
Chapter 323, Marriage!

Chapter 323, Marriage!

Su San was led into the backyard by Xu Yingming, and Xu Yingming asked in a low voice, "Which song is the third master singing?"

Su San saw that he had come to the back, and the two soldiers behind were also far away, so he pulled Xu Yingming aside and said in a low voice, "Don't mess around, the emperor is behind me! The emperor wants to hide his face, it's so lively here After a while, you follow my instructions and make arrangements calmly, this one must let the emperor enjoy himself.【】" After finishing speaking, he gave a few more instructions in a low voice.

Xu Yingming was taken aback at first, but seeing the emperor in this situation, Xu Yingming felt that the emperor was just an ordinary person with nothing special, so he settled down!

Write down Su San's instructions one by one, and while nodding his head, he shouted loudly and pretendingly: "You guys rest here for a while! Wait until I have a meeting inside and tell you to come in, then come in!"

After speaking, Xu Yingming hurried back to the building in front of him, went up to the second floor first, talked with Zhou Yingying in a low voice for a while, took some things, and then walked to the Prince's side.

The prince was very happy at first, but after the curtain was unveiled, he was not very happy!

Because Narenge Rile ran to the other side of the bed and mixed with a group of women. Without Narenge Daylight on his bed, he felt that the fun was much less!It's not easy to call Narenge Rile over, so he can only hold Xu Jiangjin and talk in the bed!

However, there are constantly good poem drafts being sent up for him to comment downstairs, which is not very chatty!

There is also a small stage on the second floor!But at this time, it's not singing, but a few famous Jinling prostitutes who are used to flirting, playing the piano and singing on the top!The low-pitched singing formed a strong contrast with the noise on the first floor, but it was quite interesting.

When Xu Yingming walked to the prince's bed, the prince was talking with Suolitu with a smile. Xu Jiangjin was still sitting on the bed, and two guards from the palace stood in front of the bed.Xu Yingming called inside not far from the bed: "Prince."

Zhao Guang raised his head and smiled at Xu Yingming, but didn't speak!

Xu Yingming laughed and said, "Yingming hired a troupe of performers from other places! Do you want to reward the crown prince?"

"Actors? Good!" Zhao Guangzheng felt that it was natural for him to agree!

"However, the space on the second floor is a bit small, so we can only perform on the first floor. After a while, please ask the prince to move to the fence to watch!" Xu Yingming laughed.

"Okay, you can arrange to go." Zhao Guang smiled, Xu Yingming went downstairs, and then said to Suolitu: "If you have something to say, just say it! So many good things have been said, so many circles, a little I didn't talk about the business, I don't have the time to listen to you grinding your teeth!"

Suo Litu hurriedly laughed and said: "My Prince Wanyan Chu sent an envoy to seal the day before yesterday, and he brought a lot of gifts, and entrusted his ministers to give them to Princess Naren! The ministers are here to ask His Majesty the Crown Prince to allow the ministers to meet with Naren Princess'."

Zhao Guang frowned, and said in an extremely uncomfortable manner: "Wan Yanchu? Why hasn't this prince heard that there is such a prince in your capital?"

Suo Litu laughed and said: "Prince Chu is the fifth son of my king! He is handsome and charming. Recently, I heard that Princess Narenge Rile is both talented and beautiful. I also found that Princess Naren is visiting the country. That's why foreign ministers came in to offer gifts."

Zhao Guang didn't know where the jealousy came from, and he said in a rough voice: "Got it! I'll tell Princess Naren later. As for whether she will see you or not, and whether she will accept Yan Chu's gift, that's fine." It's not something the crown prince can control!"

Suo Litu still smiled and said, "Didn't Princess Naren also come today? Please, the crown prince, please allow the foreign ministers to show love to Princess Naren in person, to show Prince Chu's love for her!"

Zhao Guang regretted so much, why did he let Suolitu in!Isn't this a disappointment?

Then he said with a cold face: "You are also an envoy of a country? Princess Naren is meeting guests over there, and a bunch of girls are there. Even the prince can't go and disturb you. You don't know anything! Besides, what is the occasion today? ? Is it time to say something like this?"

Sorritu was stunned!It seems that he doesn't care about Zhao Guang's accusation!It seemed that he had thought carefully about what Zhao Guang said, 'it's not the time to talk about such things'.

"It seems that it is not good to say it on this occasion, so please ask His Majesty the Prince to help the foreign minister to present it." Suo Litu said.

Zhao Guang nodded impatiently and said, "Is there anything else?"

"It's gone! Oh, the foreigner is leaving." Suo Litu seemed to realize Zhao Guang's impatience, got out of bed hastily, bowed and retreated downstairs. .

Xu Jiangjin went to Solitu and retreated, a little puzzled and said: "It's a bit strange!"

Seeing Xu Jiangjin muttering to himself, Zhao Guang looked back and asked, "What's so strange?"

Xu Jiangjin hurriedly replied: "Solitu, isn't it strange to go to the prince to say these things today? Wan Yanchu's desire to get close to Naren has nothing to do with the prince. Why did he ask the prince to talk about this matter?" thing?"

