
Chapter 312 Listening to Chaoxuan

Chapter 312 Listening to Chaoxuan

Luer became happy, and turned to pack her luggage!In fact, there is nothing to tidy up, except for a few clothes, that is the dagger that she carries with her at all times and never leaves her body for a moment. 【】

This dagger was given to her by Su San, and she used this dagger to avenge herself!As long as she has this dagger in her bosom, she has poor courage.But now she took out the dagger and secretly stuffed it under the pillow.Only then did he shoulder the burden and left the Su residence together with Tang Li.

At this time, the genius Ma Maliang, the pedestrians who got up early on the street, Liao Liaoji!Some food stalls on the street are supporting their stalls, but they haven't caught fire yet.

After not sleeping all night, Tang Li's spirit was a little weak, and her mood was even more in a trance!Lu'er had already expected that Tang Li would lose her assertion once she went out, and would not be as confident as she was in the Su Mansion, so she said with a bitter face, "Jinling City is really big! It will take a lot of time just to get out of the city! Are we really going to leave Jinling? If we hide in Jinling City, I’m afraid the gods won’t be able to find us? It’s a pity that we rely on Jinling City, relatives, and there is no way to settle down.”

Tang Li's expression changed, her eyes lit up and she said, "Who said relatives are dead! Isn't my brother in Jinling City?"

"But brother Chao belongs to the third master, what if the third master asks?"

"What's the point of asking? Can my brother sell my sister? Let's go and find my brother..." Tang Li had an idea this time.Lu'er couldn't help smiling when she saw Tang Li's wise plan, and followed Tang Li closely.

What puzzled Luer was: How did Tang Li find Tang Chao!

I saw Tang Liman's destination wandering around the Su Mansion. After walking to a small alley, she suddenly stopped in front of a house, went up and down, studied the door carefully, and then smiled. : "Haha, I finally found it."

Lu'er was very puzzled, so Tang Li!

But Tang Li said very proudly: "I didn't see big brother in Su's residence last night, so I thought that Su San must have put big brother outside! I guess big brother wanted to receive orders from Su San for convenience. I will definitely live near the Su Mansion! My eldest brother and I have our own codes for communication. Everywhere my elder brother goes, he will leave a secret mark in a conspicuous place outside the residence, so that people who know me can find me. This is Jianghu Human habits!"

Luer suddenly asked, "Is there a code for Brother Chao here?"

Tang Li pointed to the lower right corner of the door and said, "This is the agreed place. If it's not easy to do anything by the door, I'll make a mark on the right corner, so it's not hard to find."

Luer leaned forward curiously, only to see that the lower right corner of the door was indeed simply scratched a few times with something, as if it was not surprising.

"There is a common incision in the rivers and lakes! If someone wants to attack a certain family, he will draw a mark in a conspicuous place to indicate that this family is already being watched! When colleagues see such a mark, they should avoid it. Let's do it, so as not to collide with each other! My brother and I are the secret codes, but we understand that these few strokes mean that my brother is currently living in the house." Tang Li seemed very happy, and while explaining, she stepped forward to knock on the door.

The knock on the door was also agreed with a secret sign, which meant that the person who knocked on the door was one of our own.

The door was knocked open, but it was not Tang Chao who opened the door, but a young man!

That year, the man glanced at the two of them, but didn't speak, but moved half of his body away to let the two of them in!

Tang Li glanced at the door with some hesitation, and walked in without finding anything unusual.Luer naturally followed Tang Li closely and walked in together!

The young man closed the door silently, and then asked softly, "Who are you looking for? What's the matter?"

"Who are you? Where's Tang Chao?" Tang Li asked curiously.

"Ah, the girl is here to find Master Xuan! Then please follow me." The young man bowed quickly, motioning for the two to follow him.

A few nonsensical words made the two Zhang Er monks a little confused.What Xuanzhu?Trying to suppress the doubts in their hearts, the two looked at each other and followed the young man inside!

In a quiet small hall, the young man smiled and said: "Two girls, please sit down for a while, I will go and inform the Xuan master to come." After finishing speaking, he bowed lightly and walked out quickly!

Tang Li looked at the very simple side hall, her mind was full of questions, and she said to Lu'er, "Why is it so weird here? In such a small yard, there seem to be many people coming and going! When did my brother become the owner of the pavilion?" What's going on? What's going on?"

Lu'er smiled, although she also looked puzzled, she was not as curious as Tang Li!Instead, he said softly: "When Brother Chao comes, can it be all right for Sister Li to ask in person?"

The two were talking when Tang Chao walked in slowly with his hands behind his back!

After only seeing each other for a few days, Tang Chao's demeanor has changed again. Not only is he more calm, but his eyes are shining with a frightening light!Even Tang Li, who had always been familiar with her brother, felt a little unable to recognize Tang Chao.

Tang Chao walked into the hall and glanced at the two of them!His eyes stayed on the luggage of the two of them again.Frowning slightly, she smiled at Lu'er, sat on the head and said to Tang Li, "Didn't you just enter Su's residence yesterday? Why? I'm not used to it!"

