body, the new body gives him new motivation, he can ask for more and get more.For him, besides cherishing this extra part, he can only cherish it.

This kind of cherishing is different from that of ordinary people!The kind of fun that has been lost for a long time and then regained is enough to make people ecstatic.

However, these were not what he was really emotional about!What he sighed was: the circumstances of life are really wonderful!A year ago, he was trying to create a world of his own in a completely different world, but failed in the end; but now, a year later, he is in such a world, holding such a beauty in his arms.


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