
Chapter 325, Charlie Performs Martial Arts!

Chapter 325, Charlie Performs Martial Arts!

Although Narenge Rile didn't pay too much attention to the new San De class downstairs!But being bluffed by Zhao Qian like this, she also looked curious!I picked up Zhao Qian, and picked up the hairpin in the hands of the doll-faced juggler. I vaguely felt that it was indeed in the shape of Zhao Qian's head hook. 【】I knew that this juggling trick must be fake, but I couldn't figure out how the hairpin on Zhao Qian's head got into the hands of the juggler.

With such a long distance, there is no possibility of collusion, and it is impossible for Zhao Qian to collude with this sandeban!There are some ways.

Zhao Guang also had a look of astonishment on his face. He stood up and asked Zhao Qian with his head turned away from Na Renge Rile! "Aren't you wrong?"

Zhao Qian said: "It's true that one hairpin is missing! I remember wearing two hairpins, but I don't know if it's just mine or not."

Zhao Yun said to the guard beside him: "Take it and show it to Princess Heyi!"

The guards around Zhao Yun all ran downstairs!

This turn of events bluffed everyone downstairs!It is one kind of skill to be able to change hairpins; but it is another kind of skill to be able to change the hairpins on the princess's head into one's hands after such a long distance!If true, this is too amazing.

The guard took the hairpin from Su San's hand, and ran upstairs through the passage made aside by everyone. .Then I heard the princess on the second floor shouting: "Ah! This, this is really my hairpin! How is this possible?"

Zhao Qian held the hairpin and stared blankly at Su San.

Su San ignored Zhao Qian's startled question!Instead, Shi Shiran made a group bow to everyone, and then said with a smile: "Show yourself! Today, San Deban borrowed Ren Ji's treasure land to perform for everyone. Seeing you in the hatchback is considered fate! As the saying goes, if you stretch out your hand on the stage, you will live ten years off the stage. It took a lot of effort to get it here and perform again! Whether it is good or not, of course, everyone has the final say, but as long as everyone goes to a good place , Don’t forget to say hello, then the Sandeban is considered to have accepted everyone’s love! The reason why the Sandeban is called the Sandeban is because there are arts, martial arts, and virtue! Martial arts are all proficient in all three. "

Su San wanted to say this on purpose. Seeing that everyone in the audience was about to make a fuss, Su San immediately said: "Everyone, don't be in a hurry to comment, whether you are proficient or not, and let San Deban stretch out his hand, then let's go." I know." As he said, he scratched at the sky again.

But it was a silver ticket in one hand.

Everyone was startled, and several of them immediately went to take out the bank notes in their pockets, for fear that their notes would be touched. .It was a false alarm!

But Xu shopkeeper of Ren Ji suddenly yelled: "Oh, my bank note."

Su San laughed and said, "No, no, the 500 taels belonged to you a moment ago, but now it belongs to San Deban! Shopkeeper Xu said that as long as he doesn't mess up the show, he is willing to pay 500 taels?"

"I've said that before, but you've just started, who can guarantee that you won't act badly?" Xu Yingming said against Su San.

"Haha.. The performance of the Sande class is successful once, and it has never failed!" Su San said this with confidence!It's true that I haven't messed up the scene, because today is the first time to perform it. "Yes, it's Wu, and it's art. You can pick it today! Second child, show me your skills."

The second child is Charlie!

Hearing Su San's order, Charlie didn't make a sound, and took two steps to the side gently, and walked to a table.I don't see how lucky Charlie was, he just patted the table casually with his hand, then turned around and walked back, no!

It wasn't until Charlie came back and stood still behind Su San that he heard the table "crash" and the cups and plates on the table shattered all over the floor!

King Wu couldn't help being a little speechless when he saw that the second child had such force!This San De class is really unusual.

Seeing this scene in front of the door, Du Xing yelled somewhat disconvinced: "I'm afraid he did something wrong on the table."

After hearing Du Xing's words, everyone went to check the table, only to find that the cut was broken abruptly, and they didn't do anything else.

Du Xing was born in martial arts, he thought to himself: If he has such force, how can he be a performer in the theater troupe.He refused to believe it, and shouted: "Okay, Master Du will come to learn today, how proficient in martial arts can you be, who is proficient in everything in the San De class?"

As soon as the crowd got out of the way, Du Xing rushed over aggressively!

Charlie is very familiar with Duchenne's skills!He was originally from the guard camp, but his fiery temper after so many years still can't be changed.Coming to Mo Shaohua didn't give him any trouble!If so, then don't hold back.

King Wu smiled at Mo Shaohua and said: "The tone of this San Deban is really crazy! However, this person's kung fu is not fake, Du Xing is yours, you are familiar with it! According to you, does Du Xing have a chance of winning?" ?”

Mo Shaohua smiled conceitedly and said: "If Du Xing has no chance of winning, then there will be no opponent for him in the entire Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army!" Xing will not lose.

When everyone on the first floor saw Du Xing rushing over, they backed up together to make room for a small space!Su San also led Zhao Puguo back, but said loudly to Charlie: "Today is the grand opening day of Ren Ji, just show your hands."

