
Chapter 314 Flagship Store

Chapter 314 Flagship Store

All the girls were waiting for Su San to arrive here, and they didn't eat first!

This scene can be regarded as enough face for Master Su San!Su San chuckled and said, "There's nothing to wait for. 【】Eat it all! It's as big as Ning Yuan is."

A woman in the Qingfeng Tower laughed and said, "Why isn't he a big shot? We heard that Mr. Su has become a big official."

The news spread fast!It took only one night for everyone to get the latest news.

Come on, there are quite a few people who care about you!I don't know who has such a long mouth and spread the news to their ears so quickly.

Su San smiled and said: "What kind of high-ranking official, there is not even a yamen to sit in the hall! Let's eat." She waved her hands mockingly, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, turned to Li Yue'er and said, "Yue'er, aren't you Did you bring many 'Farewell My Concubine' to Jinling to promote? My opening ceremony today is a good opportunity!"

Li Yue'er smiled and said, "I'm afraid of stealing Ren Ji's limelight."

But Zhou Yingying smiled and said: "That's okay! The more the 'Farewell My Concubine' of sister Yue'er gets more attention, the farther Ren Ji's name will be spread! After all, it was made famous at the opening ceremony of Ren Ji. 'Farewell My Concubine', I'm afraid there will be a note, and it won't get in the way."

In front of all the girls, Su San was embarrassed to gobble up any more, so she ate slowly and said: "Ren Ji has already had a good publicity, and the stuff that came out only after 'Farewell My Concubine' stole too much limelight. Impossible! But it doesn’t take much effort to advertise this, just mention it briefly, and then give some out as a gift! Good things can’t be hidden from the eyes of those who care! In fact, ‘Don’t overlord Ji' doesn't need to follow Renji's way of opening a store directly, and the interests of the store must be given up! Give up to some big merchants. You can consider finding some big merchants from the local area to represent 'Farewell My Concubine'! Through their way, the 'Farewell My Concubine' was resold in the shortest possible time! It's not good to eat anything alone! Yue'er can consider Ning Yuan's suggestion, as for the specifics, Yue'er, let's talk in private!"

When the girls heard Su San's words, they couldn't help laughing and said: "Why do you want to take advantage of others? Can't we girls open a shop specializing in 'Farewell My Concubine'?" After 'Farewell My Concubine', I also know that 'Farewell My Concubine' is a good thing, so I paid attention to it!

Su Sanyi smiled and said: "It's useless for you to tell me these things. The real master of these things is Yue'er, and I'm just offering a suggestion! If you want to open a shop, just ask Yue'er."

There are really many girls who are tempted, they don't eat, and they all ask for Li Yue'er.

Li Yue'er was actually planning to open a store alone, but when Su San said this, she unexpectedly discovered that there was a better, faster and wider way to go!Although she didn't quite understand what Su San meant by 'agent'.But from Su San's words, it was not difficult for her to guess that Su San wanted to sell the products of 'Farewell My Concubine' to others.

This method is good!It not only saves the trouble of managing the store, but also concentrates on production. At the same time, it can sell the products in the shortest time!

Jinling City can do this, and other big towns can do the same.It is estimated that "Farewell My Concubine" will become popular in the whole Dafeng Dynasty before long. .As long as production can keep up, people from Beijing, Yuan, Xixia, and Tufan will start using 'Farewell My Concubine'!At that time, I am afraid that just this one product can generate huge wealth.

While flashing these thoughts, Li Yue'er smiled at the girls and said: "Don't beg Yue'er, Yue'er's home, isn't he the one?" Li Yueer tapped Su San with her fingers, and said with a smile: "He Say a word, how dare Yue'er not agree?"

Li Yue'er fired a flower gun, and with a flick of the tip of the gun, everyone was attracted to Su San again.

Su San smiled wryly and said again and again: "Okay, everyone present, one counts as one, and everyone has a share! Anyone who wants to open this store should go to Sister Feng to register first! But, let's talk first, Ning Yuan's request But they are very high, and they have to go through strict training. Only those who are qualified are eligible to act as agents! If you are not qualified, don’t blame Ning Yuan for embarrassing everyone.”

He smiled at Li Yue'er again: "We can consider opening a flagship store in Jinling! Set an example."

"Flagship store?" Li Yue'er was a little puzzled.

"It's an image store, which means a model store. This store, Yue'er, can be opened in the name of Li's family as a joint stock with all the girls! It's the only store that is directly operated." Su San told everyone to stop eating, and in the After listening to him carefully, he smiled, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, let's talk about it when we have time in the evening! Now let's finish our meal quickly and go to Renji to help."

Zhou Yingying was really worried that Su San would definitely talk about it. If this matter were to be really discussed, it would not be resolved in a short while.Fortunately, Su San stopped, otherwise she would not have dared to ask Su San to stop.

