
Chapter 324, 3 Durban!

Chapter 324, Sande Class!

King Wu cast a glance, saw that Suolitu had come out from Zhao Guang, and went downstairs hastily. 【】He didn't even look at himself, and couldn't help but burst into flames!This is too disrespectful to himself, the King of Wu.

At this time, Mo Shaohua was sitting opposite Zhao Yun!Although Mo Shaohua saw Zhao Yun's expression was a little angry, but he didn't seem to see Zhao Yun's expression.

He doesn't care about the matters between King Wu and the prince, he is only interested in the plate of fried fish on the table now!

This is a good thing. It looks good and tastes good. It is even more exciting to eat it with sauce!No wonder it made such a big scene, it is really a good thing worth eating!I heard that in Wuling, as long as there is wine, every table must have a plate of these golden fish nuggets, otherwise it will not be like a banquet.

Tut tut, delicious.

Zhao Yun was still angry, so he also picked up a piece of fried fish, looked away, glanced at Mo Shaohua while eating, and then said slowly: "I heard that a few days ago, a group of idlers surrounded the courtyard of the people in Beijing. ? This Suo Litu is bold, and even sprinted outside when the wind blows."

Mo Shaohua is a character, he jumped from an official to a military position, and stayed in the position of the chief patrol of the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army for six years!And he stayed still, so I have to say that this person has some skills.The Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army, with a total of zero and zero people, although there are only more than 5000 people, they hold the key points of the entire Jinling City!Since ancient times, there have been vacancies for first-class and first-class important positions.

The person sitting in this position is at the top of Zhao Yun's list of wooing.Therefore, in front of Mo Shaohua, Zhao Yun did not put on any airs of King Wu.

When Mo Shaohua saw Zhao Yun talking about Suolitu, he said calmly: "This Suolitu looks simple and evil! He is actually a slippery guy. He will never go out to make a fuss at the risk of a reason. "When Mo Shaohua said this, he stopped.

Zhao Yun's heart moved, and many thoughts turned in his mind, but he could no longer guess the purpose of Solitu's visit.He knew that Mo Shaohua was unlikely to be able to guess it. Even if Mo Shaohua could guess it, he probably wouldn't say it clearly. After all, Mo Shaohua had been indifferent to him these past few years.Neither draw close to oneself nor alienate oneself.Then he changed the subject and started discussing the fried fish nuggets with Mo Shaohua.

It was the first time for Zhao Yun to taste this fried fish nugget, and after a few bites, it was quite smooth!The key is this taste, it always feels familiar when you eat it, but you can be sure that it is definitely not any kind of food that you have eaten before!This kind of rich aroma and chewy texture is perfect for drinking.

Speaking of fried fish nuggets, Mo Shaohua also became interested, and he ate another piece before laughing: "Before coming, Shaohua made a special trip to learn about this fried fish nuggets! I heard that this small fried fish nuggets , There are many types. The fried fish pieces impregnated with different medicinal materials should have different effects! And this sauce is also particular, some women eat it, and some men eat it; There seems to be a saying about eating three things."

"Oh, so there are so many stories in it? Shaohua told Zhao Yun." Zhao Yun asked with interest.

Mo Shaohua was about to explain in detail when he heard a gong downstairs.All the people on the first floor fell silent, and Xu Yingming's voice sounded on the first floor: "Good poems will come out slowly, all talented scholars, poets, officials, and officials should rest their minds first. In order to thank you all for your appreciation, our shop specially invites you to Here comes the famous 'San De Ban'! It is said that this 'San De Ban' is capable of everything, can, can fight, can speak and sing, even mysterious juggling, and is easy to grasp!"

As Xu Yingming spoke, he pointed to his side and invited four people wearing doll-head masks.

Someone on the first floor laughed and said, "'San De Ban'? I haven't heard of it!"

Someone else followed suit: "Nengwu, that's easy to say! Jianghu men, everyone has two hands; it's easy to say juggling, after all, they rely on this for a living; talking and singing, that's an instinctive business! But it's possible? Isn't it true? A little better? Isn’t this comparing with us, haha.”

Everyone laughed.

Xu Yingming smiled at the crowd and said: "I don't know about this wise man. If you are interested, feel free to give them a try. Please!" Xu Yingming asked the four people from the 'San De Class' to stand still in front of them. Body, dodge aside.

The four people in the San De class are naturally Zhao Pu, Guo De, Charlie and Su San!Zhao Pu played with his heart, Su San played with Zhao Pu, Guo De carefully waited for Zhao Pu to play, and Charlie bit the bullet and watched Zhao Pu play.

As soon as this occasion unfolds, it is natural that Su San, who came up with this idea, bears the brunt of it!

Standing at the very front of the first floor, there are crowds of people in front, and heads crowded upstairs!Zhao Guang and Zhao Yun sat on both ends of the fence, and they both sat behind the fence, let's go down!

Those who can sit upstairs are all expensive if they are not relatives!Su San took a glance, only to see that women were much more crowded, all pointing at the appearances of the four of them, laughing and talking, it was very lively.

Su San stood one step forward, unlike the artists who are used to running around the rivers and lakes, just open their mouths!Instead, she stood there quietly, and when the doll turned its head, it actually suppressed the noise in the building!

Don't speak yet, but slowly fold up the two sleeves slowly!Without saying a word, he spread out his hands and gave them back and forth to everyone, then quickly raised his hand, grabbed the upper right space of himself, and grabbed a hairpin out of thin air.

Everyone was shocked!

I know that I am becoming a juggler, but the juggler is obviously very experienced, and he is very skilled in controlling the scene!

As soon as he started, he suppressed the scene first, and inadvertently, it came like this.Although in the business of juggling, this is not a very brilliant trick, but it is simple and neat!As far as the feeling of the scene is concerned, it can't be regarded as bad!

Therefore, several young students shouted 'OK' in unison!

The few students in Jinling Mansion, the young students who were applauded when they saw them, were all from outside, country boys who hadn't seen the world. .They couldn't help staring straight at them!It made these young people who were applauded feel a little embarrassed!

Su San held the hairpin in his hand, but he didn't lower it!Instead, he glanced at everyone, and said in a different voice: "This hairpin is an object on the head of a girl at the scene. If you want to go back, just give it a shot!"

When everyone heard what Su San said, they were startled again, and quickly moved towards Su San's hand, seeing that the hairpin was indeed a woman's shape, they all moved towards the woman's head, and even more bold talents took this opportunity to boldly Heading upstairs, I looked at it openly!

Narenge Rile just heard Zhao Guang ask her if she knew Wan Yanchu from Jingguo!I was wondering in my heart whether Suolitu came to see Zhao Guang just now had something to do with Wan Yanchu!

I vaguely seemed to have guessed something in my heart, and when I was about to think about it, I heard Zhao Qian who was beside me yell!It startled her a lot, and she hurriedly looked at Zhao Qian, not knowing what happened!

"Then, isn't that my hairpin?" Zhao Qian exclaimed with wide eyes, touching the top of her head with one hand, and pointing at the hairpin in Su San's hand downstairs with the other.It was like seeing a ghost.


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