There was a booing from the building!I have seen a team that begs for favors, but I have never seen such an arrogant team.How can you speak so full?Isn't this intentional to turn people's anger upwards?It shouldn't be called Sande class, it should be called bullshit class!

After hearing Su San's words, Du Xing snorted coldly and said, "If you lose in the San De class, put down the 500 taels and get out!"

After listening to Du Xing's words, Su San came to a sudden realization!I dare say that Su San and Xu Yingming sang a double reed here, but Du Xing felt that Xu Yingming was not willing to pay the 500 taels, so it was to help Xu Yingming find a place.

Enlightenment is enlightenment, but Su San will not let go of this opportunity to confront, and said with a smile: "Then if San Deban can't get out, then what will this Master Du do?"

Du Xing patted his chest and said: "If Master Du loses, Master Du, get out!"

"Okay! Master Du is a man, if you lose in the San Deban, get out, let go of the 500 taels, and the San De Ban will pay you another 500 taels! If you lose, Master Du, you just need to get out. Hehe." Su San smiled softly.

"Who wants to take advantage of your troupe! If Master Du and I lose, I will pay you 500 taels!" Du Xing said with his neck straightened.

Xu Yingming heard it from the side, and hurried forward and said: "The Sande class is too crazy, I am very grateful to Master Du for taking care of their temper! But no matter whether you win or lose, matters involving money should be done by anyone. Remember the beginning and the end! There is no need to talk about Master Du paying for it himself." After finishing speaking, he took out 500 taels of silver and slapped it on the table, saying, "Master Du, you can fight boldly! Everyone welcomes you."

Charlie glanced at Xu Yingming, and thought: This shopkeeper of Renji is a character, and he really spared no effort to provoke.But there is no one with brighter eyes in the crowd?Since it's a troupe that travels the rivers and lakes, it doesn't talk about harmony to make money, and it doesn't try to amuse people. Instead, it just makes people feel angry when they come up. Is there such a troupe?How come no one suspects it?

Everyone really didn't have Charlie's thoughts!

In fact, Charlie is a bystander, while the others are fans of the authorities!Everyone at the scene was shocked by Su San's two grabs and Charlie's palm!When I didn't think about it at all, I was aroused by Su San's few words. How could I think about it? The theater troupe should be performing for them in a down-to-earth manner, and they are not here to set them up and challenge them to compete , Squeezing them to raise the bar.

Therefore, all of them went crazy, and encouraged Du Xing: "Master Du, give this kid a shot! Let the grass-roots team from these small places know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is."

Du Xing obviously forgot Charlie's slap on the table just now, and he was a little flattered by the praise of everyone in the audience!Then he cupped his hands to Charlie and said, "Please!"

Charlie didn't speak, but cupped his hands as a response!

"Do you want to take off this doll's head? Don't lose and blame the cover for getting in the way! When you fight, the master's fists don't recognize anyone." Du Xing laughed.

Charlie posed quietly and ignored Duchenne!Although he knew Du Xing's ability from the bottom up, but after suffering Su San's loss last time, he refused to underestimate any opponent, so he used all his energy!

Seeing that Charlie behaved calmly, Du Xing was not moved by his words!I don't know Charlie's facial expression, so I can't be sure what kind of state this person is in!So I was also careful!

Since he can claim to be number one in martial arts in the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army, it is not for nothing!His martial arts are naturally extraordinary!Therefore, he is confident that he will not lose against a man who buys art in the world. .

"Be careful..." Du Xing yelled, gathered strength in his fists, and rushed forward!

Charlie recognized that this was Duchenne's usual Meteor Fist!

This Meteor Fist is fine if you don't hit it, once you hit it, every punch is as tight as a punch!Not only is the fight vigorous, very good and imposing, but it also has its own disadvantages!The most terrible thing is that the pressure of this punch is as tight as a punch!

But before the great success, this boxing method is a bit inferior!To put it bluntly, it just looks better.

However, Du Xing is somewhat successful in this set of boxing techniques!If someone whose skill is not as good as his, or someone who is similar, it will be quite difficult for him to deal with this set of boxing techniques, and if he is not careful, he will suffer a big loss.

But what about Charlie!This punch is not enough.Because, Charlie clearly grasped the fatal aspect of this boxing technique!

As long as this set of boxing can hit people well and have great strength, the more you hit, the more harmful you will be!Conversely, that is, the farther forward, the less powerful the punch is, especially the first punch at the beginning, which is the least powerful. . .

Because, all changes in Meteor Fist must start from this first punch.

Since the vast majority of people don't use their full strength in the first few moves, they will miss Duchenne's weakest point.

But today, Du Xing met someone who is a level above him and who knows the key points of his boxing skills well, this can only be considered as Du Xing's bad luck!If the two faced each other with their true faces, Du Xing would not have stretched out his hand at all.

Just now. . .Hey, brother Du, I'm sorry, if it's normal, I'll let you, at least wait until you get some big wins, and then beat you by a narrow margin.It's just that on today's occasion, what Su San is asking for is a complete victory, and the emperor is watching here again!

I have newly defeated Su San, if I fight with brother Du again, I will disappoint the emperor too much.

I'm sorry, bro!


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