"What's so strange about this? Since Suolitu knows that Princess Naren is in Jinling, he should also know that Princess Naren is in charge of taking care of her! How could it be possible for him to see Naren without the Crown Prince nodding his head?" Zhao Guang said disapprovingly.

"Although you say that! But there is really no chance at all? The news of Na Ren in Jinling is now known to everyone. In the future, Na Ren will move more and more freely. Solitu only needs to wait for a while, and he will definitely be able to find someone who is compatible with him." A chance to meet Na Ren!"

"So what? Even if Suo Litu met Na Ren in private, can he still hide it from my grandfather? Instead of sneaking around, it's better to tell the prince openly! In this way, if the prince deliberately obstructs, it will This is probably the real intention of Suolitu!" Zhao Guang felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Xu Jiangjin couldn't refute any reason for a while!In fact, what the prince said is very reasonable!But Xu Jiangjin still felt that Suolitu's meaning was not so simple. He always felt that he made a special trip here just to say these few words, and his purpose was not simple!

Could it be that Suo Litu knew that the prince Zhao Guang had a crush on Na Ren, so he deliberately came to take Yan Chu to make things difficult for the prince?

If so, isn't that too childish?It shouldn't be like this!

Could it be that the people in Beijing really want to marry Yuanren?

One is the prince of the Jing country, and the other is the princess of the Yuan country; Suo Litu will boldly raise this matter tomorrow, will he just want to spread the news, and use this news to convey a good friend signal to the Yuan people?

It's just that this move is too far away, right?

If the people in Beijing really want to marry the original people, they should send envoys to go directly to the original country!It doesn't make sense to play this fancy intestines here!Moreover, he made such an announcement today, and when the news spreads later, wouldn't the imperial court be vigilant?

Didn't the people in Beijing force the imperial court to sing a play about marrying the original people?

The Yuanren and the imperial court are at a critical moment for negotiating alliances!In order to show the sincerity of the alliance, Yuanren will never block the marriage!At least, the resistance of the court to marry the original people is much smaller than the negative force of the marriage between the people of Beijing and the original people.

That being the case, at this moment, if Suo Litu said such a thing, wouldn't it be a reminder to the court to marry Yuanren?Forge a more stable alliance?Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?Or, did the people of Jing Guo not take this into account?

Xu Jiangjin was a little confused!

He vaguely felt that he could think of this, and the people of Jing should also think of it; since the people of Jing can think of this, they shouldn't have such stupid tricks!In other words, this is not a stupid trick at all, but, the people of Jing country have already sent peace envoys to Yuan country!What does Sorritu mean by coming today, just to demonstrate?

With a sudden heartbeat, Xu Jiangjin couldn't sit still. If the people in Beijing really wanted to marry the original people, then the country would be in danger!Xu Jiangjin immediately told Zhao Guang what was on his mind.

After hearing Xu Jiangjin's words, Zhao Guang couldn't help but turn pale!

The reason why Zhao Guang turned pale was not that if the two countries of Beijing and Yuan were really married, the alliance between Feng and Yuan would naturally be disintegrated, and the situation of Feng and Yuan would be in jeopardy.

What he cared about was: How could such a lovely beauty as Narenge Rile marry Jingguo's perfect Yanchu!

Xu Jiangjin saw that Zhao Guang looked a little lost, and regretted that he had spoken too bluntly. After all, these were his guesses!Perhaps this is just a cover-up used by the people of Beijing to confuse the court.When everyone thinks that Jingyuan has reached an alliance, maybe they are still in the process of intensively.

"Prince, don't worry! Although this is not a small matter, but don't be in a hurry. Stay here and end here. What can Xiang Wu do?"

When Zhao Guang heard Wu Taiming's name, he finally settled down!With a calm expression, he asked eagerly: "People from Beijing can marry Yuanren, so can we! Immediately send a marriage envoy... No, directly send someone to send a letter to Sheng Lao, asking Sheng Lao to propose marriage to Yuanren."

Xu Jiangjin hurriedly appeased the prince and said, "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

"Is there any good plan? Isn't the conspiracy of the Beijing people clearly revealed? Let's do it like this." Zhao Guang eagerly wanted to settle this matter!

"Don't be in a hurry, my lord! The first thing is to get the approval of the emperor to spread the letter; Brother." Xu Jiangjin glanced at King Wu who was opposite him.

Zhao Guang was about to speak.

Xu Jiangjin added another sentence: "Whoever is nominated to make peace with the original person clearly shows that who is more important in the emperor's heart! It also clearly shows that who is more likely to be the candidate to inherit the throne. Wu It is impossible for the king not to fight... If we were not prepared and suddenly brought up this matter, and the king of Wu calmed down, wouldn't the crown prince make the emperor difficult?"

Zhao Guang kept rolling his eyes back and forth, finally calmed down, and said softly, "That."

"Let's discuss first, and then suddenly propose that before Zhao Yun knows about it and it's too late to make arrangements, let's settle the matter completely."

"Okay! Let's do it like this." Zhao Guang patted the table lightly, almost standing up.


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