
Chapter 320, Luer Let Her Be Here!

Chapter 320, Luer Let Her Be Here!

Seeing what Su San said, Tang Chao hurriedly said, "Will the third master take Tang Chao to the battlefield?"

Tang Chao is obviously more interested in going to the battlefield. 【】

Su San smiled and said: "You should do the things at hand first! The day I leave Jinling is the time when Mr. Du will leave the Prince Wu's Mansion! At that time, all the affairs here can be entrusted to Mr. Du! But You have to handle these things, otherwise, if you go to the capital with me, you will be nothing more than a bodyguard and will not be of much use. Do you understand?"

Tang Chao naturally understood it, but at the same time he understood it, he was also deeply impressed by the foresight of the third master!The more he stayed beside Su San, the more he felt his insignificance.

Only when the stream flows into the big river, do you know your weakness; when the big river flows into the sea, you realize your arrogance.Tang Chao thought of himself a few years ago, thinking that he had a few skills at hand, and he won the name of "Shadow Sword" in the world, so he was very proud!Thinking about it now, I feel that I was a little ridiculous at that time.

Su San wanted to enter the war between Feng Dynasty and Jing State for two reasons.The most fundamental purpose, of course, is to build up a certain prestige for himself in the army, and to have an influence on the army of the feudal dynasty and the generals of the feudal country; with these, it will play a greater role in his future development.

Another purpose is to do everything in my power to make the Feng Dynasty's army suffer less losses and consume less.

He has no way to change the mind of the Jing people who want to destroy the Feng Dynasty first, and then resist the original people!But he can find a way to directly exert influence on the army!Let the army of Fengguo consume as little as possible in this war!

As long as Feng Chao consumes less, the time for Yuanren to go south will be prolonged!

Or he could directly slow down the process of breaking through the Jing Kingdom, and impose the cost of the war on Yuanren as well.

If Zhang He can become one of the commanders of the army attacking Beijing, and he has the emperor's trust, there is a great possibility that he can influence the movement of the Feng Dynasty army. .

That's his whole plan.

Tang Chao already knew that Su San was not someone in the pool, so no matter what Su San said, he would accept it all!Although there is no rumor that a war is about to start at the moment, he believes that since the third master said so, the war will definitely start; since the third master said that he will come to the battlefield in person, Tang Chao also believes it conditionally. This is bound to become a reality.

Tang Chao is the queen, although after so many years, he has no hope of going to the battlefield!But if he really had the chance to go to the battlefield and use iron and blood to restore the glory of the Tang family, it was the deepest desire hidden in his heart. .He's always felt like he's made for war, even though he's never been to one.

"The establishment of the Shangdu Intelligence Center is a top priority! But in fact, there are some things that cannot be rushed. In the final analysis, it is easy to do things when there are talents. And choosing the right person is the prerequisite for doing the right thing. So, don't just pick people randomly. Go to the capital." Su San was afraid that Tang Chao's focus on going to the battlefield would divert his attention, so he gently reminded him.

Tang Chao nodded solemnly and said, "Tang Chao will choose deliberately!"

"Well, the time is indeed tight, and the work in the enemy's rear is extremely difficult! If you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces. Therefore, you must be cautious." After Su San finished speaking, he changed the topic and asked Tang Chao: " Did Lier come to your place?"

Tang Chao smiled and said, "Come in early in the morning! Are you sleeping in the back? And Luer!"

Su San felt relieved, but didn't say anything more.

Tang Chao scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "Li'er has such a temper, and sometimes she is a bit willful. Tang Chao must tell her well!"

"Having a personality is a good thing! There is no need to say it. The character can only be smooth, not reverse! Otherwise, there will be problems. Since she has already arrived here, let her help you here!"

"What can she do to help? It's better not to make trouble."

"I am born to be useful, and there is no one who is not available! You, a brother, don't take advantage of your sister's shortcomings. This is not a qualified brother, nor a qualified leader! Good at discovering the advantages of others, It is the right way to use according to one's talent! Lier's martial arts are very good, in fact, they are not inferior to yours! A woman who is two years younger than you is not much worse than your martial arts, which is enough to show that she is In terms of talent in martial arts, she is higher than you! I said before that a girl should not always fight and kill! But now, I was wrong. Since it took her a lot of time to go to What I do, then my law, is painful for her. She should be able to choose to do what she likes! So, let her be a teacher of the action group, which should be better than forcing her to be like other women Embroidery is much more comfortable." Su San said quietly.

Seeing what the third master said, Tang Chao also felt that Su San's analysis was reasonable, so he couldn't help acquiescing to Su San's statement.She nodded and said, "What about Luer? She said she wanted to help in 'Listening to Chaoxuan'!"

"Oh..." Su San put away her fan and said, "Not to mention, this little girl, Luer, has changed a lot since what happened last time, even I can't figure out what is going on in her heart! Since she If you want to stay here to help, then let her stay, as for what to do, you can do it yourself. That's right."

Su San took out a dagger from his sleeve and handed it to Tang Chao, saying, "Give this back to Luer! You don't need to tell Lier about my business today, just let her stay here with peace of mind."

Putting these things aside, Su San knew that even if Tang Chao wanted to ask a lot of questions, he couldn't come up with any ideas for a while.Some things, after all, have to be implemented by hand before there will be many problems.

It's already half-morning when I come out of 'Listening to Chaoxuan'!

I was not full for breakfast, so I drank two big bowls of wontons at the breakfast stall!Jinling's wontons have thin skin and lots of meat. They are real, delicious, and satisfy your hunger.With two bowls in my stomach, my whole body feels warm.

Today's weather is colder than yesterday!With a breath, a white mist can be blown out.The sky is still without a ray of sunshine, and it is so gloomy that it makes people feel emotional!

"There is something new in Jinling City today. If you want to make a big show, you have to hurry up."

After Su San finished eating the wontons, when he heard the passers-by at the food stall talking, he smiled and left the food stall!

In this kind of weather, and it is not busy with farming, if there is a big show, it will naturally be very attractive.Moreover, Ren Ji, there is also the imperial plaque bestowed by the emperor himself, and the crown prince personally came to celebrate it. With these beaks, it will attract idlers to take a look.

I believe that for quite a long time, as long as someone mentions Ren Kee!Those who have remembered the opening ceremony today will inevitably say a few more words!After all, in the Dafeng Dynasty, there were very few things that allowed the emperor to mention the words himself.

These are the benefits of making such a big scene!But there is also a downside.It is precisely because of the effect of publicity that Ren Ji will be magnified in everyone's eyes.

Soon, many people will know the relationship between Ren Ji's Zhou Yingying and the royal family!Furthermore, his relationship with Zhou Yingying couldn't escape the discussion of the crowd.This is also impossible.

Let's talk, let's talk!Anyway, my limelight has already become big, today is Ren Ji, everyone will associate Zhou Yingying with me; tomorrow there will be a 'Farewell My Concubine', everyone will associate him with Li Yueer.Looking back, I'm afraid it won't be strange if I don't get the name of relying on women to make a fortune.

Hey, in the future!I should be more careful, don't let all the things be put on the bright side, and let someone with a heart go into the details.

'Ting Chaoxuan' is an important place, and it must not be broken by anyone!In the future, some ordnance production will be carried out in secret!This piece can be directly handed over to 'Ting Chaoxuan' to do it, firstly, it can be done secretly; secondly, 'Tingchaoxuan' can also be provided with funding for activities!


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