
Chapter 311

Chapter 311

It's like going on a trip!

I always feel that one moment, I was still at home, leaning on the sofa and TV; the next moment, I was in the deep mountains and old forests, watching the sunrise and sunset. 【】This chaotic sense of time and space always makes people feel novel and emotional.

Too bad he wasn't traveling.

Traveling can return to the original life, but he can never return to the starting point.These are two completely unconnected worlds, two completely irrelevant eras!Even if he can live for thousands of years, I'm afraid he won't be able to relive the scenes he remembered!

He was a little confused: the previous life was a dream in this life; or this life was a dream in the previous life.

"Whether it's a dream or not! Ning Yuan has Feng'er and these people around him, so he feels that even if it's a dream, it still makes people miss it and makes people not want to wake up from it! Feng'er, promise me that you will never leave Su San." Su San was a little emotional typical.In the previous life, he had said similar words to his wife, but now he is holding other women in his arms!He worried naively that one day Feng'er would appear in someone else's arms.Thinking of this, his heart felt uncomfortable.

Feeling the affection in Su San's words, Yu Feng nodded vigorously!

The worry that should have been in her heart originally came out of Su San's mouth unexpectedly.Feeling something in her heart, touched by emotion, she finally understood that Su San was her life, the real destination.

When Su San finally fell asleep, Yu Feng didn't feel sleepy at all!She kissed Su San unrestrainedly, kissing every part of Su San's body!A broad forehead, thick sword eyebrows, a high nose bridge, thick lips, and a beard that is a little fluffy.

He was so young and so strong that a great longing arose in her heart.But at the same time, she was inevitably ashamed of herself.

She got out of the quilt very reluctantly, and got dressed silently!In the dark, she sat beside Su San for more than half an hour!After all, she didn't dare to stay here overnight, and it was time to leave now.

Good days and beautiful scenery will eventually come to an end!But she firmly believes that one day, she will have such a beautiful day with dignity!

As soon as you think about it, when you wake up, you can see Su San at the first sight!Yu Feng felt full of vitality.

Tang Li stood quietly under the tree in Su Sanyuan.

The spring love in the house has already made her forget the coldness of the north wind!When she went back and forth, when she sneaked over the courtyard wall, besides excitement, she was impulsive!But she heard that there were other women in Su San's room.

From that moment on, all that was left in her heart was resentment.

In fact, in her heart, she could faintly guess who the woman in the room would be!It couldn't be Li Yue'er, Zhou Yingying and Tianxiang who went out just now.Naturally, it couldn't be Luer who had already fallen asleep.So the person who can do this kind of thing with Su San is basically ready to come out.

It's just that she couldn't believe that the woman in the room would be the woman in her heart!Maybe Su San has another woman in Jinling!Therefore, she needs to prove it, and needs to see it with her own eyes!

This wait lasted for three hours, and when it was almost dawn, the woman slowly came out of the room!Tang Li stood behind the tree, staring at the woman quietly.

After closing the door gently, the woman stood in front of the door for a while, then turned around slowly, and stood quietly towards the dark sky, stood there for a while, finally sighed, and left slowly. .

It's my aunt!

Tang Li's hand was scratching tightly on the tree trunk. She really wanted to rush up and question Yu Feng!This is why, why she betrayed her father!And why did you choose Su San to sleep together?Doesn't Yu Feng know that she likes Su San?How could she be embarrassed by doing this?

But she dared not face Yu Feng!When she saw the loneliness on Yu Feng's face, her heart moved faintly, and she felt that all her resentment was completely unreasonable!

It has been more than ten years since my father passed away, and my aunt is in her youth, so why can't she have her own life?In fact, she had already persuaded her aunt to marry herself out while Chunchun was still alive!One day, she and her brother will leave her side.Even the biological mother, at this point, has fulfilled her role as a mother!What's more, she is still a young lady who has never been in the Tang family.Enough is enough.

What she couldn't accept was why Yu Feng chose to be with Su San.

She didn't know how Su San fell in love with Yu Feng!I don't know how Yu Feng ate the tender grass of Su San!But the fact is so clearly in front of her eyes, and this fact, as long as she thinks about it, she will feel extremely uncomfortable!

She thought, it must be Yu Feng who played coquettishly to seduce Su San; she also thought that Su San was attracted by Yu Feng despite letting a woman as young as herself not get close; she couldn't help feeling resentful!He hates Yu Feng, and also hates Su San.

After hating for a long time, she remembered angrily!In fact, I have too many ties with Su San!Even if Su San really likes herself, to this day, such liking is only in Su San's words.

Will Su San want herself?Will you marry yourself?He didn't even promise himself anything at all!In the current situation, what qualifications and identity do I have to question my aunt?What qualifications do you have to hate Su San?

Tang Li stomped her feet and thought: Maybe the one who should really leave is me!

Tang Li returned to the room, changed the suit of clothes specially worn for Su San bitterly, packed her luggage briefly, and said to Luer who had already woken up and was silently looking at her: "Luer, I Got to go."

"Let's go?" Lu'er noticed the sky outside, but it was still pitch black all around!She didn't understand Tang Li why?

"I can't stay here any longer!" Tang Li sighed softly.

Seeing Tang Li's sad expression, Lu'er knew that Tang Li must have been hit by Su San!Although she didn't know what happened in the inner courtyard, she knew that Tang Li must have gone to look for Su San because she was well dressed. Such a long night was enough for many unexpected things to happen.

"Sister Li is leaving, and Lu'er is leaving too!" Lu'er got up quickly and got dressed.

When Tang Li came to Luer and wanted to go with her, she was grateful and said goodbye: "Luer should stay! Once I leave, I don't know where I will end up. The world is dangerous, just like duckweed. .I'm afraid."

"Afraid of being dragged down by Lu'er?" Lu'er looked at Tang Li quietly, with a slightly sullen expression on her face.

This sentence blocked all Tang Li's words!Tang Li thought to herself: Okay, let's go together.Let Su San feel sad, let him taste the taste of betrayal.

"Alright then. Let's go together!" Tang Li said bitterly.


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