
Chapter 327, The Emperor's Speech!

Chapter 327, The Emperor Acts! (two)

In fact, this framework is a pre-determined design, although there is no agreement to say anything specific, but the meaning of cooperation, Su San has already confessed!Even Ji Lao delivered the news. 【】However, to Mr. Ji, it cannot be said that the emperor wants to play, but that the emperor wants to compare the poems of a group of talents!Otherwise, if Mr. Ji wanted to put on the face of a saint, the emperor's face would not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, Mr. Ji knew that Su San would not be so nonsense again, so he naturally thought that the emperor was afraid that he would not get real news in the deep palace, so he came up with such a way to conduct an on-the-spot investigation on a group of talents!Therefore, they are naturally very willing to cooperate.

That is to say, as long as Ji Lao makes the rules, the upcoming performance must be within the controllable range!

Du Xing saw that Mr. Ji was discussing with several people how to act, so he pulled Xu Yingming aside who was fine, and asked in a low voice the reason for what he said just now!

Because Xu Yingming wanted to get married with Du Xing, he whispered the reason in his ear!Du Xing was taken aback when he heard this, his eyes were on the faces of these three dolls in San Deban, and he came and went, so he naturally guessed which one was the right one!He couldn't help but said to Xu Yingming: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, it would embarrass me to go up! I'm no match for Lao Cha!"

"It's too early to say it now! And I shouldn't have said this in the first place! If the emperor finds out, the blame is not small! Master Du, please don't let your word out, or you will harm Yingming! In fact, Yingming If I had known that Mr. Du would be more serious than this, I would have known Mr. Du! However, Mr. Du don’t have to worry about it. Although you lost, you lost straightforwardly. The emperor saw you there, and I can only appreciate it."

"Haha, that's true! However, you should take care of this in time, Old Xu, otherwise Du will not be able to step down now! Don't worry, I will take care of this matter and let no one talk about it!" The cold sweat came out.My mother-in-law, if I played wild and played tricks just now, and annoyed the emperor, it will be considered over now.Fortunately, fortunately. .

However, I still have to blame Lao Zha for being so ruthless!In order to show his face in front of the emperor, he stepped on himself so hard, it was really inhumane!Can't you give your brother a long face?

Upstairs, Zhao Guang smiled at the thoughtful Narenge Rile and said, "Leave aside the arrogance of the San Deban. Just talking about the success of that person's arrest is really a bit of a headache." I just don’t know if this person has any other tricks, if he just grabs here and there, it seems a bit monotonous.”

Naren Gerile smiled and said, "Hmm! It seems a bit monotonous."

Narenge Rile was a little absent-minded, because her mind must be thinking about what Suo Litu posted just now!

She clearly knew that Suo Litu mentioned Wan Yanchu in front of Zhao Guang, and she must have an inseparable connection with her!Otherwise, Zhao Guang wouldn't immediately ask himself if he knew Yan Chu's words after Suolitu and Zhao Guang mentioned Yan Chu!

But why did Suolitu mention Wan Yanchu in front of Zhao Guang?Although she has no idea yet, she knows that Suolitu is not an easy person!So, although the performance downstairs attracted everyone's attention, it didn't attract her full attention!Because if she doesn't know what Solitu's purpose is, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

On the other side of the second floor, King Wu smiled at Mo Shaohua, who had an uneasy expression on his face, and said, "What? Are you unhappy? Your subordinates were dealt with within two moves, are you unhappy?"

But Mo Shaohua shook his head, and said to Wu Wang: "Shaohua was thinking, he knocked Du Xing, the No. 1 martial artist of the Ninth Battalion of the Infantry Army, into the air in just one or two moves! This man's martial arts can be considered extremely good." It's gone."

"It's natural."

"That such a remarkable person stays in the troupe, doesn't King Wu find it strange?"

Zhao Yun was stunned!

Mo Shaohua said again: "Shaohua is the chief patrol officer of the Nine Cities of Jinling, and the big and small things in Jinling can never be hidden from Shaohua's ears. Shaohua has never heard of this Sande class before, and Shaohua is very curious. , How could this San De class appear out of thin air?"

"Shaohua mean that the Sande class is suspicious?" Zhao Yun could hear the meaning in Mo Shaohua's words.

"Suspicious or not, I can't even talk about it! After all, they are only those few people, and they were invited by Ren Ji. It just feels a little weird, and it feels different from other troupes."

Mo Shaohua looked at the baby faces on the platform on the first floor, and wondered who might be behind these masks?

Could it be that Ren Ji invited the strange talents on purpose, and let them sing such a confrontation in the building on purpose, deliberately creating some atmosphere and creating some excitement?

After thinking about it carefully, and then thinking about the performance of the relevant personnel before and after, it turned out that the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it should be so!A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that there was a play outside the play!This Xu Yingming really took great pains!

Just as he was thinking about it, Elder Ji had already established the rules over there!

The rules are simple: whoever claims to be Master Huang, write a poem!The guests in the building also write a poem!The poems on both sides were handed over to Ji Lao, who first compared the words of the two poems, and then compared the poems of the two poems!Only the winner of words and poems is the final winner!