Hearing her brother's question, Tang Lixin felt a little apprehensive, she lowered her head and dared not speak!In fact, she didn't know what to say!

Luer smiled and said, "There are too many people in the Su residence, we are really not used to it."

"Oh." Tang Chao nodded, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Then let's live here temporarily!"

Hearing Tang Chao's promise, Tang Li immediately became happy, but said: "Then brother must not let Su San know that Li'er lives here!"

Tang Chao glanced at Tang Li with a smile and said, "Okay!"

Seeing that Tang Chao was so talkative, Tang Li didn't even ask her why, so she couldn't help being even more happy, and ran to Tang Chao's side and asked curiously, "Brother, who is Xuanzhu? What do these people do? Why are they so mysterious?" of?"

But Tang Chao straightened his face and said, "Ask what should be asked, and don't ask what should not be asked."

"What! Is there anything I shouldn't ask? Is it a secret? Even if it is a secret, is there anything my sister can't know? Or is Luer here, and my brother won't tell?" Tang Lihuang Touching Tang Chao's hand.

Tang Chao glanced at Luer, then gave Tang Li a hard look, pulled her hand away and said, "Sit down, or I won't tell you."

Tang Li smiled and sat back!

Tang Chao saw that Tang Li was like a child, and her temper was not as calm as Luer's, so he couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.Then he said seriously: "This matter is indeed a secret! However, you are not outsiders. I can tell you, but you must keep your mouth shut, and you must not let outsiders know what you heard today."

Tang Li nodded quickly, but Lu'er said, "Why don't Lu'er avoid it."

With a wave of his hand, Tang Chao motioned for Luer to sit down, and said gently, "Listen to Luer, too." Seeing that Luer sat down again, he said again: "This is called Tshaoxuan! It was specially established by the third master. , A place for collecting all kinds of information! The people you went to are actually Mr. Du's private staff. Most of these people are the remnants of relatives in Gui Village. Mr. Du summoned them to deal with King Wu! Now, it is the main strength of Tingchaoxuan. The real owner of Tingchaoxuan is Mr. Du. I am here to help Mr. Du manage it. Here, besides collecting some information, I also secretly train some loyal people who are willing to practice martial arts Soldier! It’s only been established for a few days now, and everything is being prepared.”

Tang Li just didn't listen, but she became more curious when she heard it, and she couldn't help asking: "What are you doing to collect information? Su San is full and has nothing to do?"

Tang Chao reckoned that Tang Li must be angry with Su San!Otherwise, Tang Li would never speak in such a tone when talking about Su San!Therefore, instead of answering Tang Li's words, she said seriously: "Don't ask any more questions, and don't spread anything you've heard or heard here! Otherwise, don't live here." After saying this, he immediately stood up and said to the two of them: "Let's go, I will arrange a room for you." After speaking, he led the two of them to their place of residence without giving them a chance to ask questions.

Tang Li was very dissatisfied with her brother's attitude, but she couldn't hold back at this moment!If she fights with her brother again, she can't stay here anymore, and if she leaves here, she has nowhere to go, so she has no choice but to follow Tang Chao obediently, walking slowly to the residence.

On the contrary, Luer seemed very curious about what Tang Chao said!Gently asked Tang Chao, "Brother Chao? Is there anything Luer can do to help?"

Tang Chao didn't have such a straight face with Luer, but thought about it seriously before he smiled and said, "Let's stay here first and then we can talk."

Luer knew that Tang Chao had to ask the third master to be sure.So I won't say more. .When she came, it was impossible for Sister Li to hide Su San and live in the 'Ting Chao Xuan'.Even if Tang Chao is not from the third master, even if the two are ordinary friends!Don't Tang Chao, the elder brother, come out, and his sister likes the third master?Tang Chao has no reason to hide Su San anymore.

What's more, since Tang Chao didn't ask Tang Li the reason for leaving Su's residence, she knew it.Tang Chao just interpreted Tang Li's actions as a momentary mood!And the fact is that it is probably just a momentary mood.

According to the temperament of the third master, Tang Lili probably accounted for the majority.

She knows Tang Li's temperament best!Once you have your own ideas, you can't screw them, you have to follow her temper!That's why she proposed to run away with Tang Li and leave the dagger under the pillow!She believed that as long as the third master got the dagger, he would understand that with her by Sister Li's side to take care of her, everything would be fine!

Bie Luer is younger than Tang Li, and she doesn't have Tang Li's martial arts!But after a long time of great changes, Lu'er's heart became more and more stable!A steady mind produces tranquility; tranquility produces wisdom!When you are away from home, you can live without everything, but you can't live without your mind!Therefore, Luer felt that with her by Tang Li's side to remind Tang Li from time to time, the possibility of Tang Li having an accident would be minimized!

Otherwise, depending on Tang Li's temperament, if she gets angry and becomes more extreme, something unexpected may happen.


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