
Chapter 321, chance encounter

Chapter 321, Coincidence

While Su San was thinking about this, she had already strolled to the vicinity of Yujie Renji!

When the loud sound of gongs and drums reached his ears, Su San looked intently at Ren Ji. 【】I saw a tall stage across Yujie, and there was already a sea of ​​people under the stage!

At this moment, the opening ceremony should be over!The singing has already started on the stage, and Ren Ji's activity of giving away [-] catties of fried fish nuggets for free has also begun.

The price tag is still [-], and the daily purchase limit has been increased from [-] catties to [-] catties. In the first ten days of opening the store, it still followed the old routine of opening a store in Wuling City!It's just that in today's situation, let alone two hundred catties, even two thousand catties, as long as the store is busy enough, it can be delivered within an hour.

Back then, when the Wuling store opened, only a dozen catties were sent out in the whole morning; I am afraid that once such a scene is gone, it will never return.

Only [-] catties will be given away in a limited amount, so naturally they want to grab the fight!Luckily, there was a soldier from the Nanmen Battalion of the Infantry Army and a group of captains in charge of the field, otherwise the team who wanted to receive fried fish nuggets for free would not be able to line up so neatly.

Su San stood on the periphery for a while, feeling a little touched in her heart!Don't want to go in to squeeze the excitement, so I turned around and prepared to go to other places!But as soon as he turned his head and took two steps, he suddenly saw Guo De also enjoying the excitement!

Su San couldn't help being taken aback!Eunuch Qin was recovering from his injuries, and it was impossible for Guo De to walk here alone in the middle of the morning.

As soon as he looked away, he saw that the emperor was sitting at a side food stall, eating with great interest.The one accompanying him is naturally Mr. Charlie Cha, the commander of the guards!Su San turned his eyes to the crowd on the side again, and immediately found that there were many guards dressed as civilians, mixing in the crowd, surrounded by front or back, left or right.

Guo De was standing in the crowd watching the excitement, he didn't notice Su San who was so close!On the contrary, Charlie saw Su San walking back where his eyes wandered, so he whispered something in the emperor's ear!Hearing Charlie's words, the emperor turned his head slightly, smiled at Su San, and raised his hand to signal Su San to go over.

Su San thought: This is the end of the game!Originally, I wanted to dissipate and dissipate, but now I can't worry about it.

I had no choice but to pack up my mood, put on a smiling face, and shouted in surprise and surprise: "Hey, isn't this the emperor? Coincidentally! You never go out again, what is this wind that keeps you startled?" While speaking in the usual accent of Jinling people, he saluted with a smile and walked towards Zhao Pu.

This greeting not only attracted the attention of the surrounding people, but also naturally attracted the attention of Guo De!When Zhao Pu heard Su San's words, he was already in a good mood, and suddenly became a little more novel. He couldn't help following Su San's words, and said in a tone: "Ah, isn't this Ningyuan brother? Why do you have the time to hang out?"

Charlie and Guo De were ashamed when they heard the emperor called Su San his younger brother. .What kind of play is this!I only heard that some officials called me brother. When did the emperor and his ministers call him that?Although it is on this occasion, this title is too outrageous.

Su San can understand the emperor's psychology at this moment!The superior person is actually very lonely. He has been worshiped for a long time and is used to being flattered. He does this once in a while!I'm afraid the emperor's heart is both novel and happy, otherwise the emperor would not go out of the palace to play!In Zhao Pu's heart, he should long for equality, otherwise he wouldn't be so easy-going in front of him.

If it were another person, no one would dare to speak to the emperor like this; and if it were another person, the emperor would not speak like this.I am considered a special case, but I don't know when this atmosphere of speaking was formed.

However, a companion is like a tiger. Although he is so careless, he has a sense of propriety in his heart.Be careful with you, and slowly manage the atmosphere between the two, so that you won't go too far!

"That's right! I heard that this golden plaque, who remembered the emperor, specially put on a big show for three days. I thought I'd come over and have a look. If you don't come, it's okay. When I came here, I was shocked! This time There are so many people, let alone listening to the opera, it’s so far away, it’s unclear, and there’s no way to settle down! It’s still rare to have a plaque bestowed by the emperor. It is estimated that there were people crowded in front of the store last night, to see the excitement! " Ning Yuan laughed.

Zhao Pu chuckled and asked Su San to sit down beside him!Guo De on the other end also squeezed over, rubbing his hands and laughing: "It's so cold, these people can really carry it!"

"A show that doesn't cost money, it's not for nothing!" Su San smiled and Guo De said, "Besides, it's not cold when people are crowded together!"

"Brother Ning Yuan, I heard that Ren Ji will have a poetry meeting today?" Zhao Pu laughed.

Hearing Zhao Pu's question, Su San knew that the emperor wanted to go to the poetry club!

Zhao Pu could have gone there openly, but he hid here in such a hidden way, probably because he didn't want to show his face!

