
Chapter 322, Jing Guo Envoy Soli

Chapter 322, Envoy Suo Litu of the Kingdom of Jing

Half a year ago, he would never have imagined that he would be here and do such a great thing!But now, among the people he knows and the friends he makes, which one is not powerful, powerful and rich?It's hard to predict how life can change like this. 【】.

Looking at the excitement inside and outside the building, Xu Yingming couldn't help being touched!

The poetry meeting on the first floor has begun!Although it is broad daylight, there is no such atmosphere as poetry at night.However, many officials, large and small, have come here today, and the feudal dynasty is more important than military affairs. Who can be an official is not interested?Facing the clumsy and aggressive aura of young talents, they naturally couldn't help but want to let the young talents know their terrible thoughts.

In this way, this poetry meeting will be lively!

There is a secret fight between officials and talented scholars; officials and officials also have to compete with each other.Talented scholars are not to be outdone, excellent works come out one after another!The entire first floor is very lively!

Suddenly there was a commotion at the door!Xu Yingming heard Du Xing yelling at the door, worried that there would be no more forks, so he hurried out!Du Xing was standing in front of a person, talking loudly!

"I'm talking about Lao Suo! Are you idle and have nothing to do? It hurts. The previous scene didn't scare you! If you run out of the prison alone, you are not afraid of someone stabbing you in the back?" Du Xing carelessly talked to Lao Suo!

Seeing that the two were so familiar, Xu Yingming didn't know what their relationship was!Therefore, I hesitated, should I go forward!

Only to hear that old Suo laughingly said: "The previous one, thank you Du Yingtou for your help! But today, Lao Suo really has something to ask the prince!"

"Hey! Why don't you listen? On this occasion, what good things do you have to ask the prince! Don't talk about such useless things, if you make the prince unhappy, it will affect Lao Du's errand later." Du Xing said He stared, and shouted with his hips akimbo.

Lao Suo was not angry, he took a step forward with a smile, squeezed in front of Du Xing, handed it over, and stuffed it with a piece of silver.Then he took half a step back and smiled: "It's not a big deal if you close the door today and let us know according to our friendship? Whether you can see Lao Suo or not, that's the prince's business! What does it have to do with you?"

Du Xing glanced aside, seeing that no one saw him accepting the money, he changed his tone and said with a smile: "You, you, when is it not easy to see, but this is the time. Just wait, I will run for you personally Come on! You guys, stay safe, and no one is allowed to pass without the order of the head of the camp."

"Yes!" On both sides of the door, two rows of big soldiers standing upright shouted in unison, quite imposing!

Du Xing smiled at Lao Suo and said, "Just wait." Then he walked into Ren Ji.

Xu Yingming held Du Xing by the door and said, "Yingtou, who is this old Suo?"

Du Xing glanced outside, smiled and said: "He! His name is Solitu. An outdated Beijing envoy! He is the envoy of the Jingren in Jinling. Now the court doesn't want to see the Jingren, but they are still here If you don’t leave, you don’t know what to do.”

Xu Yingming let out an oh, followed Du Xing to the second floor, and then looked outside!I saw Solitu standing by the door with his eyes slightly closed and a docile look on his face!Inside the building is the laughter of the poetry club and the sound of poetry reciting; there is also the sound of opera singing outside the building, applauding!But the Beijing envoy didn't look away, just stood there quietly.

Xu Yingming waited for a while, and was about to turn his eyes back, when Suolitu suddenly raised his eyes and went to the door!Then follow his gaze and go out too!I saw seven or eight people with doll faces in hoods, already walking in front of the door.

That baby face is obviously a mask bought from a street stall!The eyes, nose, and mouth are all hollowed out. Children like to wear them, but few adults wear them.But today was a surprise, there were so many adults wearing baby-face masks!And it looks like it's aimed at Ren Ji.

This surprised Xu Yingming.

The gang of soldiers in front of the gate guarded the gate, seeing this group of masked people approaching, they couldn't help getting nervous!Immediately, two soldiers jumped out and shouted: "Where did they come from? Back off, this is not the place where you play. Get out!" While talking, half of the knives were drawn out!

I saw one person standing forward, cupping his hands politely, and said in a buzzing voice: "Don't be angry, you two soldiers. It is indeed a shopkeeper Xu here who invited us."

The two soldiers were taken aback!After thinking about it, it's not impossible. I heard that there are many programs prepared today, and I'm afraid it might be the theater troupe invited by shopkeeper Xu.Just as he was about to report to the building, Xu Yingming came out.The two soldiers pointed at the baby's face and said, "Master Xu, they said you invited them here?"

Xu Yingming was naturally confused, he had heard the baby face's words when he was inside the door, and he really wondered when he had invited these people.But he is vigilant, and he will never make a conclusion before asking clearly!

Therefore, Xu Yingming did not rush to deny the question of the two soldiers, but silently looked at the leading baby's face!

Seeing the doll's face, he lifted his hand to the sky, and conjured a folding fan out of thin air, opened it with a bang, and then smiled and said: "Master Xu! We arrived as promised!"

Xu Yingming raised his gaze, scared!After a long time, it turned out to be the third master.

Xu Yingming didn't think about it, why did the third master bring such a large group of people, and why did he use this method to arrive at Renji, so he quickly followed the third master's words and said with a smile: "please, please, I'm waiting for you . . ”

Seeing Xu Yingming's answer, the two soldiers relaxed and stepped aside.While leading the way, Xu Yingming said to Su San with a smile: "Where you need Yingming's cooperation, just ask for help!"

"That's the shopkeeper Lao Xu..." Su San laughed, and led Zhao Pu and others to walk past Solitu and enter Ren Ji.

Du Xing was coming down from the second floor, and when he saw such a group of dolls, he couldn't help but wondered: "Old Xu, what do these people do?"

"Oh, the juggler was specially invited by Yingming from other places."

"Oh, they were invited from other places? I said why have I never heard of it? There are also a group of quack entertainers in Jinling City who carry baby noodles! But, you have to be careful with these people! The emperor was assassinated last time, and today the prince is also assassinated." In the building, you have to be careful! Little four and five, take a few people with you, and follow this group of baby noodles, don't let them move around!" Du Xing was not worried that this group of people would really do any assassination, and Xu Ying Mingbao is there, he is very relieved!What worries him is that these gangsters don't know the rules and walk around randomly.It's not good to startle the nobleman again.

Du Xing recruited Xiao Si and Xiao Wu, so he called out to Suo Litu outside the door: "Old Suo! Come in, the prince is calling you over."


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