
Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Xu Yingming scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed looking at the beautiful women. 【】

A group of women smiled coquettishly and said: "The shopkeeper Xu said it! What do you want the sisters to do?"

Xu Yingming felt overwhelmed, and quickly said: "Actually, there is nothing to do. I just want to trouble the head shopkeeper and Yingming to receive guests in front of the door! There is Yu'er under the kitchen, and the fried fish nuggets are given away. It also has its own staff! If the girls are willing to cooperate, show off their elegance, or chat with the guests who come in, or simply sit on the second floor to fill the scene, it will be enough."

He dare not order these women to do anything!As far as he knew, Li Yue'er was the third master's official wife. As for the other women's relationship with the master, he was not sure, so how could he dare to give orders indiscriminately!But it would be a pity if so many beautiful girls were not used.

In fact, there is really no need for them to do anything, they just need to sit in the store peacefully!The guests are here, but these stunning girls are all eye-catching!Everyone will feel that Ren Ji is an unusual place.

But Yu Feng smiled at the girls: "Don't treat this place as Qingfenglou! Be more reserved..." After that, he said to Li Yueer and Tianxiang: "Let's just stay in this bed, hazy , Don't let those men feel refreshed, that's the most attractive thing."

Li Yue'er blushed, and when she got to the bed, she felt the novelty, so she smiled lightly and said, "Then let's hide in there, eat and drink."

Tian Xiang also clapped her hands and said: "I always wait on people, now let others wait on me."

Li Yue'er then turned her head and said to the servant she brought: "You guys take the prepared 'Farewell My Concubine' to Shopkeeper Xu!"

"'Farewell My Concubine'?" Xu Yingming was a little puzzled.

Zhou Yingying laughed and said, "It's a new product for washing hair! Just a little bit can make the scalp clean and shiny! This thing is rare, and it can be found as a gift for distinguished guests. It's hotter than anything."

"It's not as rare as what Ying'er said. No matter how good you say it, this thing can be bought with money! It's just that it's not on the market yet, so it sounds rather rare. I'd like to trouble shopkeeper Xu to make a ' Farewell My Concubine!" Li Yueer laughed.

Xu Yingming said with a chuckle: "Naturally. The hair of the wise girls is indeed different from that of other women. It must be the credit of 'Farewell My Concubine'?"

When all the girls nodded, Xu Yingming said happily: "It really is! With such an effect, I'm afraid those who want it will flock to it!"

While talking, I only heard a commotion at the door of the store!Xu Yingming hurried downstairs, it turned out that it was the generals of the Nanmen Battalion who were blocking a group of Wuling students from outside!

Xu Yingming hurriedly welcomed a group of talents in, and arranged for their representatives to greet them at the door, welcoming talents from all walks of life!Due to the need to hold a poetry meeting, things started in a hurry, so he just invited them in general!What's more, there are so many people in this area, he can't post.

Arrange talented scholars on the first floor, and set aside the second floor to receive the prince or someone with a higher status!In order to avoid too many people and chaos, and then there are incidents such as assassination, he will turn a good thing into a bad thing.

The first requirement of the third master is safety.This is not for nothing.

After arranging all the students, many neighbors, shopkeepers from nearby shops came to congratulate me!These are people who have to deal with on the street every day, so naturally they have to socialize.

Zhou Yingying saw that she was gradually getting busy, so she asked everyone to do whatever they want!He brought two maids from the Zhou Mansion to help on the first floor.

All the girls in Qingfenglou, although they are very reserved!But it is by no means secure.The one on the left and the one on the right, most of them are leaning against the fence on the second floor, secretly looking at the talents on the first floor!

There are also old acquaintances, meeting each other in Jinling City in the hatchback, but it is a special feeling!

And those talents from all walks of life, when they saw so many beauties standing upstairs, their show off thoughts immediately appeared!I wish the poetry meeting would start immediately.

After another quarter of an hour, all the officials, big and small, in the Jinling Mansion ran over to congratulate, as if they had made an appointment!All of a sudden, the huge space on the first floor began to look crowded.

Most of these officials were born under Xi Jinping!Colliding with ordinary students who are not afraid of tigers when they are newborns, many "sparks" will naturally be sparked!It wasn't until Su Yi accompanied Ji Lao from Wuling Mansion and appeared in Ren Ji that these "sparks" began to transform into the most primitive motivation for the poetry club!All of a sudden, the building commented on poems and poems, and the trend of commenting on poems surged.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Jiangjin, the governor of the Jinling Mansion, joined hands with Mo Shaohua from the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army.The appearance of the two of them together caused quite a commotion in the building!

Lai Ren Ji's face is really big enough!These two honest and upright bosses in Jinling City, not everyone has face, so they can be invited here!Moreover, it is rare for a group of officials to meet the two people present together.

Xu Yingming didn't post specifically for Mo Shaohua!Instead, I asked Du Xing, the battalion chief of the Nanmen Camp, to invite him on his behalf. I didn't expect Mo Shaohua to give me this face!But the fact is that he actually came.