Su San understood Zhao Pu's thoughts, if the emperor went out of the palace in micro-clothes again and again to have fun, in anyone's eyes, it would inevitably be criticized!What's more, the last time, when the emperor left the palace, he was assassinated!How many days does this happen?

Hearing the emperor's words, Charlie kept winking at Su San!

Charlie hoped that Zhao Pu would go to Ren Ji.There are so many people outside today, if the emperor doesn't go in to serve as a secretary, let the emperor just sit outside like this, this person is coming and going, if someone sees his signs and assassins appear again, he can't afford it!

The previous assassination was vivid in his memory, and he was under a lot of pressure to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Su San naturally followed Zhao Pu's meaning with a smile and said: "There is indeed a poetry fair! If the emperor wants to go, Ning Yuan has a way, which is fresh and fun, and doesn't need to show his true face! It's just that this way is a bit noisy Outrageous, Ning Yuan dare not say!"

"Hey, come to provoke your emperor again? You really don't change your mind!" Zhao Pu chuckled, his heart was already aroused by Su San's words.Then he said, "Is there anything you dare not do? Tell me."

Su San scratched her head, and said with a smile: "Since we are going to play, we might as well play bigger and have more fun!" Su San looked at Charlie who was a little dumbfounded, and said regardless: "But the premise is: Under any circumstances, the emperor should not open his mouth to avoid revealing his identity."

Charlie only thought about Su San trying to introduce the emperor into the Renji building, but he never thought that Su San would say: If you want to play, play bigger!

These words made his heart hang up all of a sudden. If he had known this, he might as well be at ease outside.

Zhao Pu just didn't want to reveal his identity, and Su San's premise was exactly what he wanted, so he said with a smile: "It's up to you! You can arrange it. What I want you to do, without revealing your identity, you can play big! "

Seeing that Zhao Pu was so interested, Su San was worried that he would not make another mistake and end badly.Then he deliberately hooked the words back and said: "Forget it, I don't want it anymore! If someone shows his feet, it's a big crime!"

"Aren't you looking for death?" Zhao Pu was furious and threatened!

Su San hurriedly laughed and said, "It all depends on Ning Yuan's arrangements."

"It's all up to you..." Zhao Pu was impatient.

Only then did Su San introduce her plans one by one.

Not only Zhao Pu was stunned to hear this plan, but Guo De was also stunned!When Charlie heard Su San's idea, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, or a pillar, so that he could just hit him to death.

This is really a big game, this kind of gameplay, I am afraid that no emperor has ever played it.

Su San smiled and said: "Hehe, you don't need to change your clothes, there are ready-made things on the street. Whether it will be successful or not, the emperor will decide! If it is successful, Ning Yuan will have the full authority to arrange it; if it is not successful, it will be Ning Yuan who said something joke!"

Zhao Pu thought and thought, and finally couldn't bear the temper of having fun, and asked carefully: "Is it really not going to be broken?"

Su San walked over everyone carefully several times, then nodded and said, "It's not a big problem."

"Okay then, let's just go crazy for once...haha." Zhao Pu shouted excitedly. .Charlie and Guo De shrank their necks in fright, thinking: This Su San's courage is a bit too big, isn't he making such an idea?

But neither of them dared to say a word of obstruction!At this time, if anyone dared to say a word of obstruction, wouldn't it be difficult for him.

Since no one is obstructing!That matter naturally settled down like this.

According to Su San's temperament, even if the emperor wants to play again, he will not play with the emperor!But the situation is a bit different now. During this period of time, he has been in the limelight too much. Tomorrow is the Grand Court Meeting. It can be expected that there will definitely be people who want to participate in the Grand Court Meeting tomorrow.

At this time, he made the emperor happy, not just for fun!Instead, he consolidated his special relationship with the emperor.This kind of relationship, at least for the moment, can keep him through this storm smoothly.

As long as the emperor wants to protect him, then he doesn't have to worry about anything!Let's try, is it more proud of those who make the emperor happy, or those who oppose the emperor's wishes?

Speaking of which, being an emperor is good!The world can be arbitrarily determined, and you can take whatever you want.Unfortunately, in this world, there are too few people who can be emperors!

If you want to be an emperor, you must be lucky, you will be born in the royal family, and you will be the eldest son!There is no other younger brother competing for the throne, so he is naturally an emperor!Either they are unlucky, they are born and become the emperor's second son, third son, or they are simply collateral!At this time, I can only hope that all those who are qualified to inherit the throne will die, so that I can become an emperor!

The remaining people who want to be emperors have no choice but to rebel!In Su Sanlai, rebellion is a promising cause, and it is worth doing well!However, before that, where there should be a false response, you still have to make a false response!

Even if it is a rebellion, it must have soldiers in hand!

Su San and the emperor didn't mention the plan since they went to prepare, but Xu Yingming in the Renji store realized that everything was proceeding smoothly according to his plan!Naturally, I couldn't stop being happy.


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