This rule is indeed very simple and practical, and Ji Lao is also qualified to make such a judgment, so naturally everyone will not object.

Mr. Ji said that the rules were laid down, and someone over there began to prepare the Four Treasures of the House!First, a small table was set up in front of Master Huang of the Sandeban, covered with pens and inks!Immediately afterwards, the store clerk set up a table among all the talents!

There was an impatient gifted scholar who thought that his own words and poems were good, so he rushed to record a few poems and handed them over to Mr. Ji!

Because there is only one song left, so Ji Lao didn't speak!After receiving the poem manuscript, he carefully glanced at it and compared a few poems in his hand.Not the content of the poems first, just the words, but the words of these poems couldn't catch his eyes!

Ji Lao himself is a great calligrapher, so Yu's childish brushwork can be seen at a glance.So I only picked the one with a slightly better first word and kept it at hand!

Master Huang held his hands behind his back, and didn't hold a pen, as if he wanted to wait for the talented scholars to choose the best one before starting.

Then there is a talented scholar who writes a few words well, I can't help it!He also stepped forward to show his hand.

Ji Lao put some thought into these poems this time, picking and choosing, but still only words, but he picked out a good one!Then other poems, including those selected in the previous round, were typed.

Everyone Jilao didn't say a word, and the words he picked out were not given to everyone, just pick the best ones!Although they didn't have any opinions, everyone didn't dare to do anything casually anymore. There are so many people comparing words together, and Mr. Ji only picks one, which will definitely suppress many people.Therefore, they all went to the desk.They all went to the so-called Master Huang.

Zhao Pu saw that everyone was betting on him!Can't help being happy.To receive such attention without the name of the emperor is an experience that he has never experienced since he was born.Therefore, his heart is both novelty and joy!

So he picked up his pen, exerted his greatest strength, and wrote a poem intentionally.

The reason why Mr. Ji set the rule of writing first and then poetry!That is of course because Zhao Pu is also a master of calligraphy.This rule is the most beneficial to Zhao Pu.

Zhao Pu has intensively researched all kinds of fonts in the previous dynasty, and he is also very innovative in calligraphy!The handwriting is beautiful and perfect, even in the eyes of calligraphy, everyone can only appreciate it.

So when Zhao Pu finished writing, he handed over the manuscript to Ji Lao!With just one glance, Mr. Ji typed up the poem draft left by the gifted scholar just now!But they still didn't give the poems written by Zhao Pu to everyone, which made everyone feel agitated, and the voices of talking and laughing became much quieter.

Seeing that no one dared to show their hand, everyone was anxious!I don't want to be compared by this baby noodles, but I saw a person walking slowly to the table!

This person is Gao Xianxian of the Hanlin Academy.Gao Zaixian was a Jinshi in the first year of Jingyuan, and he was well-known in this dynasty.Others get a Jinshi by relying on all the talents, but he gets a Jinshi by relying on half of the talents!The other half is words!

It's really a good handwriting, even the emperor appreciated it!

Now it has been more than ten years, he is in the Hanlin Academy, polishing that calligraphy every day, he must have improved again!Naturally, it is not the same as young people.

All the talented scholars usually practice calligraphy, because they can't find the emperor's authentic handwriting!Many people took Gao Zaixian and Qin Peisong's notes as copies and studied them every day!Seeing that Gao Zaixian himself ended up in person, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved.

Gao Zaixian didn't say a word, just stood quietly behind the desk, and calmed down quietly!Today, according to Qin Yuanzheng's instructions, he came out to show his face on behalf of the Hanlin Academy, and he did not expect such an accident to happen.Seeing that the so-called master Huang in the San De class compared the students' handwriting as soon as he made a move.It looks like a writer in Jinling City, this is not acceptable!

First composed a poem silently, and then steadily wrote it out with a pen.

A student had already stepped forward and handed the poem to Ji Lao!

In fact, there are not many people who have great achievements in calligraphy in this world. Whoever has good calligraphy and whose calligraphy is slightly inferior, in fact, people in the circle basically know it in their hearts!Originally, everyone thought that after Gao Xianxian's writing was put up, he could directly compare Master Huang's writing.

But Ji Lao left and right finally lowered Gao Xianxian's character, glanced at everyone and said: "If there is no better one, then I will forcefully use Mr. Gao's character!"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Xianxian's face turned red, and then turned pale again!There was an exclamation in the whole building.

Everyone can trust the justice of Ji Lao!Not to mention these young talents, they are all the officials in this building, and some of them have been trained by Mr. Ji.Naturally, Gao Zaixian did not question Ji Lao's justice, but the doll-haired Master Huang was extremely surprised, wondering what kind of person he was, and what kind of characters he wrote, and he gave all his own characters to him. Compare it.

All the talents at the scene, seeing that Gao Xianxian's words were compared, all fell silent.I don't know where to throw those smug expressions.One by one, they looked like eggplants that had been frosted.


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