Busily leading Zhou Yingying to the two of them, she introduced: "My lords, Ji'an! This is our Chief Manager, Manager Zhou."

"Princess Baozhu, bestowed by the emperor himself, is indeed not an ordinary person!" Mo Shaohua nodded and laughed!

"This is Mr. Mo, the Chief Patrolman of the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army! This is Mr. Xu, Governor!" Xu Yingming quickly introduced to Zhou Yingying.

Zhou Yingying saluted the two of them slightly, and said with a smile, "Thank you two adults for your support!"

Xu Jiangjin smiled and said, "I'm just here to make a stop first! The prince has already been promoted, and he will arrive in a while."

After Xu Yingming heard this, he quickly begged for forgiveness, ran outside, told the lion dance team to get ready, and asked Du Xing to clean up the front of the door, and was ready to wait for the crown prince.

Du Xing didn't intend to come to kiss him at first, it's just that the scene is getting bigger and bigger, he can't sit still!All the superiors in this room are sitting in it, so he can't help but fight!Du Xing is in the area of ​​the South Gate, and has great power. There are a lot of people on the street, Laier, and Du Xing is supporting the scene in front of the gate, and he dare not even move forward, let alone make trouble up.

Zhou Yingying naturally led Xu Jiangjin and Mo Shaohua to the second floor, but Mo Shaohua said with a smile: "I heard that Princess Baozhu and Su San, who has been in the spotlight recently, got married when they were in Wuling? Are you coming? Shaohua wants to meet this Master Su."

Zhou Yingying led the two of them up to the second floor, and when she heard Mo Shaohua's words, she smiled and said, "Ning Yuan is actually very indifferent, and doesn't really like excitement! I'm afraid Mr. Mo will be disappointed. However, I know that Mr. Mo is like this." Ning Yuan will definitely come to Xuhui because of his thoughts."

Mo Shaohua saw that Zhou Yingying could deal with it freely, and he would not be restrained when mentioning Su San, so he knew that Su San might be different.Zhou Yingying, who can make such a big scene, is willing to give up!The Princess of Baozhu, who can be sealed by the emperor himself, made a promise to Su San before Su San was in his prime.He was really curious about what kind of person Su San was.

He didn't believe that Su San could be granted twice overnight just by flattering the emperor!He knew that the emperor was not such a hasty person; and he also knew that Su San was really talented.

Among Su San's few poems, which one is not perfect?

If other people get one of them, it will be famous forever; but in Su San's body, this unique song has become an impromptu composition.This makes me, who is full of conceit, how embarrassing!

Given Su San as the main examiner of the imperial examination, in him, he can only be convinced, not as good as others, but it is not his character to insist on this kind of strength.

As for the errand of the deputy chief examiner of the military imperial examination, he can be blamed for it!Isn't he also a member of the same class, and isn't he still leading the military post?There are so many ruffians in the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army, why isn't he still playing around in a smooth manner?

Who said that people can't do martial arts?

It's just that he can't see Su San today, and can't see Su San's demeanor with his own eyes, which really makes him a little regretful!Tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting, I'm afraid the situation will be extremely unfavorable to Su San.

Zhou Yingying sent the two of them to the second floor, and then a clerk in the store led them to 'sex'!Zhou Yingying naturally wouldn't sit with her, so she resigned and came downstairs.

Only three trumpets sounded outside the door.It shook the entire south gate!But it turned out that it was the prince's car driving slowly from the north of Yujie.

Du Xing hurriedly asked his soldiers to completely separate the crowd and make a passage directly into Ren Ji!Just after the arrangement was completed, all the people looked up at the Prince's car driving slowly, only to find that there was a sudden commotion on the other side of the Royal Street.

Du Xing frowned, and scolded: "Who the hell is not eye-catching, why mess up? Whoever messes up will be arrested by the head of the camp."

A soldier, in the cold weather, ran over sweating profusely and said, "Mr. Battalion, yes, it's the King of Wu. He came from there."

Scared, Du Xing shuddered all over, and turned to Xu Yingming!Xu Yingming was also taken aback, as if he hadn't expected it.

Then he hurriedly turned his head and said, "Hurry up and clear the road, and take the king of Wu's drive!"

Fortunately, there were a lot of people coming to Nanmen Camp today, and for a while, a road was separated by a human wall on the other side of the street.

Xu Yingming has a headache!He didn't expect King Wu to give face so much, not only came, but also picked the right time!I am picking a head-to-head with the prince!

This is really right!

The two convoys met in front of Renji Gate.

The guards in the palace and the guards in the palace didn't talk or clash, they just surrounded the area in front of the gate to free up a large space.

Zhao Guang was sitting in the car, watching the car of his brother Zhao Yun across from the curtain.

Na Ren Ge Ri Le said on the side: "Whether it's late or not, I chose this time to come. Brother Guang, why does Na Ren think that King Wu did it on purpose?"


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