Everyone was eating, and it happened that Xu Yingming had already sent a carriage to meet him!Li Yue'er originally wanted to chat with Su San about 'Farewell My Concubine' again, but at this time, she couldn't take orders, so she and a group of women rushed over to the Renji Fried Fish Shop in Yujie !

In fact, it was still early at this time!The opening ceremony will naturally not start so early!

Waiting for everyone to get off the car in front of Ren Ji Fried Fish Shop!Seeing the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but whisper secretly!

At the entrance of the store, many fans who heard the news and came to the play had already gathered!Three floors inside and three floors outside, the open space in front of the stage built in the air was crowded.This scene was more crowded than the busiest temple fair.There are huge crowds of people, and there are a lot of voices!

There are also many small merchants and peddlers shuttled among them, shouting one after another, it is very lively!

Luckily, Ren Ji made perfect preparations!The passing place has been isolated in advance with a refusal horse!He also invited a group of soldiers from the Nanmen camp to dress neatly early in the morning, patrolling the road back and forth, constantly urging passers-by not to stay in the road.

Therefore, although this section of the road suddenly narrowed by more than double!But very smooth.No matter how many people there are, as long as no one stays, does not block the road, and keeps going smoothly, there will be no more congestion!

On the stage set up in the air, the theater troupe was already active on it. Although there was no official opening, the sound of their test guys hanging their throats was endless!It caused everyone to talk about who's voice it was.

Three gong and drum yangko teams beat gongs and drums loudly in front of Ren Ji's gate, and then went out in three ways to the east, west, north, and east!

The girls have never seen such a big scene when a store opens!Can't help but get a little excited.

Xu Yingming welcomed Zhou Yingying and other women into the store at the door!

Li Yue'er began to look carefully at the furnishings in Ren Ji's Fried Fish Jinling shop!

I saw that this shop is so different from the small shop in Wuling City!If the Renji in Wuling City is an earth temple, dilapidated and shabby; then the Jinling Renji can be regarded as a grand hall, magnificent!

The place is indeed much bigger than Ren Ji in Wuling City!Li Yue'er estimated that it was more than twice as big as her embroidery village!There are two floors up and down, which are grand and bright!But the real place for making fried fish nuggets is only a small corner on the first floor!

In the rest of the place, a few bonsai trees, a few screens separate each small space, a few comfortable small chairs, and a table with a strange shape constitute a small scene with a unique style!

If you are friends of three or five, you can enjoy other services in the store while tasting fried fish nuggets.Or watch the bonsai, or comment on the poems written for fried fish nuggets hanging in the booth!Don't feel at ease.

The scene on the first floor here, but on the second floor, it is a different scene!

I saw beds one by one, lined up on the second floor!These beds are full-scale carved beds.The three sides of the bed are partitioned by railings, and the front is where the bed is placed!But there are gauzes pinned on both sides of the bed, which can separate the eyes of idlers on the left and right after being put down. .

Right next to the bed, there is a small table!There are gauze lanterns hanging on the four corners of the bed!If guests come here, they must take off their shoes and go to bed.Regardless of men and women, once you enter the inside, once you let go of the gauze, you will have an indescribable mood!

This kind of arrangement can be regarded as an extremely bold and novel design in Dafeng Dynasty!Not only Li Yueer's face was slightly hot, but Yu Fengde was also amazed.

Yu Feng never imagined that a fried fish shop could open like this!

Xu Yingming led the crowd upstairs, and said to the crowd: "This boss, not everyone is allowed to come up! Only those who are of sufficient status can come to the second floor to entertain guests! The services currently prepared are only Provide fried fish nuggets and exclusive piano skills service! More will be added in the future! In fact, these are only a small part of everyone! The real special service is still in the garden behind the store! In the garden behind our store, It is being renovated, and after the renovation is completed, it will form a separate small bay! It can completely provide guests with a very private space! On the premise of providing guests with delicious food, it is also a place for guests to enjoy delicious food Environment! It’s just that the time is short right now, and the preparations are not yet complete.”

Tianxiang didn't say whether you are opening a fried fish shop or a hook bar, but asked with a smile, "How much should it cost?"

Xu Yingming laughed and said, "It's just ten thousand taels of silver! This doesn't include the rent of the shop. For such a large shop, a thousand taels of silver is required for a year."

All the women were speechless and said: "With 1000 taels of silver, you can even buy a big house in the second courtyard in Wuling."

"House in Jinling is expensive! Sometimes, it is difficult to find a place where you have money! This store can open so smoothly, it is actually luck! Otherwise, just looking for a store, I don't know how long it will take." Xu Yingming added smiled.

In fact, Zhou Yingying already knew the general situation here from Xu Yingming's letter!In such a short period of time, Xu Yingming was able to prepare for such an appearance, it can be seen that he spent a lot of thought and time.She thought she could do it by herself, but she was afraid she couldn't do it so well, so she smiled and said, "Tell me, what should we do today?"


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